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Is there GOD?

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I'm not singer23 veer ji, singh23 :)

and yes your kinda right. A hypothesis remains a hypothesis until proven. Once something is a theory it has been experimentally proven which allows us to make predictions based on the theory which will tend to be right.

What you have to understand the god particle is not something that came out of nowhere, it gained media attention now but its been researched for years. In order for our current model of physics to be acceptable we needed a particle that imparted mass onto objects. Which is the higgs boson or god particle. It's named god particle just because it interacts with almost all particles and imparts mass on most of them.

Progress? yes, we know its real now, which is huge. This allows us to confirm our current mathematical models and carry on. quantum cosmology is way past mesons and bosons now though, its almost confirmed fact. The problem is to further understand these particles we need upgrades in technology that allow us to see the particles long enough to study as they are very short lived.

The extra dimensions and membranes and strings may seem like science fiction but its got some hardcore science behind it. either way we will find out in the next few years, if the world doesn't end that is :p

Oops sorry singh23 veer . Thanks, hope so :smile2: .

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_Human_... This is a question that I have pondered myself, being a young Sikh. There have been times where I have thought to myself, whether this whole religion thing is a conspiracy. After much thought and exploration, I have come to the conclusion that God does exist.

Before I begin, there is something that needs to be clarified. I believe in God, but I cannot prove he exists to you. That is because when someone has a steadfast belief that something is not true, they will deny its very existence even if it appears directly in front of them. Sometimes, you aren't meant to know something and nothing can change that. Whether you choose to believe in God or not is completely up to you.

However, as to your point of 'not seeing' God. How about this: do you know where butter comes from? It comes from milk.

If you ever examine a glass of milk, you will notice that there is no indication whatsoever that butter comes from it. You can't see the butter, you can't feel it as far as you know, it does not exist at all, correct? This is the stage you are at. According to you, God doesn't exist. There is no butter in milk.

Notwithstanding, we both know that butter does in fact come from milk. So, how does one get to this butter? Well, it requires lots of hard work, to churn the milk and over a good period of time, butter emerges from the seemingly butter-less milk. The case is the same with us humans. To see god, and to achieve the stage where God is within us, we must put in a lot of effort, we must put our love and faith within God and over time, he will reveal himself. Mind you, he doesn't just jump out and reach out to everyone. Only those with a true heart who are searching for the truth and nothing else shall find God.

The path to God is a journey, God isn't at the beginning of it, rather he is the goal. We must strive to attain him.

So, with an open and true heart, reach out to God (it is important to let go of your ego and TRULY open your heart, leave no bias either way, as far as you know there should be an even 50/50 chance that God exists). I was once at your stage and I asked: "God, I have no idea whether you exist or not, it seems some are crazy about you and some absolutely deny your existence. If you exist, help me and guide me, show me that you exist and put me on the right path." Sure enough, my life changed from there.

It is your own journey, no one can give the answer. You will have to find out for yourself if God exists for YOU.

One more thing. Traditional views of God have really hindered modern understanding and belief of God. This is probably why people have such a hard time believing that God exists. God is not necessarily a giant man, or a person or even a being. Sikhism never states this. God is simply the universal balance, or even more simply, God is energy.

As such, you make your own mind up. Those who seek shall definitely find! Good Luck.


Thanks for the attempt to answer my question, your response is the first post I read, which makes some sense.

Something interesting you have stated:

"One more thing. Traditional views of God have really hindered modern understanding and belief of God. This is probably why people have such a hard time believing that God exists. God is not necessarily a giant man, or a person or even a being. Sikhism never states this. God is simply the universal balance, or even more simply, God is energy."

My next question, what’s the point of rehyat maryadha, if you have stated god is a energy?

What's with the physical look all about?

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I find the universe as proof of Waheguru.

God is everything and I mean everything.Its the good and bad.God is the right and wrong.God created the worlds but also destroyed them.God gets people to remember it but also makes people to forget.God is everything.

But god is also the nothingness.God is the silence.God is the dark.God is nothing.

So god is everything and nothing.

I know its confusing :)

Hope Waheguru shows you

ਭੁਲਿਆਂ ਆਪਿ ਸਮਝਾਇਸੀ ਜਾ ਕਉ ਨਦਰਿ ਕਰੇ ॥ भुलिआं आपि समझाइसी जा कउ नदरि करे ॥ Bẖuli▫āʼn āp samjẖā▫isī jā ka▫o naḏar kare. The Lord Himself instructs those who are misguided, when He casts His Glance of Grace.

ਨਾਨਕ ਨਦਰੀ ਬਾਹਰੀ ਕਰਣ ਪਲਾਹ ਕਰੇ ॥੬੭॥ नानक नदरी बाहरी करण पलाह करे ॥६७॥ Nānak naḏrī bāhrī karaṇ palāh kare. ||67|| O Nanak, those who are not blessed by His Glance of Grace, cry and weep and wail. ||67||

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I find the universe as proof of Waheguru.

God is everything and I mean everything.Its the good and bad.God is the right and wrong.God created the worlds but also destroyed them.God gets people to remember it but also makes people to forget.God is everything.

But god is also the nothingness.God is the silence.God is the dark.God is nothing.

So god is everything and nothing.

I know its confusing :)

Hope Waheguru shows you

ਭੁਲਿਆਂ ਆਪਿ ਸਮਝਾਇਸੀ ਜਾ ਕਉ ਨਦਰਿ ਕਰੇ ॥ भुलिआं आपि समझाइसी जा कउ नदरि करे ॥ Bẖuli▫āʼn āp samjẖā▫isī jā ka▫o naḏar kare. The Lord Himself instructs those who are misguided, when He casts His Glance of Grace.

ਨਾਨਕ ਨਦਰੀ ਬਾਹਰੀ ਕਰਣ ਪਲਾਹ ਕਰੇ ॥੬੭॥ नानक नदरी बाहरी करण पलाह करे ॥६७॥ Nānak naḏrī bāhrī karaṇ palāh kare. ||67|| O Nanak, those who are not blessed by His Glance of Grace, cry and weep and wail. ||67||

ya bhaji sabh gobind hai sabh gobind gobind bin nahi koi

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Thanks for the attempt to answer my question, your response is the first post I read, which makes some sense.

Something interesting you have stated:

"One more thing. Traditional views of God have really hindered modern understanding and belief of God. This is probably why people have such a hard time believing that God exists. God is not necessarily a giant man, or a person or even a being. Sikhism never states this. God is simply the universal balance, or even more simply, God is energy."

My next question, what’s the point of rehyat maryadha, if you have stated god is a energy?

What's with the physical look all about?

Physical look I hope I am not getting u wrong, u really mean Five K's of a sikh.

It is all about culture of from where religion developed. In India hindu's had long hair and beard but muslim rulers never allowed them to keep hair and even Aurangzeb fixed the size of beard. Guru Gobind Singh ji was first and only Guru which gave this rehit because of socio-political reasons. Rest other members can explain better.

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Physical look I hope I am not getting u wrong, u really mean Five K's of a sikh.

It is all about culture of from where religion developed. In India hindu's had long hair and beard but muslim rulers never allowed them to keep hair and even Aurangzeb fixed the size of beard. Guru Gobind Singh ji was first and only Guru which gave this rehit because of socio-political reasons. Rest other members can explain better.

Not all Hindus kept a beard and hair. Only sadhus and sants did. Normal people didn't. That's why you had kasais or barbars. The reason hair was kept is for a seperate identity so Sikhs could never hide in a crowd. So they could never shy away from their duty, and so people could recognise and Sikh and ask for help. Also hair helps with spirituality. When doing simran or meditation you will reach a stage where your hairs will vibrate with simran or rom simran. The rules given to us by the guru's is to reach this state of a sant.

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