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Why So Many People Misinterpret Gurbani To Suit Their Own Needs?

Guest Jacfsing2

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Guest Jacfsing2

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Daas really wanted to know why some people misinterpret Gurbani to fill their own needs? This happens a lot especially by Liberal Sikhs; which Daas sometimes notices on this website. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Daas really wanted to know why some people misinterpret Gurbani to fill their own needs? This happens a lot especially by Liberal Sikhs; which Daas sometimes notices on this website. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Good question Bro.

The thing is, it is easy to misinterpret, and they have no choice. And in this group, comes a vast majority.

Right understanding comes from purity. And purity only comes from practicing Truth.

Gurbani is so marvelous and wonderful, that even if a donkey(illiterate), practices Truth, he can turn out to be a scholar or a gyani,without even being able to write or read ...

And practicing the Truth is not reciting anything X times, or even 24 hours non stop ....or Y days, or Z weeks ....

As Truth is only one without any second, and thus practicing Truth, is doing the jaap of His Naam, as per Gurmat.

Bhagat Kabir, was a weaver.

Bhagat Ravi Das was a shoemaker.

But we all know, they were Bhagats of the highest order. That much, that Wahiguru/Satnam, resided in them while they were on earth, of course, later they merged their consciousness in that Supreme Being Akal Purukh.

Moreover, people from any walks of life, can become one with Wahiguru, if, only they practiced the truth as per Gurmat.

The Bani says: Awar kaaj, tere kitte na kaam, mil Sadh Sangat, bhaj kewal Naam.

Can you see, how in a line of few simple words, how much spiritual depth is there?

While manmukhs can give lectures for hours and hours, without even coming an inch near the Truth, our Guru Jee, in a single short line, has simplified the path for us manmukhs.

Now, inspite of this blessings from Guru Jee on us, we still do so many other things, thinking we are fulfilling our dharam, then, who is to be blamed?

Naturally, we ourselves.

There is no harm in doing them as we are human beings, but, we should never take them as substitutes for the Truth, as mentioned in the Bani, it does not matter, if we see large numbers doing so, for in the end, it is only the Truth practiced by us, as per Gurmat, that counts in His Darbar.

Gurmat/Gurbani has no mistakes, if any, it is the pollution of our own minds. Our beloved Guru sahibans, are pure paviter, faultless.

The full beautiful moon, has a dark mark; the Sun inspite of so much light has heat.

But our Guru jee, has no mark, He is spotless, and He is all radiant without any heat; rather all coolness and with the scent of the Naam of Wahiguru.

Sat Sree Akal.

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Pardesanbibbi Jee,

I think that is not the root problem, the thing is, even if they believe God is watching them, but their maat/chit is not that spiritually developed to understand Gurmat in the right view, what can they do?

Hardly nothing.

Let us give them that grace mark.

For example, a student is in the class, and sees that the teacher is looking at him, but that being conscious of the presence of the teacher will not provide him any knowledge, rather if that student pays attention to what the teacher explains and puts in the efforts by doing homework, without the physical presence of the teacher, then too, the student evolves in the studies and gradually step by step, his intellectual capacity is thus sharpened or refined to understand better and better, then only can he express as it should be.

in our case also, if we do no real bhakti, irrespective of believing God is watching,we can never ever understand Gurmat in the right perspective

Sat Sree Akal

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So, if I don't study spirituality, I will not make any progress? How about not studying anything but just meditationing, would that help?

It's not about studying spirituality alone, but more about experiencing it, and that happens with Waheguru's grace. Both are needed, whatever we learn from Gurbani, to try and apply it to our lives, and the experience of understanding will be graced by God. We need to make the effort though on our part, meditating alone is good too, as long as it's done with devotion towards Waheguru and not just for the sake of it.

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So, if I don't study spirituality, I will not make any progress? How about not studying anything but just meditationing, would that help?

sikhi is all about action and vicharna , if you do not think on arth of bani how will you be blessed with gian ? You will be just making the sounds without comprehension , just like a little kid when he first sings a song say 'Amazing Grace', slowly he may gain an understanding but that only comes with explanation of the terms on a superficial level then the deeper concepts come through about salvation, sin and loss , then the full power of that song hits him like a thunderbolt. Same with Gurbani

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Aap aapnee budh hai jetee. barnat bhinn bhinn tuhé tetee. tumraa lakhaa naa jaaé pasaaraa. keh bidh sajaa pratham sansaaraa.

(17)Every one according to his understanding, describes You differently. The limits of Your creation cannot be known, nor how in the beginning You created the Universes. (17)

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So, if I don't study spirituality, I will not make any progress? How about not studying anything but just meditating, would that help?

Of course, it will, as you are doing the right devotion and superior to anything else, as per Bani, which tells us beautifully:

Prabh ka Simran, Gyan Dhyan Tat Budh

I found some interesting matter on the net, which I totally agree with, and I am writing it below in italics, and share it with the sangat

Naam Simran brings us Braham Gyan and Tat Gyan (highest level of Braham Gyan).

We start to listen to GurBani and start to understand it from within.

This motivates us to further adopt GurBani in our daily life. Our commitment and belief in the Guru, GurBani and Akal Purakh just keeps on enhancing.

All kinds and means of worshipping the Almighty are contained within Naam Simran.

This means that Naam Simran is the highest level of service of the Almighty. Serving like this we realize and establish inside our Hirda the fact that there is no one like the Almighty. That He is the Supreme Creator of the entire universe.

We develop a total belief and commitment to the Almighty.

The real pilgrimage is in doing Naam Simran.

This pilgrimage takes place inside us, as we go through different spiritual stages.

When we do Naam Simran in Samadhi we go through different stages of spirituality as described in Jap Ji, they are:-

Dharam Khand, Gyan Khand, Saram Khand, Karam Khand and Sach Khand.

When we do Naam Simran in Samadhi we actually see and experience Divinity through Puran Parkash, Guru Darshan, Sach Khand Darshan and so on.

Sat Sree Akal.

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