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Solider Of Allh Muslim Gang Taunting Sikh Community

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Interesting video. Lets admit it. Most of our girls have loose moral character. Once we admit to the problem, we can work on the solution. In 1947 our women/girls were jumping in wells to save their honour from being disgraced at the hands of Muslims and now Sikh girls are voluntarily going out with Sullahs and saying "what's wrong with that?".

bruv ur right most our girls talk and walk like skets

but they still call them selves sikhs these girls need to wake up

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I'm not saying either. What I will say though is that muslims are not occupying my land......killing my people. When I have a foreign nation in my land....ruling over my land.....I have no time to pick meaningless quarrels with others that have done no wrong to me. My fight.....and only fight.....is with my slave masters. It is no co-incidence that it is the supporters of my slave masters that try to instigate ill-feeling and conflict between Sikhs and pakistanis. It is in their interest to do so. I play no part in it. I don't dance to my slave masters tune.

Is west Punjab not our land? where was Sikhi born? answer: Nankana Sahib. Where were most of the lands located in the Sikh state of Maharaja Ranjit Singh,answer: in Pakistan. Before partition 45%(that's almost half) of the Sikh population was located in West Punjab, but they were ethnically cleansed permanently. 1947 was ten times more bloody than 1984 in terms of Sikh lives lost. At one place you are saying not all Pakis are bad(which I agree with btw), but at the same time you say all Hindus are bad? does that make sense to you?

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Some Sikh girls are so backward, if they are going to act and dress like slags what do you expect the boy population to see that they probably say yeah if they are giving we will have it. Sometimes people have to be crul to be kind otherwise people will get taken advantage of. It's almost like if you don't have a boyfriend there is something wrong. Sikh girls are becoming too westernised frankly they bring it on themselves they go out with muslims out of their own will they take the next stage. Then later you hear oh I love him LOL are you serious immature girls. Then they come running home saying they got raped didn't you read upon your histroy what did you expect for them to give you a house and nice car.

Wake up to reality Sikh girls!!!! Less makeup and drop the attitude!

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Some Sikh girls are so backward, if they are going to act and dress like slags what do you expect the boy population to see that they probably say yeah if they are giving we will have it. Sometimes people have to be crul to be kind otherwise people will get taken advantage of. It's almost like if you don't have a boyfriend there is something wrong. Sikh girls are becoming too westernised frankly they bring it on themselves they go out with muslims out of their own will they take the next stage. Then later you hear oh I love him LOL are you serious immature girls. Then they come running home saying they got raped didn't you read upon your histroy what did you expect for them to give you a house and nice car.

Wake up to reality Sikh girls!!!! Less makeup and drop the attitude!

hahahah well put

LOL at the Muslim Panthers being interviewed with the lights out, and the sole Panjabi guy staring down the camera in daylight. :lol2:

n one muslim guys got shades on ! IN THE DARK !!!

this may be EDL propeganda

its just not in the west


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LOL at the Muslim Panthers being interviewed with the lights out, and the sole Panjabi guy staring down the camera in daylight. :lol2:

That may be funny for that time because that was 25 years ago when Sikhs were strong and Muslims were weaker. But look at today, it is Sikhs who will wear masks on you tube videos saying big words and Muslims on the other hand are fearless. They will no longer wear masks or cover their faces. Sikhs again need to become fearless. Sikhs need to be strong (mentally and physically).

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Some Sikh girls are so backward, if they are going to act and dress like slags what do you expect the boy population to see that they probably say yeah if they are giving we will have it. Sometimes people have to be crul to be kind otherwise people will get taken advantage of. It's almost like if you don't have a boyfriend there is something wrong. Sikh girls are becoming too westernised frankly they bring it on themselves they go out with muslims out of their own will they take the next stage. Then later you hear oh I love him LOL are you serious immature girls. Then they come running home saying they got raped didn't you read upon your histroy what did you expect for them to give you a house and nice car.

Wake up to reality Sikh girls!!!! Less makeup and drop the attitude!

I wouldn't really blame western society entirely. I mean, our sisters (along with our brothers, to be fair) back home in Panjab are also heavily into pre-marital relationships, sexual relations, etc., and some might argue that youth culture is the same the world over, no matter what country you're from.

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Interesting that the tone, writing style and use of punctuation in both, the so called email from the muslims and the reply from sikh unit is similar. My gut feeling tells me its fake and trouble making by the sikh unit lad, hyping himself up.

how can it be fake when the videos the soldier of allah gang members are talking about are real..theyve been seen by singhs...stop sticking ur head in the sand!

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Many Sikhs are scared of society as it is today. If an old lady got robbed in the street who do you think would help. Way back when there use to be the vaisakhi mela in smethwick high street a bunch of Muslims pulled up their car got out and starting attacking and what did the Sikhs do legged it. I mean if your under attack and someone you don't know is under attack it's every Sikhs duty man or woman to fight for justice otherwise people are going to get stepped on. It's this new generation that's evolved has made certain Sikhs weaker I mean look at some girls cry when they break a nail I mean come on you cannot be serious. We need to become stronger as a nation. Great. Women fought in battles in guru jis times, it should be an inspiration to us all.

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