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Death and afterlife

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It does happen in stages. Until you realize that your belief creates your experience. Anyway GOD or Waheguru is the only truth. It is experiencing itself through a human experiences. We are always loved never judged, condemended or punished. Using NAAM as tool one should silent the mind, since mind will create a body again until it loses its energy. I do agree with Luckysingh about meeting who you have faith in Guru Nanak, Christ..........

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Here is Death and After life example from a book listed in the end. After this person dies he/she comes across......

The main body of the flow was silvery shimmering

lights with different colored drops on the flow. I understood (I use this term because I did not actually hear) the colored drops were the experiences of all who had lived. The experiences existed as separate items yet belonged to the whole. [KNOWLEDGE] The whole was the collective knowledge of all. I understood there was no individual, just one, yet each experience was individual making up the whole. This concept of ONE is so foreign to any description I can give, there seems to be no way now of describing it. My previous understanding of one was a single uniqueness. In this case one is something else. Many being one and one being many, both existing simultaneously in the same time and space. I further understood that the collective experiences are omniscient knowledge. Everything that has been spoken, heard, and experienced. These colored drops contained each experience down to the memory of every cell division, every thought. All experiences were known at once by the collective Consciousness that was the stream. Any experience could be known as if it were a first person experience happening at the time it happened originally. There was no fear, or joy from this stream. I use the term river of life to describe the stream. There was an understanding of complete peace, happiness, and contentment without need or want, coming from the river of life. I had a strong desire now to join the river of life and felt this was home, where I came from. Touching the river gave me insight into realms beyond realms, universes beyond universes, dimensions beyond dimensions; I experienced infinity. I was shown a long line of experiences in other realms of realities and on other worlds. It was some time later [REINCARNATION] I realized it was my past “lives” review of all existences of which I had been part. There were beings and objects unlike anything I had ever seen or heard of, even in the imaginings of science fiction writers I had read. I was made to know there were an infinite number of realms of existence and all were part of the One, the Source. The stream had distinct layers or levels that were not divided by any kind of barrier but each seemed to be of a different density. The one I experienced was the highest level. Where I first came after death was into the lowest level; I call it the “between place” or “lowest level of transition.”

bray, william (2011-04-28). Quantum Physics, Near Death Experiences, Eternal Consciousness, Religion, and the Human Soul (Kindle Locations 5228-5235). . Kindle Edition.

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The example above is not very informative or clear.

Infact, I would personally say that it is a poor interpretation.

It can cause confusion since many many other experiences are very SIMILAR in description.

The above has gone on to put it into a more poetic la di la la form !!

More tha 90% of genuine experiences talk about a light seen at the end of a tunnel vortex of some sort.

There is no stream of water, but there may be a water ripple affect seen in the vortex that reminds somone about a flowing stream.

This very similar vortex with the divine light at the end can also be experienced by all of us if we do some serious and deep meditation/simran.

However, it is not always as pleasant when meditating since one can get distracted and scared very easily of where they are going !

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Not body-not mind-not even individual soul-merge into universal soul(GOD)----emerge out of regain your personality(ego based self)--- Now You plan your journey back in the spiritual plane with the new perspective gained from mergence. It's a circle unity and separation. It is localized god (you) looking back at itself knowledge and experience. Going back and forth. I hope this is factual enough.

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I had a very weird dream call it nightmare if you want lol. I got up for nitnem, did it, did ardass before 6am then I asked permission for rest so I went to sleep. In the dream it was just scary, I dreamt that I was sleeping in my bed and something a figure had me held down and something was coming towards me and I was like Dad? Then I woke up in the dream and I couldn't move. Then I woke up for real and my heart was beating fast and I started saying Vaheguru. It was like 06:39am. Then I remember from Giani Thakur Singh's Katha about Sarbloh Kee Rachya Ham Meh so I wore my Sarbloh Kara and went back to sleep, no problems after that.....btw am not Amritdhari yet if anyone asks lol. Am just confused about this dream, it was a dark figure and why did I say Dad? in it, he died 8 years ago.

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