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Weed, Marijuana, Cannabis


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I have recently been watching various documentaries where all the points used against weed are rebutted with good solid evidence. Now, I'm against weed, and most of the reasons I had against weed have now been proven wrong. I was wondering if there were any reasons given in Gurbani for why it was not allowed (I would also like to know if it is banned in Sikhi at all).

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If you need more explanation i am sure the Sadh Sangat will be more than happy to help you out why this is so. Marijuana basically makes you live in a false reality engrossed in maya. You forget what life is about and waste it away doing pointless things.

This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Salok Kabeer Jee on Pannaa 1377

kbIr BWg mwCulI surw pwin jo jo pRwnI KWih ]

kabeer bhaa(n)g maashhulee suraa paan jo jo praanee khaa(n)hi ||

Kabeer, those mortals who consume marijuana, fish and wine

qIrQ brq nym kIey qy sBY rswqil jWih ]233]

theerathh barath naem keeeae thae sabhai rasaathal jaa(n)hi ||233||

- no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow, they will all go to hell. ||233|


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Tilang on Pannaa 721

iqlµg mhlw 1 Gru 2

thila(n)g mehalaa 1 ghar 2

Tilang, First Mehla, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Bau qyrw BWg KlVI myrw cIqu ]

bho thaeraa bhaa(n)g khalarree maeraa cheeth ||

The Fear of You, O Lord God, is my marijuana; my consciousness is the pouch which holds it.

mY dyvwnw BieAw AqIqu ]

mai dhaevaanaa bhaeiaa atheeth ||

I have become an intoxicated hermit.

kr kwsw drsn kI BUK ]

kar kaasaa dharasan kee bhookh ||

My hands are my begging bowl; I am so hungry for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

mY dir mwgau nIqw nIq ]1]

mai dhar maago neethaa neeth ||1||

I beg at Your Door, day after day. ||1||

qau drsn kI krau smwie ]

tho dharasan kee karo samaae ||

I long for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

mY dir mwgqu BIiKAw pwie ]1] rhwau ]

mai dhar maagath bheekhiaa paae ||1|| rehaao ||

I am a beggar at Your Door - please bless me with Your charity. ||1||Pause||

kysir kusm imrgmY hrxw srb srIrI cV@xw ]

kaesar kusam miragamai haranaa sarab sareeree charrhanaa ||

Saffron, flowers, musk oil and gold embellish the bodies of all.

cMdn Bgqw joiq ienyhI srby prmlu krxw ]2]

cha(n)dhan bhagathaa joth einaehee sarabae paramal karanaa ||2||

The Lord's devotees are like sandalwood, which imparts its fragrance to everyone. ||2||

iGA pt BWfw khY n koie ]

ghia patt bhaa(n)ddaa kehai n koe ||

No one says that ghee or silk are polluted.

AYsw Bgqu vrn mih hoie ]

aisaa bhagath varan mehi hoe ||

Such is the Lord's devotee, no matter what his social status is.

qyrY nwim invy rhy ilv lwie ]

thaerai naam nivae rehae liv laae ||

Those who bow in reverence to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, remain absorbed in Your Love.

nwnk iqn dir BIiKAw pwie ]3]1]2]

naanak thin dhar bheekhiaa paae ||3||1||2||

Nanak begs for charity at their door. ||3||1||2||

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demons are the ones that consumed paan and intoxicants. simbh and nisumbh and mahikhaasur all took paan and drugs. main reason to not take it is that sikhi is all bout sontroling your mind and body and bringing everything to One. drugs n toxics make u loose sight of the Oneness. so.. thas main reason.

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The tut from the shabad of Bhagat Kabeer Ji (on page 1377) is actually about the excesses of the rich and is taken out of context, however regardless of that, coming back to the topic, absorbing any chemicals that can effect the functioning of the body adversely without benefiting the health of the individual goes against common sense.

Some people on this forum (you know who you are!!) seriously need to pick up a book on human biology and read the sections on drugs and nutrients....(oh and reading the sections on evolution and genetics wouldn't go a miss either!).

The lack of basic school-level scientific knowledge amongst some people is shocking.

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Just a general question but how does one go about learning (or realising) the context of a particular tuk or section of Gurbani? I see people on this website - quite rightly - say that one particular tuk has been misinterpreted and should not be taken literally but rather metaphorically. In another instance, some will say another tuk is to be understood literally and not metaphorically.

I just want to know how we decide.

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^^^we decide through veechaar basically.

when we do jaap of a shabad, or any kind of jaap, its function is to 'anhad vuj' the shabad. we have to know within ourselves without doubt, that the shabad is metaphorical or not.

getting there is hard enough but doing veechaar within our mun is harder. its basically like searching our feelings or reflecting within our own self. and that is easy at times, and hard too.

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The tut from the shabad of Bhagat Kabeer Ji (on page 1377) is actually about the excesses of the rich and is taken out of context, however regardless of that, coming back to the topic, absorbing any chemicals that can effect the functioning of the body adversely without benefiting the health of the individual goes against common sense.

Some people on this forum (you know who you are!!) seriously need to pick up a book on human biology and read the sections on drugs and nutrients....(oh and reading the sections on evolution and genetics wouldn't go a miss either!).

The lack of basic school-level scientific knowledge amongst some people is shocking.

i dont understand how "bhaang" and "machuli" and "sura paan" can be taken out of context. :?

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Intoxicants cause mental illnesses-

They basically tear holes in our spiritual self and weaken us alot. This leaves us open to negative energies from hell realms to basically do their work through us, influence our thoughts etc. One who has sight may see this like a demon jumping on someones shoulders attacking them or messing with their mind, due to the victims use of intoxicants. They severely hinder our progress on the path of truth.

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