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5 minutes ago, genie said:

Sikhs have been fobbed off for centuries and the underdogs ruled a powerful empire that competed with the likes of the european powers of the time. Sikhs are lions led by sheep and donkeys at the moment. Our best leaders were militarily strong and wise, once we lost our government, we lost our land, we lost our army, we lost all the powers of the state and we became helpless. Again we will rise thats why these anti-sikh dogs try to keep us down becaus they know how powerful our faith is and our people are as a nation. We can change the course of wars (2 world wars with 100,000 turbanned sikh soldiers laying down their lives in europe and asia) and of political landscapes (indira gandhi leader of india got taken out by 2 brave Sikh lions), it was the determination, bravery and suicide squad of Sikh soldiers  that won all 3 wars against pakistani army even the pakistani general admitted it.

So Sikhs are a force that once united scares the living daylights of those who want to oppose us. They know how strong our people and what we have achieved in a short period of history and after numerous genocides we are still strong waheguru willing will be stronger in the future.

I think the reason the above happened was because we took our own initiative regardless of others. The problem lies with us relying upon or getting embroiled with others who will act like friends, but in reality, want to see us chopped down to size. 

Going to the English establishment regarding our political woes in India is the dumbest thing in the world. These people are the ones who brought us down, they aren't about to help us come up now. 

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On 11/10/2016 at 7:36 PM, S4NGH said:

I duno why any of this is surprising. have we forgotten jallianwala bagh? the british are NOT our friends. never have been. all these petitions and crap... so embarrassing. 

It's all these ruralite pendu types, whose recent forefathers were given jobs in the colonial setup. They see goray with rose-tinted anakhaan as a consequence. They don't have the IQ to read inbetween the lines. If they could, they would have got the very clear but unspoken message: "Screw you and your causes" from the people they keep running too. I mean, Anglos must be flabbergasted and in hysterics with the outright naivety of our lot.  

What the hell do these pendus think goray are going to do for them in any case?? Slap the Indian government on the wrist? Imprison Indian politicians? Send the British army in to liberate Khalistan for them? Send the SAS in to assassinate anti-Sikh politicians?  A lot of British Sikhs are politically retarded. 

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I think we as a kaum need to fight the appropriate fight (Akal Takht freedom and SGPC control removal) and deal legally with stuff such as the robbery of our water through International HUman Rights courts , we will get support of general public for water rights if we get climate /eco scientists on board  with full analysis , and legal documents submitted by constitutional lawyers .

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On 11/10/2016 at 9:36 PM, jkvlondon said:

I think we as a kaum need to fight the appropriate fight (Akal Takht freedom and SGPC control removal) and deal legally with stuff such as the robbery of our water through International HUman Rights courts , we will get support of general public for water rights if we get climate /eco scientists on board  with full analysis , and legal documents submitted by constitutional lawyers .

I can't see many nonSikhs caring too much about this stuff. More so given the political turmoil going on across the west. 

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2 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

I can't see many nonSikhs caring too much about this stuff. More so given the political turmoil going on across the west. 

colorado is fighting nestle for water rights they are trying to establish water as a human right as are the first nations if we can fight our case in international arena and win  their cases will be easier

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In a book I have been reading about the partition of india, there has been some focus on India joining the commonwealth. Nehru was very reluctant to join the commonwealth initially, until he saw Jinnah's enthusiasm for it. When nehru learned that that the one of the pros of joining was that Britian would have to help  India in any military strategy, overt or covert he changed his mind as he thought that Pakistan would call on Biritians help in any future conflict. But the thing that stuck in my mind most was that the Indian govt could very easily have called for, and the British govt could very easily have provided covert support and strategy to india in 1984 for Bluestar.


The British were already arranging the murders of members of the Irish Republican movement at this time through the SAS, and the FRU. The SAS went to India to give assistance to military strategy on attacking Darbar Sahib. The British govt claim that because of the infrastructure of Darbar Sahib, (many buildings in close proximity) the SAS advised against it. A  little strange as it was the ideal arena of operations for the SAS. But seeing as the indian army are not up to the skills of the SAS, the British govt claim they advised against it.

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3 minutes ago, chatanga said:

In a book I have been reading about the partition of india, there has been some focus on India joining the commonwealth. Nehru was very reluctant to join the commonwealth initially, until he saw Jinnah's enthusiasm for it. When nehru learned that that the one of the pros of joining was that Britian would have to help  India in any military strategy, overt or covert he changed his mind as he thought that Pakistan would call on Biritians help in any future conflict. But the thing that stuck in my mind most was that the Indian govt could very easily have called for, and the British govt could very easily have provided covert support and strategy to india in 1984 for Bluestar.


The British were already arranging the murders of members of the Irish Republican movement at this time through the SAS, and the FRU. The SAS went to India to give assistance to military strategy on attacking Darbar Sahib. The British govt claim that because of the infrastructure of Darbar Sahib, (many buildings in close proximity) the SAS advised against it. A  little strange as it was the ideal arena of operations for the SAS. But seeing as the indian army are not up to the skills of the SAS, the British govt claim they advised against it.

they were told it was a hit , they did the survey and when they did they realised there was no holed -up paranoid dictator sitting in the Akal Takht ... they distanced themselves from that ...no blowback.   Whereas they didn't mind giving policing strategies for afterwards

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9 minutes ago, chatanga said:

In a book I have been reading about the partition of india, there has been some focus on India joining the commonwealth. Nehru was very reluctant to join the commonwealth initially, until he saw Jinnah's enthusiasm for it. When nehru learned that that the one of the pros of joining was that Britian would have to help  India in any military strategy, overt or covert he changed his mind as he thought that Pakistan would call on Biritians help in any future conflict. But the thing that stuck in my mind most was that the Indian govt could very easily have called for, and the British govt could very easily have provided covert support and strategy to india in 1984 for Bluestar.


The British were already arranging the murders of members of the Irish Republican movement at this time through the SAS, and the FRU. The SAS went to India to give assistance to military strategy on attacking Darbar Sahib. The British govt claim that because of the infrastructure of Darbar Sahib, (many buildings in close proximity) the SAS advised against it. A  little strange as it was the ideal arena of operations for the SAS. But seeing as the indian army are not up to the skills of the SAS, the British govt claim they advised against it.

Truth is that we'll never know what happened, or at least for a good few more decades when certain files are deemed safe to release (I remember HSD used to say this way back when - that geezer was ahead of the curve on these things). Until then, given what you've pointed out above, and the general nature of Anglo-Sikh military relations, anyone even partially clued up has probably got an inkling that these people were involved much more than they claim. 

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Its only natural to seek and ask justice from the oppressor to see if there is any ounce of decency left in them.

Problem for the racist white evil elites in the British/western establishment that are resisting any public enquiry or justice for 1984 is that now that if there is ever a war with a foreign power again (e.g like russia). Sikhs will remember the betrayals and will probably sit back home rather than risking their lives and helping or aid their fellow countrymen against the foreign enemy.

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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
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