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Will post Press Releases from the SikhCouncil UK that will show an open meeting took place at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick on Sunday 20 October.

It was unanimously decided that day there should only be ONE London event in June AND it should be organised by the Federation of Sikh Organisations (FSO).

Some individulas although stating in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib they would accept this Panthic decision have stuck to their original plans to go ahead with organising their own event on 1 June - this is what is being advertised in Des Pardes.

This should not be seen as two events one organised by the youth and the other by the elders. Many/most of the different youth groups have indicated they will respect the Panthic decision at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick on Sunday 20 October and support the ONE event being organised by the FSO.

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Email sent by the Sikh Council on 21 October 2013

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Dear Colleague

Please see attached Press Release in relation to meeting held 20th October 2013 at Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick.

Furthermore: Please note the FSO ‘next step’ meeting as agreed will take place as follows:

Saturday 9th November 2013Guru Nanak Prakash Gurdwara71-81 Harnall Lane West, Coventry CV1 4FB3.00pm

Organisations/Jathebandis’are requested to send 2 representatives each.

It would be most appreciated if you could include this email in your broadcasts/publications and circulate widely to networks

We take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support for the Chardi Kala of the Sikh Panth.

Press Release is re-produced below;


The Indian Sub-Continent Affairs Committee of Sikh Council UK facilitates Panthic Agreement for a united 1984 Remembrance Event

Following requests by Jathebandis, Gurdwaras and individuals, the Indian Sub-Continent Affairs Committee of Sikh Council UK facilitated an open Panthic meeting on Sunday 20th October 2013 at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick.

The Panthic meeting was attended by approximately 200 individuals representing various Jathebandis, campaign organisations and Gurdwaras from around the country. The Panthic meeting was held to discuss and resolve issues in relation to the organisation of the annual 1984 Remembrance Event in central London. The event in 2014 has increased significance as it will commemorate the 30th anniversary of the attack on Sri Harmandir Sahib and Sri Akal Takhat Sahib in Amritsar.

The Panthic meeting saw an open and robust exchange of views take place during which many valuable points and ideas were shared. The Panthic meeting concluded with the following decisions:

 There will only be one event for the 1984 Remembrance Event to be held in June 2014 in Central London.

 The Federation of Sikh Organisations (FSO) would continue to lead the organising of the event.

 The FSO invited each organisation/ Jathebandi to send two representatives to a meeting it will be calling in the near future to form a planning group for organising the 1984 Remembrance Event to be held in June 2014. The planning group will determine and organise all aspects of the event in an inclusive manner and will incorporate all appropriate ideas and suggestions.

 The Indian Sub-Continent Affairs Committee of Sikh Council UK would assist in organising the first meeting of the FSO to form the planning group.

The above decisions were approved unanimously by those present in the meeting and will serve to provide a united way forward for the Panth.

Request to all:

Sikh Council UK appeals to everyone that in the spirit of maintaining unity and building upon the agreements: any outstanding issues or issues emerging to be discussed at the forthcoming meeting.


Press Release - SCUK - Panthic Meeting 20th October 2013.pdf

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The following email was then put out to member organisations of the Sikh Council UK on 10 November following th emeeting on 9 November

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Dear Members of the General Assembly

Re: FSO 30thAnniversary of 1984 event Panthic Meeting

By way of update:
As you will be aware from previous correspondence and Press Release a panthic meeting took place on 20th October 2013 hosted by Sikh Council at Guru Nanak Gurdwara Sahib Smethwick.

You may recall one of the resolutions passed at the meeting was for Sikh Council UK to organise a follow up meeting of representatives from key organisations with a common interest.

The subsequent meeting took place on 9th November 2013 at Guru Nanak Parkash Gurdwara Sahib, Harnal Lane, Coventry.

Prior to meeting Sikh Council UK developed an amicable list of relevant organisations and invited 2 representatives from each and made arrangements accordingly for the meeting.

At the meeting Sikh Council -Secretary General welcomed everyone attending the closed meeting and then handed over facilitation back to FSO. On this positive note Sikh Council were able to take leave from the meeting having completed its task as requested by the Panthic organisations.

It is understood that FSO will now be making arrangements for further meetings to progress matters.

The Sikh Council is a common platform of the Panth whereby people can come together on issues of common interest, it was an honour to uphold the assigned task entrusted to the Council.

Despite this those who came on a Sikh TV channel on Tuesday this week 8.30-9.00pm and presumably put the advert out in Des Pardes made it clear they were sticking to their original plans that started on 10 June 2013 to hold a separate event on 1 June 2014.

Sikh organisations (including different youth groups), Gurdwaras and the Sangat will make up their own minds on whether or not to support the 1 June event or the Panthic event being organised by the FSO with the support of Gurdwaras.

The only SIkh organisation that attended the meeting on 9 June that has publicly indicated its support for the event on 1 June is Shromani Akali Dal (Amritsar). Its President Sarabjit Singh (Smethwick) also mentioned its youth wing supported the 1 June event on the Sikh TV channel. Some prominent figures from Shromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) know it would be a mistake if they ignore the Panthic decision at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick on 20 October and will no dout in due course make this clear publicly.

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Thanks veer jeeo for the update - i also congratulate the youth for being cool here.

I think different Sikh organisations and youth groups will gradually come out in public support of the Panthic event being organised by the FSO with the support of Gurdwaras.

The Indian Govt can not be allowed to succeed in dividing the Panth fpr the 30th anniversary. We will have to watch the Sikh/Panjabi media.

Des Pardes has already shown its colours - only interested in selling newspapers and thrive on divisions. The jury is out on the SIkh Channel as it has already given air time a couple of times regarding the 1 June. They should allow the Sikh Council UK and/or FSO to explain what has happen or they will prove they are biased and encouraging a division. Other TV stations, radio stations, newspapers also need to support/honour the decision on 20 October at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick.

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I agree wholeheartedly sir, thing is it sometimes feels like our media is a bit like the old penddo committees types we have in our Gurdwara up and down the country i.e they want to do something to kndle their ego but when it comes to rea lissues and crux they shy away like a lions with their tails in between their legs.

I sincerley hope Sikh channel stays on par - as the current ceo is a pretty cool cat and doing a swell job at present , others i'm not sure.

The crux and truth of the matter - effecting the sikh kaum wil prevail and come out one way or the other anyway. Pendo des perdes types are just their for the money

and may so is the other sikh media organisations however if they ignore the basic fundamental things going on within the panth then what is their point afterall.

They indeed belong to the panth as support of sangatan worldwide is growing for them - we are all after all inter dependant and cannot survive without that depednacy.

Thanks for your input again

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Organisations and Gurdwaras represented:

Speakers from:

Sikh Federation (UK)
Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Sedgely Street, Wolverhampton
Shromani Akali Dal (Chohan)

Guru Teg Bahadur Gurdwara, Leicester
Guru Nanak Parkash, Harnall Lane, Coventry
International Panthic Dal
Guru Har Rai Gurdwara, West Bromwich
British Sikh Council
Sikh Council UK
Åkhand Kirtani Jatha
Dharma Jodh Morcha (Damdami Taksal)
Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick

Shromani Khalsa Dal

Sri Guru Har Krishan Sahib Ji Gurdwara, Oadby

Amrit Dharmik Parchar Gurdwara, Oldbury

Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Wednesfield

Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Coventry

Khalistan Government in Exile


Programme just finished at 10pm . . .

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