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Is there GOD?

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You know i was going to say the same thing... There is not one piece of concrete evidence that denies the existence of God, thats why i dont deny his full existence :) ... Not saying im a full believer im more in the middle, so i can understand where there both coming from... :)


Can we have this concrete evidence that God exists?

Sorry to sound harsh but I'm not getting any answer from a Sikh point of view.

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ha ha ha @ only fivehelloji everyoneCan you prove there is a me ??am i really writing this or is it you??can you prove its my keypad??can you prove its really me??can you please provide proof after proving it??can you prove the proof too??

There is no me or you.There is only god.

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A child gets food when he/she is in womb.....

All the aquatic animals can breath in water,,,,

all the ants get there food....

a dogs living on road side... survives for long....

some of the fact where science is not able to answer which is called exceptions still lies....

a heart of human or animal seach for dependencies...

Few things which happens in everone's lives - where people dont have any reason to specify y it actually happened.....

Some questions are still to answered....

Soul need a prayer to get satisfied... everything goes on... everyone is feeded... sometime u wish to have soemthing u get it.. which u think u will not get for whole of your life........

Think once... twice.. something rules... where science fails.... Divine power r working for u...

Faith hai tremendous power,,,, its not God only ur faith.. rules.... Faith.. in each n everything,.... if u believe it- IT IS if not - IT IS NOT :D

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Can we have this concrete evidence that God exists?

Sorry to sound harsh but I'm not getting any answer from a Sikh point of view.

Sikhi doesn't try to directly define what God is, but it is concrete in what He is not. Through this indirect method, we can get an idea of what God is.

One example I can provide is from the first verse of Jaap Sahib, written by Guru Gobind Singh ji in Dasam Granth:

cakr cehan ar barb jat ar pat nahenjai, rup rang ar rekh bhekh kou kaih na sakat kaih. acal murat anbhau parkas amitauj kahijai kot indr indran sah sahan ganijai tribhavan mahip sur nar asur neti neti ban trin kahat. tav sarab nam kathai kavan karam nam barnat sumat.

Contour and countenance, caste, class or lineage, He has none. None can describe His form, figure, shape and semblance whatever; Immovable and self-poised is His being, Without fear, a luminous light sublime. The supreme Indra of Indras and King of kings consider Him to be; He is the sovereign of the three worlds. The demons, the mortals and the angelic beings, Nay, even the grass blades in the forests Proclaim Him to be boundless, endless and infinite. O, who can count all Thy names that are Thy glory? Through Thy enlightenment I will recount all Thy attributive names.

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Just like you believe that you had great- great grandparents. Even when you have never seen them. But you can be 100% sure for you to be here they have had to exist for you to be here. I take word of our great Guru's that IT exists. Your believe creates your experience of GOD and if wou dont believe in it you will not experience it while living.

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Hello Everyone,

Can you prove there is a God???

Can we have this concrete evidence that God exists?

Sorry to sound harsh but I'm not getting any answer from a Sikh point of view.

A Sikh's point of view is through the Guru's words, i.e. Gurbani.

Entire Gurbani starts with IK OANGKAAR.

A basic translation of 'Ik Oangkaar': There is but One God.

That's the proof.

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Guest Jaskaran

We can use big bang theory

If i asked you what was before big bang u might say nothing, well scientist say there is was only engry and matter exsiting right ??.... but with engry and matter alone you cannot get something of of nothing yeah

Then you might ask what was before Waheguru ji how did your god become...... I reply with he was always there never took birth ans will never die, never created anf never be destroyed... Just like it says in jap ji sahib or mool mantr ....Then u might say prove it

E=mc2 engry is matter and matter is engry is neither can be cteated nor destroyed then when did it ever become to be when will it ever be destoryed it never will just like oir god... Scienctist sti cannot ecplain the force of enegry surrpund the universe and within it if we cannot understamd this then there is something bigger out there something greater then engry itself some one cannot say is god engry he is a form of engry but one we cannot describe.... Something cannot come out of nothing so there must have being a creater :)

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A Sikh's point of view is through the Guru's words, i.e. Gurbani.

Entire Gurbani starts with IK OANGKAAR.

A basic translation of 'Ik Oangkaar': There is but One God.

That's the proof.

Still does not prove there is god. To me they are just words.

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Still does not prove there is god. To me they are just words.

Well that's your point of view. I explained a Sikh's point of view to you. For a Sikh, Gurbani is not merely words but the ultimate truth.

Ik Oangkaar is not merely words. It is the statement of truth given by our Guru that there is only one God.

Now, the question is whether you're a sikh or not. Or whether you're an atheist or from some other religion wanting to know the about the existence of God according to Sikhs.

Please, do make it a bit clear so we could try and discuss about your question from your point of view. :)

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