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ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ, ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤੇ|

I am 19 years old, I dont have a job I dont study. When i finished school 2 years ago I wanted to start my bugty and achieve something I always since i was a kid wanted to excperience something something beatiful, experience Waheguru ji if you want to say that.

I gave up Uni and my parents made a room for me to do simran in. I told them after 2 years if idont achieve anything ill become whatever they want me to become.

I have done simran for 2 years now as i said . I havent talked to anyone havebt watched tv just stayed in my house. Not even gudhwara sahib. I woke up at 1:30 did eshnaan and did simran till 3pm 13hrs a day and had 3 hours rest 6pm ill do rehras ansd do yoga exerise plus simran to keep body well and start simran untill 8pm then sleep.

I can with high spirits say I HAVE HAD NOTHING NO EXPERIENCE. I am going to do Mushrooms for tge time i have wasted and experience something at least or im am going to smoke DMT. DMT is a big one I am going to do it

I am amritdhari so I want to stay disaplined i dont want to break my amrit but i want a experience i need one I cant explain it. Im REALLY DESPRATE otherwise its suicide thats my other choice NO JOKE!!!!!!!!

What do i do ????? (please dont judge me)

waheguru ji........there are many types of bhagti's......one is "hath" vali bhagti......like a child crying "hathi nu kuje" vich paun layi but we all know it can't be done....

real life incident heard from Giani Thakur Singh ji.....there was a singh who said ....I'll do path for 40 days and if I don't get darshans, I'll kill my self and he did kill himself.....because his ego couldn't digest the defeat.......he forgot Guru ji is his father not servant who'll obey his orders.............Guru ji's loves all his children...but old and present life karams plays a lot of role......

coz this becomes "sauda",,,,,waheguru ji I'll do this for this long, give me this.....this is not the path of "give" and "take"

waheguru ji....no body knows waheguru ne kirpa kadon karni hai...it depends on various factors, sadhu santa di ninda......ego/hankaar etc.....ik niki jehi shanka guru ton door kar dindi hai.....

"sewa" and "simran" are the two must have banks of the sikhi river......we need both...only having one bank, missing another one will cause destruction......ikale simran naal ahankaar aa sakda hai...is leyi sewa vi jaroori hai nimrata layi.......

........I would suggest you to try these couple of things at least once before trying drugs

No 1 .....look for a mahapurkh.....if you are ok with that...coz some poeple are strictly against saints..........saints actually can resolve our problems...that's why they are here .......

and second read this book by Bhai Guriqbal singh ji mata kaulsar wale ........"shardha diyan 11 nishaniaan".....it's kind of self-analysis book....will tell you what went wrong and where.....


waheguru bhalla kare

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Guest Mushrooms


I have had many darshans of Many sants and had ashivars , Sant baba ajit singh ji hansali wale, sant baba teja singh rara sahib and many more at rara sahib. sant bab fauja singh ji, sant baba narvair singh taksal, sant baba ram singh damdami taksaal, sant baba ranjodh singh ji....and hundreads more. and not just darshan i know them closely i use2 ring them all the time before i started my bugty. so what am i doing wrong ????

I love you all sadh sangat ji you dont even know me and still your helping me out even though i am a fool but i need a glimpise of waheguru ji or something to make me keep going i need something and im not getting it out of simran. i have started going gudhwara sahib and doing sangat i feel little bit happy there but yeah. my parents a worried.

i met my old friends and i dont like it i dont like being around people its different but ill get use2 it

thank you everyone ill do sangat for a month and see if that works if not im going india and staying at Bhindra

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so what am i doing wrong ????

Same here wat me doing wrong that the dukh wont let me get further even spiritual side let alone health side?

even though i am a fool but i need a glimpise of waheguru ji or something to make me keep going i need something and im not getting it out of simran.

Same here, if i get glimpse of them too, only then will i improve and to keep me going to wanting to live.

Its not going to take just one month, that's nothin. How can you expect somethin to happen in one month, when i been waiting over 14yrs. See again you putting time scale on it.

Wat if god dont want to right now, dont u ever think that? Like they dont want to make me better, and get told so many times its my karm.

You should like people, they are gods creation, that's wat bhagti is about, being focused on one, but not differentiating in wat you like and wat you dont. Its all gods will. We have to accept it that wat is happening is right. God dont give people darshan that have been doing years and years but they see it as gods will and carry on praising them. All we can do is keep praising in hope, the rest is up to them.

Dont u feel like working at all? If not why not? Wat i can't understand is if its not happening then y cant u work and praise to god also?

Some people can't work and want to or can't find jobs, have you even tried to or you just dont like people full stop? Dont u feel part of this world? Do you feel you belong in the company of saints?

Is that y u going India? And what is Bhindra, sorry but i dont know, is it like a holy pind?

Also when you went to the gurdwara and did darshan of Maharaj ji did you not think that is what is going to keep you going? They are our living Guru, and whether we like it or not what we have is what we are suppose to get. Even the Sants you have mentioned will guide you to Maharaj ji. They are there, isn't that enough experience for you to ask them, talk to them ask them wat you want and i am sure you will get told your answer.

Good luck in whatever you decide, but to me seems like you got a great deal in life, and maybe looking for you stones when the gems are right in front of you.

But wat do i know, my wishes are different from yours, maybe you on higher spiritual level than me. But i think i am not even on zero level more like minus level and to me if one has health they have everything god has blessed them. But your wishes maybe everything to you.

All the best though on your journey.


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I have had many darshans of Many sants and had ashivars , Sant baba ajit singh ji hansali wale, sant baba teja singh rara sahib and many more at rara sahib. sant bab fauja singh ji, sant baba narvair singh taksal, sant baba ram singh damdami taksaal, sant baba ranjodh singh ji....and hundreads more. and not just darshan i know them closely i use2 ring them all the time before i started my bugty. so what am i doing wrong ????

I love you all sadh sangat ji you dont even know me and still your helping me out even though i am a fool but i need a glimpise of waheguru ji or something to make me keep going i need something and im not getting it out of simran. i have started going gudhwara sahib and doing sangat i feel little bit happy there but yeah. my parents a worried.

i met my old friends and i dont like it i dont like being around people its different but ill get use2 it

thank you everyone ill do sangat for a month and see if that works if not im going india and staying at Bhindra

It seems like you're trying to tick boxes by following the template journey of a high-avastha Sikh, but somewhere along the way you've become lost and you're not even sure why you're doing whatever you started out doing at the beginning. For some people meeting one sant is enough to transform their life; you seem to be collecting names for posterity like an autograph hunter.

This is what happens when children are introduced to hugely complex theological concepts by over-zealous parchaaraks. Such preachers think they are doing good by imparting such knowledge to the next generation, but they are, in-fact, confusing and misguiding youngsters who simply aren't emotionally mature to process and utilise such information. "Get them while they're young" seems to be the ethos amongst preachers these days, yet this is the damage that's done when things don't work out. You have an admittedly decent, prem-filled young Sikh attempting to walk a path he has heard all great and genuine Sikhs of the past have undertaken, yet for some reason or another, things aren't working out for this lad, and in his haste to salvage what seems to have been a period of time fraught with doubt he is considering turning to intoxicants to reaffirm his faith!

The older I get the more I'm beginning to realise sitting in Maharaj's hazoori (or adjacent) and proselytizing to the sangat is not to be taken lightly. EVERY SINGLE WORD uttered must be absolutely considered and to the point, as there simply isn't a way of knowing how one person comprehends something discussed compared to the next person. There needs to be a balance between educating young Sikhs about Sikhi so they don't become manmukhs, however without filling their head with concepts that even someone with many miles on the clock of life needs to absorb and put into practice with care and contemplation.

There's a lot of wannabe Mahapurash and Fakir-e-Kaums amongst the young generation of Sikhs these days, wanting to go down in history like the Sikhs they idolise. I don't know where this sense of entitlement and prestige has crept into the mindset of the youth, but it's completely wrong. You can't play at being a great Sikh, and then lose heart when the box-ticking doesn't yield the expected results. If it were that easy we'd all be brahmchari's (celibates) living in the basements / attics of our parents, and traversing the astral planes at will because we've performed a certain set of Jaaps and now we think we're "it". Akal Purakh is not a fool who can be won over or deceived by perfunctory appeals to his grace originating from suspect, selfish motivations. There is a difference between a desire to seek his favour through prem, and something like testing him to see if there's anything out there.

The OP shoud live his life, perform his duties as a son and a productive member of society. There are wonderful Sikhs who participate in the khel of humanity, but don't lose sight of their Sikhi. If you keep your head whilst traversing the minefield of life then maybe He will grant you darshan. If he doesn't then be content in the knowledge there's a reason he chose not to.

I'm not being harsh. These are my observations and thoughts after having travelled a similar journey.

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Guest Gupt Dass

Waheguru Ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

Veer ji, You say you want darshan but if you're not ready this will only increase your ego. Dass has had darshan and its very hard to lose that ego.

You should carry on your simran but limit it and start doing kirat and give daswand, live in the tennets of sikhi. As mentioned before you need to do nishkam sewa. You should start washing sangats jhuteh pande and cleaning sangats jhorae whilst focusing on waheguru. But dont do it for something in return, do it out of pyare for Guru ji. Jin prem kio thin hi prabh payo. This will also help you keep nimrata.

Don't do any drugs and stimulants as these will only take you away from waheguru and you will regret it.

Waheguru Ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

P.S. When you do get darshan, don't tell anyone!

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You looking for a experience is the problem because if you do get one then what. Experiences or visions, dreams etc just come and go so its just temporary and no indication whatsoever that you're progressing in this so called journey. God cannot be seen, or found or reached. You need to think for yourself and realise what is permanent which is you. Do more veechar and accept this reality as it is and that to see god you need to be god. How? lol. Do you have control over your body or mind. Find out who makes you move, think, whose actions are these? Find out who you are. These sants went in isolation and our guru says no need to! lol Then these sants in india came back from isolation and told the sangat that you can discover your spiritual journey wherever you are and don't need to go to the jungle etc. The main problem is your ignorance and definition of what god is. Simran is there to investigate the source of the mind which is god. So you realise that your very nature, the world, good and bad actions are god. To reach god is impossible because god has already got you but your ego/individuality is stopping you and causing this frustration. Surrender everything, your body, mind, emotions etc to god and be as you are and live life.

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I have had many darshans of Many sants and had ashivars , Sant baba ajit singh ji hansali wale, sant baba teja singh rara sahib and many more at rara sahib. sant bab fauja singh ji, sant baba narvair singh taksal, sant baba ram singh damdami taksaal, sant baba ranjodh singh ji....and hundreads more. and not just darshan i know them closely i use2 ring them all the time before i started my bugty. so what am i doing wrong ????

I love you all sadh sangat ji you dont even know me and still your helping me out even though i am a fool but i need a glimpise of waheguru ji or something to make me keep going i need something and im not getting it out of simran. i have started going gudhwara sahib and doing sangat i feel little bit happy there but yeah. my parents a worried.

i met my old friends and i dont like it i dont like being around people its different but ill get use2 it

thank you everyone ill do sangat for a month and see if that works if not im going india and staying at Bhindra

Well, here you go !

Why are you asking no gooders on here, when you should ring up the named above ?

You should ask one of the santji's 'that i' going to do some drugs and mushrooms bhai saab, if you don't let me experienc akaal purakh ?"

Stop wasting time on here putting your satanic thoughts into other gursikhs.

If you had true darshan, ten these thoughts would not even occur to you.

Go read, understand and contemplate some gurbani, then you may realise that your left and right hand can work independently but they are still one !!

You can hold out your left hand and wait for God to put a prized good in it, And until he doesn't you can use your right hand to do bad deeds or put it on some filth where it is not supposed to be.

Is this your idea of the game of love with God ?

Guru Nanak's was about putting his head in either hand and offering it to the Lord, but you are too busy deciding what to play with your damned hands !

Nuff said,....... :stupidme: :cool2:

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Guest Mushrooms


My first thought was to contact Sant Ji's But i am too scared :'( .. Ive screwed up

so i thought i would find something online which was this

Sant jis did tell me there no need for solitude but i thought if i did it, ill find waheguru ji quicker

or experience something but i guess i was wrong

looking at these sants i really wanted to have what they did, but idk ill keep ding what you Sadhsangat ji told me

my Name is Harjinder singh U.K mahapaapi

Thank you Everyone

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Everything you have done to date has been with an ulterior motive most of your bhagti it seems has been to experience something to see your faith rewarded but faith/belief does not work like that

as sikhs we are supposed to live in the world your existence does not better the world one bit if you are lucky enough to be able to drop out of education system and work life balance then shouldnt you be helping your brothers and sisters in africa (not sure what you could teach them), shouldnt you be doing seva out in the gurdwara i think a singh who goes to work looks after his family helps out in his community and does some real paath from his heart those words mean a lot more to guru ji because he has had to find time to do them hes been listening to what guru ji says and turning that into action (what have you gleaned in the two years of doing your bhagthi?)

i dont want to criticise you because your my brother but i think a life in solitude like that is wasted and shows little care for your brothers and sisters you are in a blessed position you should recognize that and do something great

if you truly want to do drugs do them, but they will bring you no further along to god. Its an impressive feat of doing bhaghti for 2 years but the very first thing you should have asked is if you truly believed in waheguru if that was the case you wouldnt need any "experience" to convince you!

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