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Urgent Please Watch This Video


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I thinl this incident happened at Nagpur , Maharashtra state. This controversy is created by

missionaries of ludhiana.Nagpur is headquarter of RSS also.

This is the city where Darshan Ragi is invited each year. They will never dare to hold such

meeting in Punjab.

See the lies they propagate . They say Sikh rehat maryada does not allow dasam bani to be read.That is fabricated by them.

In moghal rule womenfolk of India were taken to kabul by force. Singhs who read Dasam bani put an end to it.

May be these thugs want that to happen again to them.

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Here is a video where Giani Sher Singh ji in very simple words provides majority if not all of the answers to the doubts the Darshan Ragi brigade cast on Sri Dasam Granth Sahib ji Maharaj. Arm yourself with this knowledge and distribute this video to all the Sikh sangat. Giani ji has completed the hard part, all that we need to do now is distribute this video now.....don't be lazy Khalsa ji.

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Sikh code of conduct on kirtan


) Only a Sikh may perform Kirtan in a congregation.

b) Kirtan means singing the scriptural compositions in traditional musical measures.

c) In the congragation, Kirtan only of Gurbani (Guru Granth's or Guru Gobind Singh's hymns) and, for its elaboration, of the compositions of Bhai Gurdas and Bhai Nand Lal, may be performed.


The above unbares their lies in the video.

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Did the guy say he spoke to ppl from the UK (akj) about dasam granth and there was a program in Ludhiana missionary. Or am i getting it wrong..?

This ragi is obviously from Akhand kirtani jatha, India. Missionary is taunting him that your akhand kirtani jatha, UK head was contacted and he told that Dasam bani should not be read. What a tragedy about this so called jathedar's knowledge? He is violating akj's press release.


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Please approach that keertania and support him that he didn't do anything wrong as per rehat of Sikh maryada.

Regarding akj being mentioned in that video; I believe that is not the official standpoint of akj in general. Mostly all leaders of AKJ India (both sides?) and akj California believes in dasam bani, while others (uk, Canada, us-east coast) leadership is not making or taking public standpoint. Their standpoint of neither reject nor accept is confusing masses. However, I generally believe that normal akj Sangat (non-famous, novice) do not have shanka on dasam bani as they lookout and have role model personalities who kept 100% strong vishvaas in dasam bani (ex. Sant ji, bhai maskeen sahib and countless other humble pracharaks).

One small example is of bhai randhir Singh jee who went to Sri hazoor sahib many times and bhai sahib being very strict gurmat principled personality never ever raised eyebrows on dasam bani as whole world knows that Sri hazoor sahib kept Prakash of dasam Granth since beginning.

Sadly it is true that there are some individuals in every country who are associated with jathabandi and doesn't believe in dasam bani but we should not label whole jatha as dasam-bani-hate brigade because we know majority of them aren't that way. They (regular jatha Sangat) needs to come out rather than depending or giving free pass to few individuals.

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Regarding akj being mentioned in that video; I believe that is not the official standpoint of akj in general. Mostly all leaders of AKJ India (both sides?) and akj California believes in dasam bani, while others (uk, Canada, us-east coast) leadership is not making or taking public standpoint. Their standpoint of neither reject nor accept is confusing masses. However, I generally believe that normal akj Sangat (non-famous, novice) do not have shanka on dasam bani as they lookout and have role model personalities who kept 100% strong vishvaas in dasam bani (ex. Sant ji, bhai maskeen sahib and countless other humble pracharaks).

actually the akj dont have problem with Sahib Sri Dasam Granth Ji unless this holy granth is doing parkash on the same palki as Aad Guru Granth Sahib. The coventry fiasco was not about Dasam Bani but the fact that as per puratan marayada, the parkash of both Granths was done together.

I think the Akj leadership are too weak to come out with their proper stance on this issue. Whenver there is controversy they simply say that we beleive in Dasam Bani.

More of the willenhall programmes should be done to counter the parchaar of the mad missionary's and also the coventry clowns.

But then again what can you do about sikhs who have no understanding of puratan Sikhi?

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Why is it that we can't appoint one speaker and the rest of us keep our mouthes shut? We are like an uncivilized bunch of people wih no law and order........everybody wants to be the leader and voice there opinion, this is why we don't progress and we have so many different groups, we don;t have a good real leader who is working for the panth, everybody has there own motives behind the scenes..........do you really think we will be able to solve the Dasan Granth issue? We haven't been able to decide whether we should read Ragmalla or not and everybody bowes to it on a daily basis........are we stupid or what? Can't decide on anything, anywhere, anytime. The main issue is no leader with guts - everybody is after pleasing somebody.

In this vide we see a group of people who haven't even read the panthic maryada which allows the reading of dasam bani. They are obviously against it and in a large number, so does it mean that they really know anything about anything and that they are the all powerfull sangat or just a bunch of people who don't really know anything but are forcing a decision on someone?

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There is no issue of Dasam granth.The issue is being created.

In the video only a handful of people, most probably three, are trying

to impress audience who seem to have no clue of the issue. The whole

gathering is not against Dasam bani but two or three clowns who are

on propaganda spree.

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Khalistan Zindabaad jeeo

Have you read the press release posted by GPS or bhai Randhir Singh ji's pustaks?

Lets make it perfectly clear that AKJ are premis of sri Dasam Bani.

Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh ji has quoted Dasam Bani in his books.

Bhai Sahib has never questioned Dasam Bani in his books.

Bhai Soorat Singh ji has made it perfectly clear in the press release that AKJ fully supports Dasam Bani.

Don't judge AKJ on a few individuals just like I wouldn't judge Damdami Taksal based on Jathedar Harnam Singh.

In following article Bhai Randhir Singh ji qoutes from sri Chand Di Vaar, sri ShasterNaam Mala, sri Bachitar Natak and sri Choupai Sahib and this is just a small article of Bhai Sahib: http://patshahi10.or...id=35&Itemid=64

If people are accusing AKJ of not honouring Dasam Bani then they are ignorant and have not read Bhai Sahib's books. After reading above article and press release from former Jathedar Bhai Soorat Singh ji how can anyone accuse AKJ of not supporting Dasam Bani?

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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