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Why Is Their A Lack Of Sikhs In Boxing Wrestling Mma And Martial Occupations Like Military


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Sikhs are a martial people yet have had very little to no success on international stage in sports like boxing wrestling mma

in the west the number of Sikhs going into armies is very very little as well

have Sikhs lost their martial culture

I read about Sikhs being bullied or muslims bullying sikhs

is this cause Sikhs have lost their martial culture?

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Sikhs are a martial people yet have had very little to no success on international stage in sports like boxing wrestling mma

in the west the number of Sikhs going into armies is very very little as well

have Sikhs lost their martial culture

I read about Sikhs being bullied or muslims bullying sikhs

is this cause Sikhs have lost their martial culture?

Are you giving a suggestion or telling us something?
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Yes, its a big problem too many "hippy" Sikhs these days martial culture and physical fitness has all but been abandoned by most.

It's not a new phenomenon either this has been an issue for the last 60 years at least, martial culture died after the end of the Anglo Sikh wars when the British helped create a subversant weakened brand of Sikhi and SGPC/Singh Sabha removed Buddha Dal Nihangs from Akal Takht, along with removal of dasam granth and bir raas bani from most Gurdwaras.

How many Sikhs could have saved themselves and their families in Delhi after Indira Gandhi's assassination if they listened to Guru Sahibs hukam and were "tyar bar tyar" shasterdari.. What happened to 1 Sikh can fight Sava lakh opponent's ??

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Fight Science.


September 27th.

Doors open at 5:00.

Come out for an evening's festivities.

I'm on the under card that evening.

There's a fair few quality clubs in Surrey here in the UK. PM me for more info.

Momentum is built by action. Just come out and hit some pads! You're never too old or too young to learn how to use your body!

Then you'll see it spread like magic through your family and local community!

...or if you live outside Surrey, go go Google go!


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