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Reject Sangat Tv


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i want to boycott sangat tv, but i genuinely like some of their shows such as derby live and discovery, their live broadcasts of parkash smagam recently in hayes and baba thakur singhs barsi last year were excellent. Has anybody from sangat phoned them to discuss these recent issues and asked for an apology and explanation as to what the heck is going on??

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ive kep quite over the last week or so, i've seen many topics posted about Sangat Tv being the best of all channels, but frankly what they have done is to move 10 feet forward and then bury us underground.


They allow a muslim jaikaare to be aired across every sikh home in the country even the words spoken to become a muslim, they have now allowed a muslim lady to stain our eyes in every sikh home in the country, they allow a woman who nationally and internationally done our bezti (sonia deol) to present a show or two, they have a bigged up and bashed our faces with this giddar upinder who speaks bani tukhs left right and centre yet has no courage or sharam to wear Guru Gobind Singhs uniform (Sardari) wears a raodhswami ring on his finger, told us to give shaheedi for a sweet centre, calls Babar Khalsa rapists says that Sant Ji was the cause of 84 and the list is endless all this for a bit of live action of a looter getting arrested.

The driver of the range rover that day(very close links to badal) owns that channe,l do your research and ill think your stop your dasvandhs going to this very shoddy channel. This channel was born out of sikh channel and then sikh tv, both being skanked along the way, when you pour your indian home made tea through a sieve you will get the crap left inside thats what Sangat Tv is, Sikh channel and sikh tv being the sweet tea in the kettle playing Gurbani kirtan and katha all day.

You may assume me being anti sangat tv but thier actions will prove otherwise. Im not a supporter of any channel but sikh channels, anything that promotes Sikhi, yeh sure sikh tv and Sikh channel have made blunders but not to the disaster scale that sangat tv has EPIC DISASTER.

And before you decide to comment COOL WATER, dont.

Mandela would like you to clarify more on the owner of the station.

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ive kep quite over the last week or so, i've seen many topics posted about Sangat Tv being the best of all channels, but frankly what they have done is to move 10 feet forward and then bury us underground.


They allow a muslim jaikaare to be aired across every sikh home in the country even the words spoken to become a muslim, they have now allowed a muslim lady to stain our eyes in every sikh home in the country, they allow a woman who nationally and internationally done our bezti (sonia deol) to present a show or two, they have a bigged up and bashed our faces with this giddar upinder who speaks bani tukhs left right and centre yet has no courage or sharam to wear Guru Gobind Singhs uniform (Sardari) wears a raodhswami ring on his finger, told us to give shaheedi for a sweet centre, calls Babar Khalsa rapists says that Sant Ji was the cause of 84 and the list is endless all this for a bit of live action of a looter getting arrested.

The driver of the range rover that day(very close links to badal) owns that channe,l do your research and ill think your stop your dasvandhs going to this very shoddy channel. This channel was born out of sikh channel and then sikh tv, both being skanked along the way, when you pour your indian home made tea through a sieve you will get the crap left inside thats what Sangat Tv is, Sikh channel and sikh tv being the sweet tea in the kettle playing Gurbani kirtan and katha all day.

You may assume me being anti sangat tv but thier actions will prove otherwise. Im not a supporter of any channel but sikh channels, anything that promotes Sikhi, yeh sure sikh tv and Sikh channel have made blunders but not to the disaster scale that sangat tv has EPIC DISASTER.

And before you decide to comment COOL WATER, dont.

excellent post. lol @ crap in the seive.


-upinder cut off khalistan jaikare where as they allowed the islamic shahda to be broadcast

-ive heard he also said on facebook u dont need to wear a dastaar... the main thing is that you dont drink alchahol or eat meat etc... this is blasphemous!

-he cant shed a tear for all the kurban and shaheediya that tiar bar tiar chardi kala gursikhs and their families gave for sikhi in 70's 80's 90's yet he sheds bucket loads of tears on several occasions to the families of the three muslims that died. this makes one question where are his loyalties?

-some muslims and some sikhs have been vocal about the sikh-muslim unity being a sham, but on tv upinder attacked only the sikhs and said words to the effect of "if we dont like the channel we shouldnt watch it".... there was no similar messages to the muslims who have made coments like "sikh girls will still be a treat for muslims after ramadan" etc.

upinder has demonstrated various different ways of how he can bend over to suit the needs of the islamic ummah in birmingham. i have said before, sikhs should withdraw support from sangat tv until they publish what their long term aims and short term objectives are.

what annoys me most is, we were protecting masjids and doing aardas for the 3 muslim youths who were murdered. at this time, muslims were allowed to tell us live on sangat tv "research the life of mohammed, say the shahada [at this point they yelled the shahada, some aggressively. the shahada is what makes you muslim] and they went on to say all religious are false and islam is the 1 true religion" . the muslims then said "i have noothing else to say ... do a commercial or whetever.,.. i dont care".... upinder then thanked him for this. what the ?!?!?!

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Sangat tv are leading the sikhs as a whole into to a very dangerous trap. This whole riot coverage thing has gone to their heads and they feel very proud of themselves............but obviously this pride will get smashed sooner or later, especially with their disastrous blunders ova the last week. What has sangat tv actually done for the panth that the other sikh channels haven't????????? The channel initially started off as a channel run by the soho road jatha.........but now it seems to Be more political.


AND THAT IGNORANT DOWNINDER WAS REPLYING TO THEIR WAR CRY! When somebody shouted a jaikara NO musalman replied, yet this sell out downinder replied at almost every allah hu akbar. Then these same musalman where taking the piss by saying their war cry when somebody would say fateh aswell. I could understand if they did this on bbc or another channel BUT IT IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE for it to be aired on a SIKH channel. And well what can i say about that mogul who was allowed to tell the whole world to become muslims, again on a sikh channel!

yes sangat tv made history by being the first sikhi channel to be noticed on a worldwide level by people other than sikhs....................but it has also made history to be the first SIKH channel to allow another faith to openly preach on their channel...........well done for doing our behzti sangat tv............you should have thought about the sangat when you aired this.

How can you be preaching unity with the same people who are bent on converting the whole world to islam, the forefathers of these muslims didn't even think twice about betraying Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj.............and yet sangat tv talk about unity.................this claim from the muslims is laughable. If somebody betrays your father, you have to be a shameless dog to stand shoulder to shoulder with that person.

For a start downinder randhawa is a complete and utter disgrace to sikhs, his face just irritates me now and i feel sick when i see this sell out's face. His constant and embarrassing appeal for peace is getting annoying now, so Downinder please calm down. Thank god you do not include Singh in your name.

and Sangat TV, do not ever think or feel that you represent the view of the whole sikh nation in the UK, you are merely a projection of the views of certain individuals who are out for a name. Other weak sikhs are joining with the UNITY appeal because they are too scared to face the muslims in their everyday life, they do not want to fight or have any tension with them so they'd rather bend over and obey the muslims. These people know of the things that muslims are doing, but they are using this whole community cohesion plan as a glaze to cover reality.

Initially i had nothing but praise for sangat tv, but now with all this FAKE and forced community cohesion plan and the countless unforgivable mistakes by the channel, I have boycotted it.

To the muslims of the uk:

sangat tv is not representing the whole sikh community in the UK at all, it only represents a small sell out minority of the sikh communtiy. As a sikh of Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaaj & Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj I will never unite with muslims, never.

I'm not a racist nor do i hate muslims, but i have learned from my history not to trust muslims.

The muslims that we see today are not walking in the footsteps of bhagat fareed ji and bhai mardana ji, they walk in the footsteps of osama bin laden, aurangzeb and the countless other terrorists in the world today.

Sikh history is written with the blood of our Shaheeds, from this blood we are born and I wish to make one thing clear: I FOR ONE WILL NEVER STAND SHOULDER TO SHOULDER WITH THOSE WHO BETRAYED MY FATHER.


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excellent post by into the light.

many need to realise sarbhat da bhalla does not mean bending over and geting shafted by other communities... in a nutshell sarbhat da bhalla is wanting all of humanity to prosper and realise maharaj

we believe in tolerance and equality.... we should not diffrenciate in how we serve sikhs and non sikhs, one of guru jis 52 hukam,s says langar and prashad should be distributed equally. at the same time, just becuase we are tolerant, that doesnt mean we accept the ways of other peoples faiths as true... if this was the case there would be no sikhi... moreover gurbani sahib does not support this view either..

the highest acts in this life (in addition to honest living) is naam seva simran amritvela kirtan.

upinder had so many oppertunities to propogate the teachings of the sikh faith.... but lets be honest, he knows little to nothing about gursikhi. or he gives that impression anyway...

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I don't watch SangatTV myself and only caught some of the footage on Tuesday night, But rather than put your points across here, I think you guys should be phoning up the channel during their phone in shows and putting forward you views about how they have let the community down. On here most people understand how stupid SangatTV have been but their viewers also need to be told. Not sure if that Randhawa muppet does live call in shows but that would an ideal way to unmask him in front of the entire community.

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