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Gurdwara stops Midland Langar Seva from preparing food


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Like the title say's really, Walsall Caldmore Gurdwara's committee decided they didn't want MLSS preparing food in the Gurdwara kitchen for the homeless, I just came across this today and to say i'm little lost for word's is an understatement, absolute disgrace.


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9 minutes ago, kcmidlands said:

Like the title say's really, Walsall Caldmore Gurdwara's committee decided they didn't want MLSS preparing food in the Gurdwara kitchen for the homeless, I just came across this today and to say i'm little lost for word's is an understatement, absolute disgrace.


did anyone contact the committee members to ask them what their rational was for this decision?

Like i said in the previous post, without looking at context and both sides of the story. Instead of bashing fellow Sikhs we must find out the truth and heart of the matter. Rather than propaganda of one group of people who have their own agenda's


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1 hour ago, genie said:

did anyone contact the committee members to ask them what their rational was for this decision?

Like i said in the previous post, without looking at context and both sides of the story. Instead of bashing fellow Sikhs we must find out the truth and heart of the matter. Rather than propaganda of one group of people who have their own agenda's


No idea what their rational was but i think hiring security and calling the local police to prevent a few women entering the kitchen to prepare meals for the homeless is a bit heavy handed, were the women strapped with c4 or something, just another day in the Gurdwara in the UK me-thinks.

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10 minutes ago, kcmidlands said:

No idea what their rational was but i think hiring security and calling the local police to prevent a few women entering the kitchen to prepare meals for the homeless is a bit heavy handed, were the women strapped with c4 or something, just another day in the Gurdwara in the UK me-thinks.

Like i said we need to know the background to this dispute and both sides of the story those who jump the gun and attack one side without analyzing why they were prevented obviously have an agenda or lack any balance and IQ.

I have heard many Sikhs complain that non-sikh homeless drunks are coming in the gurdwara without contributing any donations or sewa and treating the place like a refuge centre. And there is increase and decline in Sikhs wanting to go gurdwara due to that kinda environment.

A sikh place of worship is a sikh place of worship, it is open to all non-sikhs who respect our community and traditions and practises if they do not respect the norms and want to cause a scene.... even if it is a sikh that cant respect and behave good with another sikh then that trouble maker so called Sikh needs to be removed from the premises. And as we can see in the video there must have been a dispute before for the police to have been there and black security guard they just dont appear automatically out of no where.

1 hour ago, Cisco_Singh said:

I agree although I'm no fan off a lot of "old boys crew" paindoo committee types, in this situation we don't have both sides of the story. We need the committee to explain their decision before passing judgement.

Yup same here I am generally not a fan of the old boys network either but im getting increasingly annoyed by these f*dhu liberal youths and aggressive loud mouth unlady like feminist women who are trying to force open our communal kitchens and safe spaces for Sikhs to non-sikhs at the determent of our own community and sangat.


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34 minutes ago, singh598 said:

Please book at the all new Caldmore Gurdwara Hotel & Restaurant.  The newest building in town with over £10 million spent on new services.

We have a large seated hall for all your birthday celebrations and cake eating.  We have some old local ladies who are happy to be part of the fun.

Your prayers will be done by our next 6 month visa Granthi who has extensive experience in tailoring to your needs and won't hassle you for a tip.

The Ragis shall keep the music loud and distorted to the latest Bollywood tune.  Please note tips to the Ragi go into the local sangat regeneration project and building fund for a new Khalsa community centre.

The Kathavachak shall be brief and not discuss any social problems such as alcohol or domestic violence.

Here at Caldmore Gurdwara Event Hire we do our best to keep the local sangat away so as that your programme doesn't encounter any difficulties.

Security is tight.  We kick youths, homeless, poor and Amritdhari Sikhs out so that our business and your customer experience is not affected.

We are a sole trader, so we don't have any interference from justice groups or those that have concerns for Khalistan.  Nobody else is allowed to use our facilities such as the renowned trouble makers The Midlands Langar Seva.

So ladies and gentlemen please don't hesitate and book now and do as much beadbi of Guru Sahib, here at Caldmore Gurdwara Hire & Restaurant

nice bit of fantasy propaganda I'm sure the other side can do the same kinda BS propaganda against MLS also so lets not go there.

Lets all wait to hear of the commitee's side and versions of events shall we?

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4 hours ago, genie said:

Like i said we need to know the background to this dispute and both sides of the story those who jump the gun and attack one side without analyzing why they were prevented obviously have an agenda or lack any balance and IQ.

I have heard many Sikhs complain that non-sikh homeless drunks are coming in the gurdwara without contributing any donations or sewa and treating the place like a refuge centre. And there is increase and decline in Sikhs wanting to go gurdwara due to that kinda environment.

A sikh place of worship is a sikh place of worship, it is open to all non-sikhs who respect our community and traditions and practises if they do not respect the norms and want to cause a scene.... even if it is a sikh that cant respect and behave good with another sikh then that trouble maker so called Sikh needs to be removed from the premises. And as we can see in the video there must have been a dispute before for the police to have been there and black security guard they just dont appear automatically out of no where.

Yup same here I am generally not a fan of the old boys network either but im getting increasingly annoyed by these f*dhu liberal youths and feminist women who are forcing open our communal kitchens and safe spaces for Sikhs to non-sikhs at the determent of our own community and sangat.


can you stop swearing like that, I'm sure you are articulate enough to avoid the filth and make your point . Golak is not just for serving sikh poor but all poor . 

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5 hours ago, singh598 said:

Please book at the all new Caldmore Gurdwara Hotel & Restaurant.  The newest building in town with over £10 million spent on new services.

We have a large seated hall for all your birthday celebrations and cake eating.  We have some old local ladies who are happy to be part of the fun.

Your prayers will be done by our next 6 month visa Granthi who has extensive experience in tailoring to your needs and won't hassle you for a tip.

The Ragis shall keep the music loud and distorted to the latest Bollywood tune.  Please note tips to the Ragi go into the local sangat regeneration project and building fund for a new Khalsa community centre.

The Kathavachak shall be brief and not discuss any social problems such as alcohol or domestic violence.

Here at Caldmore Gurdwara Event Hire we do our best to keep the local sangat away so as that your programme doesn't encounter any difficulties.

Security is tight.  We kick youths, homeless, poor and Amritdhari Sikhs out so that our business and your customer experience is not affected.

We are a sole trader, so we don't have any interference from justice groups or those that have concerns for Khalistan.  Nobody else is allowed to use our facilities such as the renowned trouble makers The Midlands Langar Seva.

So ladies and gentlemen please don't hesitate and book now and do as much beadbi of Guru Sahib, here at Caldmore Gurdwara Hire & Restaurant

I know the topic is not a funny one but damn that was very witty. Great way to get a serious point across - humour. I wish I had your comic talent. 

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