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I will leave it gursikhs like yourself, dr gurnam singh ji, davinder singh panesar, bhai jagraj singh, bhai sukha singh (SAS) to address those issues in uk and if all this mess from UK... start flying over north west here will chat up world sikh organization- offical canadian sikhs body to come up with some meditation/de-radicalization programs.

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  • 11 months later...
On 8 October 2015 at 10:58 AM, N30S1NGH said:

I will leave it gursikhs like yourself, dr gurnam singh ji, davinder singh panesar, bhai jagraj singh, bhai sukha singh (SAS) to address those issues in uk and if all this mess from UK... start flying over north west here will chat up world sikh organization- offical canadian sikhs body to come up with some meditation/de-radicalization programs.

If you are going to say something why not say it in a way so we can all have an idea what are you going on about? I didn't quite get it.

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Instead of focusing on religious sects etc, people should focus on their own paths.


There were plenty of sects during the Gurus times, people focused on their own lives and their own sikhi.


So many hundreds of years later and Gudwarra committees, the Akal Takht have become corrupt, Trishna- ego of seva has taken hold. Gyanis have raped women, peaodophilia has occurred. Before pointing the fingers at other sects, root out the corruption from within first.

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26 minutes ago, Sukhvirk76 said:

Hatred? Wow! The mind boggles. Hate, hypocrisy, fascism are common bedfellows. I'm not sure you should be throwing such terms around so carelessly.

what comes out of vandian/division ??? tell me it is something other than hate and turmoil.


Other people have their paths and yet they seem to have a fascination for putting their oar into the SIkh Faith ...

If you want to be HIndu go be it , be happy; but don't change Guru ji's panth for your self-satisfaction/justifaction

to santanists .....'yeh tisar mazab KHALSA' ... Guru Gobind SIngh ji

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9 minutes ago, Sukhvirk76 said:

So we should do as you say not as you do! How much respect do really have? Seems like spiritual gymnastics and now that your shallowness is surfacing you choose not to address the issue but to spit bile. Well done. What a joke. Must be nice living in a ivory tower, even if it is a fragile one.


who killed nihangs at Akal Takht and gave gurdwara control to brahmins ? the Christians 

who tried to subvert the message of sikhi and convince sikhs they were hindus ? the arya samajists 

and what was our response as sikhs? we restored knowledge of sikhi through parchaar and gained back control of our gurdwarey through peaceful protest and shaheedian in the early 20th century

Again we face outside agendas diluting our history with myths  ...those who want so badly to be in another path shouldn't be scared of going to them , we are not holding them back, but, if this path speaks to you then trust it with your everything. 

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Sukh ,

I don't hate anyone but those who kill the truth to spread hate and lies , who murder, maim and torture innocents in the name of faith. Am I perfect ? NO a hundred times NO but I pray that Guru ji hears my heart's plea for admittance to the Khalsa with my Husband ...and I wait for the day impatiently . 

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3 minutes ago, Sukhvirk76 said:

What a joke.

All of that may well be true. But don't hide your own hypocrisy behind it. Shameless!

What hypocrisy ? I would never tell an interfaith couple to marry by Anand Karaj because it is conversion by sleight of hand at least and Maha Beadbhi of Guru ji's blessing if they refuse to follow sikhi  . Was I an Interfaith marriage ??? no so stop .My husband's family is christian ,he is not . maybe it seems strange to you that someone could fall in love with sikhi more than you but it happens every day.

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