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Sikh Man Stabbed By White Supremacist!


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24 year old Sikh man has been stabbed at a Tescos store in Wales by a White Supremacist!

The Singh was shopping at Tescos when this attack took place. ...the White Christian terrorist chased the Sikh man with a huge knife and hammer ..Whilst repeatedly shouting "White Power"

Singh sustained injuries to the stomach, arms and hands.

We condemn this attack, and wish Singh a full and speedy recovery.

We ALSO question why the media did not highlight this racist attack...why wasn't the perpetrator of this attack branded by his religion. ....or class this as a Terrorist attack!

AFTER ALL the Sikhs have done and continue to do so for this Country!



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Guest Jacfsing2


24 year old Sikh man has been stabbed at a Tescos store in Wales by a White Supremacist!

The Singh was shopping at Tescos when this attack took place. ...the White Christian terrorist chased the Sikh man with a huge knife and hammer ..Whilst repeatedly shouting "White Power"

Singh sustained injuries to the stomach, arms and hands.

We condemn this attack, and wish Singh a full and speedy recovery.

We ALSO question why the media did not highlight this racist attack...why wasn't the perpetrator of this attack branded by his religion. ....or class this as a Terrorist attack!

AFTER ALL the Sikhs have done and continue to do so for this Country!



Christians have been famous for Crusades and pointing fingers at others, their bible teaches Jesus being the only way, Moses killed many for worshipping a golden idol. The Christians were afraid of Sikhs ever since Max Arthur McAuliffe converted.
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Vaheguru hope he gets through this.

We need to be vigilant of these kind of attacks and everyone should keep sharp kirpan of at least 9" size and be prepared to use it if needs be. If your in America then you should get a license and carry a gun.

There hasn't been much in the english media about this but have the sikh channels even reported this?

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24 year old Sikh man has been stabbed at a Tescos store in Wales by a White Supremacist!

The Singh was shopping at Tescos when this attack took place. ...the White Christian terrorist chased the Sikh man with a huge knife and hammer ..Whilst repeatedly shouting "White Power"

Singh sustained injuries to the stomach, arms and hands.

We condemn this attack, and wish Singh a full and speedy recovery.

We ALSO question why the media did not highlight this racist attack...why wasn't the perpetrator of this attack branded by his religion. ....or class this as a Terrorist attack!

AFTER ALL the Sikhs have done and continue to do so for this Country!




This makes more sense and inevitable just like after 9-11. Although the killers in France looked nothing like Sikhs, ignoramus fools still equate Sikhi with Bin Laden/Islam and these low lifes often confuse Sikhs and Sheikhs!

How do we know he was a Christian?

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What we need to do is to donate to the victim, to show a we stand united and at this time our fellow Sikh should not be burdened by any costs related to the incident, this after all is Sewa as per our Guru's message.

Sikhs are a small community in the UK, please can someone step forward from/for that family and set up a donations program through a website or Gurdwara or from Sikh Awareness Society, I'm ready to donate now.

The Khalsa Reigns Supreme!


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Hmm seems like White atheist terrorist once again targeting Sikhs mistakenly or because they hate all non-whites. Either way why are British jews being protected while Sikhs who are a visiable minority and have suffered attacks in the past for dangerous white far right wing terrorists not protected? 6 Sikh american Sikhs were murdered by white atheist / christian terrorist in USA in 2012 in a gurdwara of all places and then the american Sikhs went quite after declaring they would raise more awareness about Sikhs in america. We need to be less forgiving and more vocal and zero tolerance to these attacks.

Can we get our MP's and Sikh leaders to answer why there is such for lack of equality and protection for British Sikhs? Why lack of mainstream media coverage? I saw Sky news give 1 day of coverage then nothing from then onwards its all about British jews and how they feel vulnerable...

Remember 7/7 when evil Muslim terrorists attacked London and as a result some white men attacked our gurdwara's because these deranged dangerous white atheist thugs thought all asians were muslims?

I think we need to teach our Sikh people in lectures, books and social media the dangers of not only islamic terrorists but also atheist white terrorists and indian brahmin hindu terrorism otherwise these attacks will keep happening and like idiots we will forget that there are people out there that hate us and want to do us harm just like in history.

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hence why we must follow pita jees hukam of LEARNING SHASTAR VIDIYA... learn what is a effective kirpan... learn to sharpern one.. learn to USE ONE...

take up a martial art whether its maa ,thai boxing , krav maga , kali ,silat , jkd , wing chun etc it teach you how to protect urself then others.

The KHALSA is made to protect others. we cant even protect the phag on our heads these days!

i'm not pointing a finger as this singh but this should be a reminder to all of us , remain tyar bar tyar- train or remain the same sheep

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Sikhs shouldnt take the law into their own hands by using kirpans for self defence only if its life or death matter I would say use whatever you can to protect yourself.

Sikhs should put huge amounts of pressure on authorities to protect our innocent community (who got nothing to do with islamic jihadi nutters) from these ignorant racist white atheist terrorist / thugs because it is a undeniable fact that Sikh turban wearing males are 10 times more at risk of getting violently attacked by a white racist than a british jew from a jihadi or far right racist. The British Jews who have got so much protection it is verging on the absurd and outrageous risking communal disharmony seeing favoritism for one group of people yet Sikh turbanned males who are highly vulnerable to attacks get no special protection or defence in law if they use their kirpan to fend of attackers.

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