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Osingh ji

Bhai Randhir singh ji used to recite chandi di vaar, bachitra natak in his nitnem everyday.

Singhs of akj, india are firm believers in dasam bani.

Having said that there is no denying the fact influential groups of akj such as harpreet of Canada

who controls akj.org site, Dr Lall ji of La, ca and Akj germany of Satnam babbar etc do propaganda

against Dasam bani. they are followers of Ragi darshan.They are trying to hijack part of akj to anti gurmat

philosophy. We should not hide this fact but highlight it so bad elements are exposed. There are excellent

singhs from akj California who have done a great job in bringing awareness about dasam bani.

Please read this thread


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I strongly believe that people closely/internally associated with AKJ.org does not believe in pooran Sri Dasam Granth. Maybe they should at least realize anti-dasam-granth-hate-bigrade's inferior open motives of their recent attack on guru jees bani Sri Jaap sahib.

Indian AKJ being naive (boohlay baahlay) does not know about whats going on abroad. They have their own problems to settle out thus results a lack of leadership. Only my personal opinions or from what i gathered around past few years.

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Replying to o singh and others, the real akj started by bhai sahib randhir singh ji believes i. Sri dasam granth gurbani, as per the various writings of bhai sahib ji and after the press releases of the jathedars. I didnt say anything about that and previously have put up them press releases. However members/jathedars of uk germany and many other areas have huge problems with the gurbani and we cannot deny that, likewise how bhai harnam singh dhumma isnt on the stand of taksal and we do not deny that and nor beleive him to be a jathedar. There are several examples of this, the issue is not with parkash of gurbani, its the influence of missionaries upon certain high up members of the jatha. E.g cov seminar a few yrs ago at cross roads gurdwara, bhai raghbir singh was present, bhai surjit singh was present and then all the politicians of jatha were aswell, and the likes of jaswant thekedar were also called, they openly slated dasam gurbani in the presence of guru ji and jathedars of the uk jatha. Likewise kulwant dhesi openly supported prof darshan on sikh channel and invited tiger jatha to be part of talks after and writes on prof darshan lals website. Joga singh gave anti dasam books out at edward street gurdwara. these are just two examples of many. We respect those who respect gurbani, whether they be from akj, taksal, nihangs and any other jathebandi. I have read most literature written by bhai randhir singh on dasam bani, and no one is saying anything about bhai sahib, but the stance of the current lot is dodgy and there is no doubt about it. They support missionaries simple fact. Another issue jagtar jachak came to do katha at edward street west brom, singhs of othet jathebandia protested, uk akj high up commitee members supported him and tried to kick off with singhs who were ready to go the full way. They allowed him to carry on with katha at gurdwara. Likwise when any taksal singh or that of any jathebandi does wrong its our stand as a gursikh to say they are in the wrong simple fact, and internally and openly we have done that aswell.

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I personally spoke to satnam babbar of germany when he invited Ragi darshan to deliver anti dasam

granth sermons in germany. he replied that he was with ragi darsho on dasam granth issue. Such people

are no more inheritor of akj legacy. They are fake and will fade out with time.

Then you have strong believers in dasam bani like kirtaniya singh who is surrounded by missionary

gang as if they are going to kill him. You have Bhai manpreet singh ji who stood to these heretics


Likewise there are black sheeps like Baljit daduwal who though believe in dasam bani but was the main

supporter of Sarna who promoted Ragi darshan. Such tainted people have short public lives.

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Bhai Manpreet Singh ji of AKJ doing kirtan of sri Dasam Bani and defending it in the face of protestors:

Bhai Chatanga ji, the video above is an example of AKJ defending Dasam bani. Also the former Jathedar of AKJ bhai Soorat Singh ji did a press release which has been posted. Further to this bhai Kulbir Singh ji of Toronto did a debate with the missionary, Inder Ghagga defending Gurmat.

It is better not to discuss elements of AKJ or Taksal that are doing anti-Gurmat parchar. It would be better to discuss this face to face and not on a forum. This will only create more confusion and further divide jathebandis. If we have a problem with a certain Gursikh it is better to approach this Gursikh face to face and have a discussion. If I had not posted then the average Sikh would have read this thread and thought that AKJ are anti-dasam which is a pure lie.

Bhai Randhir Singh ji fully supported Dasam bani as did Sant Gurbachan Singh ji. Both had pyar for each other. When we want to judge AKJ or Taksal lets read the books of bhai sahib and listen to the katha of Sant Gurbachan Singh ji. We should look up to the great Gursikhs of the past such as bhai Atma Singh Panjokhra Sahib waley and Jathedar Sant Sunder Singh ji.

Khalistaan Zindabaad jeeo, look at the picture in your avatar. This is the unity we need.

The best way to create unity is to do parchar of Gurmat. Attacking jathebandis and Gursikhs, leave that to the missionaries and anti-dasam group, this is what they enjoy most.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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In Feb. 2010, two Singhs from Gurdwara Tapoban Sahib (Toronto) made Maran-wala weep after they thrashed him in a debate on Dasam Bani. It was aired live on TV. Maran-wala ended up swearing at Sri Dasam Granth Sahib jee and they didn't let him get off till he apologized. I've heard he had to be whisked away later on as he was scared.

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Generally from what I have seen is that AKJ world wide do support Dasam Granth. But I have met UK akj members that have stated to me that they do not beleive in Charito Pakhyaan part while they beleive in all the rest. Even though those Singhs were pretty good Singhs. But from what I have seen is that people who do not believe in part or whole of dasam granth have never even read the granth. A lot of ignorance is spread about this granth.

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Its not about discussing the bad people in each jathebandi, all that has been said is maybe these people who give each jathebandi a bad name be tackled by the singhs of that jathebandi as they are the ones who are against the teachings of guru sahib and then spread by the relative prominant gursikh that started off the jathebandi. Its no personal attack or anything, you know who i am and i have stated this a few times before, and you all know its not personal. I have friendship with singhs of uk jatha and likewise prominent members of india jatha.

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