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getting harassed at school


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Hello, I'm Vik. I'm 15. I'm the only Sikh kid at my high school (we live in the US) and I'm getting harassed all the time. People think my turban is a toy. They pull on it and try to take it off me. They call me a terrorist because they think somebody in a turban is moslem. Sometimes I just want to take it off and cut my hair and live like everyone else. I am devoted to my faith but I'm tired of getting picked on and hair so long that it's below my knees is a real pain to take care of. My beard is growing out and takes a lot of work too. I'm just tired of this. Any advice? Thanks for your understanding, Vikrampreet Singh.

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Vaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh ||

Try switching schools. Also, if you have friends that you went to school with in elementary or middle school, going to the same school as them can help as they will be more accepting and understanding. Don't give up your Sikhi, PLEASE. There are many stories of Gursikhs who stood to abuse and are now well respected in the entire Sikh community. Read Bhai Manvir Singh Jee UK's blog (manvirsingh.blogspot.ca). In on of the older articles, he posts how he stopped bullying and racism against Sikhs in his small town. Let alone the only Amritdhari in his school, he was the only Amritdhari in his town! Daas will try to post some stories in the next few days to help inspire you to overcome these difficulties. Most importantly, do Ardaas and remember the Puratan Gursikhs who went through Akhai te Asaih Kast (unbearable pain and torture) but remained true to the Dharam. Read books like Rangle Sajjan (English and Punjabi version), and Jail Chittian (Punjabi)/The Autobiography of Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh (English), or Sat Aukhian Ratan (Punjabi only as far as daas knows. If there is an English version and anothrt Gurmukhi Premi knows about it please let the Sangat know :) Here is the link to Sat Aukhian Ratan (Punjabi) https://dl.dropbox.com/sh/id7crkcslzi3e0p/uXa6j2EvDY/Bhai%20Vir%20Singh-Books-English-Punjabi/Bhai_Vir_Singh_Punjabi/Sat%20Aukhian%20Ratan-Bhai%20Vir%20Singh%20Punjabi.pdf?token_hash=AAFa_37W58ih37derazhyhYUtrTsX1pZaBTmMnnnZQXbaQ&dl=1. Apologies for the mistakes and any wrong formatting. daas is using an iPod Touch to post this.

Bhul Chuk Muaaf

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Dont know why this works but if someone calls you 'Bin-Laden' Just say loudly as possible 'Krishna'!

Trust me it works 100% of the time. The kids will then want to be your friend. Some logic could be that Sikhism could not be defined as either a Muslim religion or a Hindo Region but if you say both sides than it gets closer to what the picture really is!

Second advice is wear a dumala or atleast one small parna underneath the big paag one and that way it wont fall off and if it does theres another one underneath and plus its much more comfortable. I went snowboarding with this two paag type of turban and nothing happend to it.

Good Luck! Sat Shri Akal~! WJKK WJKFFFFFa

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I live in Canada and I'm also 15, trust me giving up your Sikhi isn't worth it. I grew up in a city where there are barely any Sikhs, I've been the only Sikh in my school since kindergarden. People have picked on me and harassed me, there were times where I did feel like cutting my hair was the only option. A lot of people aren't going to stop picking on you until they're punished but some of them will stop if you just educate them.

I want you to ask yourself this, who's picking on you the most? A lot of people follow the most popular kid in high school where I live, so there's a chance that everyone just does what that one person does. If that's the case you should avoid that person and maybe even talk to a teacher about him. If that's not what's happening then I would suggest only hanging out with your really close friends.

There're a lot of groups in America like Sikh Coalition that could help you out.

And you can also always contact me, I'm the same age as you and I'm in the same situation.

-Simran Preet Singh

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Maybe some of the Sikh organisations in the USA could go to the school and do a talk about Sikhism. This is worth doing at all schools where there area issues. The Sikh children will feel they have support and the teachers and pupils will get an understanding of Sikhs. In fact we do not need organisations to arrange talks , there are plenty of doctors, IT, finance guys in the USA that could get together and do a talk locally..

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