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Guru Nindak From Shiv Sena Arrested

Mehtab Singh

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Notice that most of the anti-sikh pages often have the hand of extremely ugly unwashed hindu punjabi brahmin extremists.

These marahti empire wonnabe shiv sena hindu brahmin rats have nothing good to offer society but sow the seed of hate and division between indian's then they wonder why people hate them.

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He just needs publicity and wants to reach BJP/RSS top-levels, edi raampyari te 4 dande pe gaye, ene age ton najar nahin aauna.

Lagda Haware da thapar ede munh te nahin, edi aatma te peya hai :D :D :D

He can't even look at the camera straight up and talk. He attacked Bhai Havara Jee while he was bound by hand cuffs. Shows what type of coward he is. Anyone can attack a caged lion, real bravery would have been had he faced a Singh who is not bound. Yet he still got slapped.

People like him do these types of foolish antics just so they can be noticed by the top leadership of the BJP or RSS and maybe they can reward him for his so called "bravery".

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