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Dalkhalsa And Others Spreading Misinformation About Chand Thora


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Recently a recent tactic is being used on facebook to split Sikhs apart. Please make replies in regards to the historical significance of the chand thora. This is either an intentional or unintentional tactic to split the Khalsa panth again - just like darshan spreading misinformation. We should be educated enough on the subject to silence a lie right then and there.

I created this thread so all the information can be organized in one place to make it easier to spread information about what the chand thora is.

I will start out:

Historical paintings of the chand thora:




^^^ The dhaal, katar and tegh is the nishan sahib of the Khalsa. The Khanda is as well but it wasn't formed until the Raaj of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

As for the spiritual terms as to what the chand thora means from a katha I heard it has nothing to do with shiva, the moon represents spirituality/love and the khanda represents the power to take life.
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Nothr tempt by india govt 2konfuz uz an split uz up. Othr temptz = fludding west wid fayk Babaz , vegtarinizm , kalandar, dasm grunth. . . Tym 2 wayk up!

Not all is puzzled, maybe it is only you who is confused on issues including relating to Sri Dasam Granth.

I don't take dal Khalsa seriously and never bother to read what they post, without offense, I see most of their stuff as a third grade quality. They may have good intentions and uk part maybe not sold-out like the india part but their affiliation with countless naastak groups and lack of spirituality makes them novoice but I see them trouble-makers within our kaum. I was a good friend of late Ajit Singh pannu who was in this org from states.. He was a nice guy but some elements in this org around globe does not have good intentions nor bit knowledge about diplomacy or sensible manners. Hope I don offend anyone as this is my personal honest opinion on this organization.

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dki= group of dharm illiterate '' politicians'' and bunch of hindu hating kids operating on internet.....they were supporting dhunda....once they showed a photo of mahakaal as some devi and told people to be aware of mahakaal and their little internet gang slandered dasam bani on both dhunda and mahakaal post, they have blocked me from commenting......these guys are bunch of fools and jokers who do nothing but rss rss rss hinudtva all day....a guy with hat who sits behind his labtop all day calling ppl like dhunda great.....dki is undercover missionaries and lie a lot on their page and try to scare people and excite them.....these guys should not be taken seriously rather the fact that they are giving false ignorant info to thousands of people online....they are full of agendas i wouldnt believe a thing they say...all they really know is politics nothing of dharam

you post any comment against them they take it down and only show their bias, ignorant and un educated propoganda

they have a follower of their little uk gang on here also look at these type of ppl they never want to learn but stay in darkness

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I agree with you guys but let's post more information/videos in regards to chand thora please. If you know of anything please post it here so anyone who sees it can view this thread and easily access the information.

Source: SikhSangat

Pratan singhs didnt show tora either, it was well hidden as it purpose was to protect and also keep dhumala on ur head!!

they also used another one as like another shastar! its only a show now!!

chand represented which misl u were from in effect...


I was talking to Nihang Gurmant Singh regarding this, he gave me little different spiritual interpertation of chand tora. He said, if you look at chand tora, it's a moon. Moon it's known for giving calmness to all creation just like that Khalsa has a attribute of moon, whoever is around khalsa shall receive calmness and peace.

I thought it was quite interesting. :)

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chand thora??? can u actually explain wat that means for starters? chand id imagine means moon.

also didnt nihangs carry a flag during war times, with a picture of the godess chandi? did guru gobind singh approve of that? it cant b denied that nihangs seemed 2 have an element of influence amongst them from hindu gods etc like guru gobind singh has in the dasam granth talkin bowt these hindu gods, not 2 brown nose them, but 2 use them as examples (even tho this gives hindus a chance 2 say r gurus r hindus - fools), coz that hindu mythology stuff impresses ppl(for watever reason). can sum1 clear up the stuff ive mentioned, cheers.

heres the nihang flag i mentioned.


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Dalkhalsa like most of the Khalistani uncles in the west have gone the opposite of the path of Sant Bhindranwalay and the Shaheeds. Most of these western Khalistani uncles have officially or unofficially become Kala Afghanis. These old farts need to be ignored by the youth in the west. The youth needs to reconnect with what Sant Jee and the Shaheeds said instead of these Kala Afghanis.

At the same time, Sikhs also need to be aware of Sanatanists who misuse Sikh symbols like the Aad Chand to further push their anti Sikh agenda.

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DalKhalsa need to do proper research before they spread propoganda...They dont mention the current Khanda symbol didnt exist till around maharajah Ranjit Singhs reign...There is no record of the Khanda emblem in old artwork, photgraphs, captured weapons standards, armour weaponry etc...

Yet the Chand Thora is revered by recognised samprsdas such as Budha Dal etc, you can find evidence in old photographs, paintings etc of aad chand in existence. Basically instead of being scared and insecure about old school hindu myhtology..Dal Khalsa should research the emphasis put on concepts such as "Shiv-Shakti" etc and it's relastionship to Sikhi.

Wearing an Aaad Chand/Chand Thora does not make you a hindu ...

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