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Did Anyone Got/Know Someone Who Got Some Ruhani Power / Sidhi From Bhagti


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So you say. I would say punjabi/indian folk history and culture believes magical powers. Part and parcel of indian religious thought is the idea of magical old men getting special powers from their religious practices... hence the need for commoners to respect, feed, donate to them. Lots of the western yogis get them over here in the states as well, right before they get caught sleeping with half of their devotees. A real magic power would be getting a job, feeding the poor, and contributing to society instead of sitting around repeating mantras all day long.

Other people say the same thing about black magic, speaking in tongues, levitation during exorcisms, bigfoot.... but these things can never really seem to be proven. Maybe some of these sants can cure cancer, cure sterility...I guess you can never prove that they cant. Maybe they can give someone an evil eye.... better watch out just in case! Most people know a friend, or have "seen it" but ask someone to show you and they can't. Believing in hocus pocus is not only bad for you its bad for society.

I have my beliefs or rather 'knowledge', I'm entitled to it. Its not good to belittle others beliefs by calling it 'hocus pocus'. It's good to have an open mind. Anyway believe what you will. Doesn't really affect me. You'll realise the truth one day, everyone will.

Ps: And plus its not just an 'Indian' thing as you put it. Numerous cases exist of Medieval Christian Saints exhibiting powers of levitation, mind reading etc.

Again, anyone reading this, don't think I am promoting powers. I am not. I am just saying they are there in response to sceptical responses.

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So you say. I would say punjabi/indian folk history and culture believes magical powers. Part and parcel of indian religious thought is the idea of magical old men getting special powers from their religious practices... hence the need for commoners to respect, feed, donate to them. Lots of the western yogis get them over here in the states as well, right before they get caught sleeping with half of their devotees. A real magic power would be getting a job, feeding the poor, and contributing to society instead of sitting around repeating mantras all day long.

Other people say the same thing about black magic, speaking in tongues, levitation during exorcisms, bigfoot.... but these things can never really seem to be proven. Maybe some of these sants can cure cancer, cure sterility...I guess you can never prove that they cant. Maybe they can give someone an evil eye.... better watch out just in case! Most people know a friend, or have "seen it" but ask someone to show you and they can't. Believing in hocus pocus is not only bad for you its bad for society.

I would give you quotes from guru granth sahib that refer and talk about spiritual powers, demons, other entities etc. But i am not sure if you have already studied guru granth sahib or not?

The more your spiritual level is awakened, you become more present in the sense things become more clear. What we have now is false but we don't believe it because we're limited to your spiritual level at this time to thinking our body is our body when reality is the deathless soul we have is our trueself. To come to this realization takes a lot of dicipline and meditation (takes life times to come to this realization, everything happens in our own pace, some are more ready to accept the will of guru sahib then others but guru sahib allows us take the time it needs for us to be ready for him)

This is why guru sahib's bani is the most powerful, came straight from sachkand, created great warriors and saints (baba deep singh, bhai mani singh etc.).

Black magic, powers, are all real but above all this is the love of guru sahib which should matter the most.

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This is why guru sahib's bani is the most powerful, came straight from sachkand, created great warriors and saints (baba deep singh, bhai mani singh etc.).

This is key and a very good observation. With Gurbani nothing is impossible, and as trite and idealistic as that may sound to some, our focus - as Sikhs - first and foremost must be to recite, understand and live Gurbani.

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  • 2 weeks later...


First of all we can't make everyone happy or you can say that we can't prove our things to everyone and there is no need for that. Its upto to the beleiver to beleive.

Even When Guru Nanak dev ji came on earth there were many who didn't accept them as GOD/AVATAR and Guru ji never tried to convinced them and asked people to follow them. People used their mind and then experinced that what they are saying is true and then they follow. I beleive that you have not read Sri Guru granth Sahib.Guru sahib has given many example that

Ghosts /spirits/supernatural powers/ridhis/sidhis/Hell/Heaven/Life after Death do exists. In this forum everyone beleives that what ever is written in SGGGS is correct. SO if someone say that Ghosts don't exist then we can give the reference of Panki "Kai kot Bhoot pret sukar mirgach" and he agrees with that. Although he has not practically seen it but they know that they are there. then if some forum member have experineced it he can give his reference. Now thats upto you to beleive or not and you have full right for that.You either belive or you not. Its upto you. Even if someone make you beleive with some real thing and you also share in this forum , then will be many more Wales85 like you and they repeat the same story.

So bottom line for sikh is , believe with 100% faith on what is written in SGGGS but you can question on individual experiences. Like Science says that Air exists and many can argue that i have not seen it. SOme can say that they have experienced it. so you know what i want to say

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Really? It is worrying that some people recite Gurbani only to obtain these "powers". Surely that means Gurbani is being misused in some way?

Are these abilities meant to be kept private? In that case then why are people endowed with these abilities if by using them they are going against Sikhi?

"Gurbani being misued"

i think "Gurbani" and "misued" can't fit together. Guru sahib has said that We should do simran to attain GOD but we can also recite Gurbani to get our worldly desired fulfilled. If i want to win the wrestling competetion then i can recite Gurbani to make my Body etc. Does that mean that i am going aganist sikhi. If after winning wrestling competetion i started killing people with my muscle power , now , does that mean that its Gurbani's fault that it hellped me build very strong muscles??

There are always two faces of same thing. You can either use it good way or bad way. you can cut vegetable with Knife and you can also kill man with knife.

"Icsha purak sarb sukh datha har"

It means what evr you want from Guru Sahib , you will get it. Be is powers or anything else.

The reason for rishis/sidhis was that in Hindi Rigveda there are many mantras which can provide Ridhis/sidhis so if some sikh wants it then people were using that mantras . So Guru sahib told that Even if you want only ridshis/sidhis you can also get from Gurbani as well.

But there is one thing if you attain sidhi Via Hindu Mantra then you can do anything good or bad. If you attain sidhi via Gurbani then you will not be able to do bad like suppose i have sidhi where i can predict future events.

In case i get it from HIndu mantras then i can open a shop and earn money. But i get it from Gurbani then if i start to make money then either i will lose it or it won't work.

I had done sidhis via Hindu mantra as well as gurbani. so i know the difference.

The only problem is that once you get them you EGO rises and you start feeling special. Haume comes and you start come down spiritually. Like Me.

Thats the reason Guru Shaib told us not to go this way. if someone really want that then He don't need to Go to Tantrik etc. He can get it in gUrbani as well.

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  • 2 years later...

i was coming back from India, i arrived at the Amitsar airpoprt on my own. I was 4 hours early. I did nitnem then and then when we got onto my flight back to the UK. I earler went to Darbar Sahib and asked for safe return to UK. I had nothing to eat 36 hours prior arriving and ate nothing therefater.

I read all of Sundar Gutka about 8 times. I had an amazing avastha for there is no words to describe. My mind and its ego and thoughts were replaced with immense peace which lasted for quite a long while. Everyone was looking at me with amazement. I cant describe the immense peaceful state of mind. It was like my mind was being absorbed into something full of super powerfullness and yet it was peaceful aswell as a feeling if immense shakti. people tried to talk to me but i just ignored them. I didnt even look at them i was completely absorbed in bliss. When i arrived at Birmingham Airport i wished my family never came to collect me and that i could go to a forrest and remain in sehaj. I have learnt this was opening of the dasam dwar

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i was coming back from India, i arrived at the Amitsar airpoprt on my own. I was 4 hours early. I did nitnem then and then when we got onto my flight back to the UK. I earler went to Darbar Sahib and asked for safe return to UK. I had nothing to eat 36 hours prior arriving and ate nothing therefater.

I read all of Sundar Gutka about 8 times. I had an amazing avastha for there is no words to describe. My mind and its ego and thoughts were replaced with immense peace which lasted for quite a long while. Everyone was looking at me with amazement. I cant describe the immense peaceful state of mind. It was like my mind was being absorbed into something full of super powerfullness and yet it was peaceful aswell as a feeling if immense shakti. people tried to talk to me but i just ignored them. I didnt even look at them i was completely absorbed in bliss. When i arrived at Birmingham Airport i wished my family never came to collect me and that i could go to a forrest and remain in sehaj. I have learnt this was opening of the dasam dwar

Did it ever happen again?

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