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Sangat Tv Jealousy


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I watched that and thought what cheap and foolish idiots.

Another example why Sikhs can't progress together by working together. I recorded it and will try to upload onto youtube to share with everyone.

Really hope Sikh Channel retaliate to teach those nindthak's a lesson!


Is there any chance you could upload the two programmes onto youtube. That would be a great seva for those of us who missed out. I'm really interested to find out what arguements were put forward.

Many Thanks

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Why have Sangat TV waited until the campaign started to gain momentum that they decided to derail it. Come on Sangat TV how low can you go. It must really be hurting you if can spend two whole evenings knocking Sikh Channel.

Shame, shame on you, is this all you are good for. I am very saddened to see this.

I will be representing my dastaar on dastaar day as I hope thousands of others will.

Putting doubt in viewers minds, you will never be forgiven for this. Sangat TV please read about how the Sikh Raj was finished by the treachery of the Dogra's.....are you the modern day Dogra's ?????

Grow up and start to act like a Sikhi based channel with Ekta in your heart, what are you going to achieve by slandering and confusing viewers all across Europe.

For the last 10 years we have had increased discrimination because of 9-11, we have to stand up and protest. You keep saying that protest is a last resort and we have not exhausted all avenues. Please tell me what avenues are left. Everybody has tried and we have not got very far in 10 years. Now we have europe wide unity and we have a voice and coordination and you are trying to stop us having a voice.

Well said Angrez!

I have been a member of this forum for a numnber of years. I have hardly posted my views over this time, but what has happened over the last few days has really made my blood boil!

That waste of space Rana needs to be bought in front of the Sadh Sangat and questioned with regards to his motives.

All he kept on saying yesterday was that Sikh media channels should present news and news only. What the hell have they been doing for the last 2 days?? Slandering others is not presenting news!!

I am sure that Rana is an Indian Government employee. I have heard that there is proof out there that he has been paid by the Government of India in the past??

I myself like to travel the world, whether it is for business or for pleasure, and up until the last 2 years I had never thought that me wearing a dastaar would be an issue. I have to think twice before booking any trips as I do not want to go to countries where my Dastaar will be abused!

Sangat TV have got it in their heads that it is not an issue for Sikhs in the UK and if we stand up for our brothers and sisters who live in Europe we might be causing problems for ourselves - Does Sangat TV think that by showing a UK passport we will be let through the security checks??


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I have said this before and I repeat, Rana has always proved himself to be pro badal. I remember when he used to come on sikh channel he always used to interrupt people saying things against Badal. And it was him who hosted shows with Badal's UK party people like Sangha and Balihar Singh Ramewal. He always gave them free space to talk. He presents himself to be a great historian but what he is really doing is using his knowledge of sikhi and history to gain credibility and help his masters.

Regarding the latest fiasco. I have very simple questions for Rana or Sangat TV:

1. Dastar issue has been advertised on sikh channel for months now. Where were they earlier?

2. Rana says calling dastaar day D day is dis respectfull to Dastar as the name is cut short. Its such a lame excuse. Why is Damdami Talksal called DDT, why is akhand kirtani jatha called akj. Its just a name and since D day is a popular name using it for a different cause might get media attention. With that logic sangat TV is using "Ik" from "Ik Onkaar" is that not splitting the very first thing in gurbani?

3. Sangat TV says Sikh channel should have involved the organisations. Well again the ads have been going on for months. Why nobody took notice earlier? Yesterday leader of sikh council UK called and said that they have been asked to lead the demonstration, but the presenter was making every effor to put his wordsin his mouth to the effect that Sikh channel has not asked anybody about it. Again why this at last minute.

4. Rana and Sangat TV says that since there is no problem in UK there is no need to demonstrate. Well 1984 happened in India not in UK then why do we demonstrate here every year? Lot of people have to travel to UK for various reasons, is it not an issue for them and can they guarantee that other governments including UK's will not follow italy.

5. They said media shouldn't get involved in things all by themselves. Well who had Sangat TV asked when covering UK riots? and who had they asked before bringing people like Sonia Deol on their channel?

Regarding sangat TV. I saw some very good discussions here and there on Sangat TV but their continuous efforts to spoil sikh unity leads me to beleive that It is India's/ Badal's funded channel, probably thats why they never need any donations. They show some panthic discussions just to gain some credibility.

I think its best for sikh channel that people like Rana left them . People like him are a shame to the panth and infiltrators who are hard to recognise. It is these kind of people that sikhs should be most aware of.

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so sad it's come to this - sikh channels fighting/arguing one another.

it wasn't so long ago that ranjit singh rana was himself a presenter at sikh ch?!

initiatives like D-DAY, TURBANOLOGY, TURBAN CAMPAIGN etc should all be supported by sikhs without any politics.

it's only by talking about these issues that they will come to light and a difference made - do the jews argue with one another about how the holocaust should be commemorated?!

I have said this before and I repeat, Rana has always proved himself to be pro badal. I remember when he used to come on sikh channel he always used to interrupt people saying things against Badal. And it was him who hosted shows with Badal's UK party people like Sangha and Balihar Singh Ramewal. He always gave them free space to talk. He presents himself to be a great historian but what he is really doing is using his knowledge of sikhi and history to gain credibility and help his masters.

Regarding the latest fiasco. I have very simple questions for Rana or Sangat TV:

1. Dastar issue has been advertised on sikh channel for months now. Where were they earlier?

2. Rana says calling dastaar day D day is dis respectfull to Dastar as the name is cut short. Its such a lame excuse. Why is Damdami Talksal called DDT, why is akhand kirtani jatha called akj. Its just a name and since D day is a popular name using it for a different cause might get media attention. With that logic sangat TV is using "Ik" from "Ik Onkaar" is that not splitting the very first thing in gurbani?

3. Sangat TV says Sikh channel should have involved the organisations. Well again the ads have been going on for months. Why nobody took notice earlier? Yesterday leader of sikh council UK called and said that they have been asked to lead the demonstration, but the presenter was making every effor to put his wordsin his mouth to the effect that Sikh channel has not asked anybody about it. Again why this at last minute.

4. Rana and Sangat TV says that since there is no problem in UK there is no need to demonstrate. Well 1984 happened in India not in UK then why do we demonstrate here every year? Lot of people have to travel to UK for various reasons, is it not an issue for them and can they guarantee that other governments including UK's will not follow italy.

5. They said media shouldn't get involved in things all by themselves. Well who had Sangat TV asked when covering UK riots? and who had they asked before bringing people like Sonia Deol on their channel?

Regarding sangat TV. I saw some very good discussions here and there on Sangat TV but their continuous efforts to spoil sikh unity leads me to beleive that It is India's/ Badal's funded channel, probably thats why they never need any donations. They show some panthic discussions just to gain some credibility.

I think its best for sikh channel that people like Rana left them . People like him are a shame to the panth and infiltrators who are hard to recognise. It is these kind of people that sikhs should be most aware of.

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Please don't seperate rana from sangat tv they are one and the same, any tv channels viiews have to come through the presenter, but only if the presenter agrees with them, all what's happening is happening through the trustees go ahead, and if you think that rana is dirty then you'll be shocked or may be not, about the trustees, earlier I found out that they tried to force sant ranjit singh to cancel a programme so that he would only attend their anniversary programme all day, so much for it being the sangats channel.

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Guys i am sorry, but in my opinion D-Day is totally wrong. D-Day means something else, than Dastar Day. For us here in Germany we can say or i can hope that we wnt go on the street to demonstrate. We don't have any general dastar Problems in Germany.

And if we have problems, first of all we should try with talking and discussion with politicans or representivs. Demonstration should be the last case. If we go down on the street, they will say oh wow so many sikhs, interesting... they are wearing Turban and Kirpan. So maybe one guy will get the idea to ban them for ever. So as long any country has no direct Problems like France with dastar, you shouldn't demonstrate. They will put us in the same box like muslims.

In Uk there aren't any issues. In Italy, if they have problems go and talk with them rather than demonstrating. By demonstrating we will get more focous in public. Sikhs shouldn't do demonstrating to get focoused. They should do good jobs, like they did in England the looting time. We just need to get accepted. If we have problems on airports in italy. As i have heard it. They can't check on the Airports. So why SIkhs doesn't donate good mashines to check without taking dastar of like in Germany.

If we want to celebrate the D-Day for the second world war, as it stands for. I am hunderprocent sure, we will get more public. Ppl should see what our singhs havedone to get democracy in Europe. But aslong a country hasn't got direct problems with dastar we shouldn't go on the streets. It shouldn't be our first act to get recognized

Bhul chuk maaf

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Guys i am sorry, but in my opinion D-Day is totally wrong. D-Day means something else, than Dastar Day. For us here in Germany we can say or i can hope that we wnt go on the street to demonstrate. We don't have any general dastar Problems in Germany.

And if we have problems, first of all we should try with talking and discussion with politicans or representivs. Demonstration should be the last case. If we go down on the street, they will say oh wow so many sikhs, interesting... they are wearing Turban and Kirpan. So maybe one guy will get the idea to ban them for ever. So as long any country has no direct Problems like France with dastar, you shouldn't demonstrate. They will put us in the same box like muslims.

In Uk there aren't any issues. In Italy, if they have problems go and talk with them rather than demonstrating. By demonstrating we will get more focous in public. Sikhs shouldn't do demonstrating to get focoused. They should do good jobs, like they did in England the looting time. We just need to get accepted. If we have problems on airports in italy. As i have heard it. They can't check on the Airports. So why SIkhs doesn't donate good mashines to check without taking dastar of like in Germany.

If we want to celebrate the D-Day for the second world war, as it stands for. I am hunderprocent sure, we will get more public. Ppl should see what our singhs havedone to get democracy in Europe. But aslong a country hasn't got direct problems with dastar we shouldn't go on the streets. It shouldn't be our first act to get recognized

Bhul chuk maaf

^^^^^^ Shutup.

WHY the hell is it that we as sikhs, only wake up to a problem when it comes and smacks us in the face?????? Why can't we try to sort out the problem as soon as we see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

your bhul chuk is not maaf my friend, because it is clear that there are many bhul chuks in your thinking. You should first get your head out of your own backside and start to think of the panth as a whole (like what the sikh channel is doing at the moment), then once you reform your thinking, ONLY THEN come back on here and ask for maafi for your Bhul Chuks.

Because your statement of Bhul chuk maaf is a load of garbage.

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