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Punjabi Girls Bad Behaviour


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Pleanty of punjabi or "sikh" girls on instagram, facebook and twitter showing off wearing izzat-less clothes and some are smoking sheesha/hookah. also in many pics they are probably drunk.

proper pub-club mentality. 

Seriously, even after coming out of the pend these families are still village <banned word filter activated> penduus. How do you get these people to learn any sikh teachings? They just stamp their head in their gurdwara and don't learn anything. need some kind of revolution to wake up the village idiots' children and grandchildren.


(wait that word for stupid is banned? it's not even a swear word, even kids shows use that word lol)

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I'm not a fan of holding the Dasam Granth on equal par to SGGS Ji however there is alot of wisdom we can draw from it. in the Dasam Granth Guru Gobind Singh Ji allegedly describes what happens to society when moral decline happens.

Its basically called adharm (atheism/irreligious) when liberal atheist lifestyle, ideology and culture gets brainwashed in the minds of easily impressionable and influenced excitable young girls. They start to think and behave in ways cause them long term harm. Short term it maybe all good and fun times but as they get older the sins they are committing start to weigh up on their shoulders.

A deep analysis and then action is required in context of Sikh theology and western liberal society today. How does a youth born in a Sikh family reconcile the two maintaining their religious Sikh identity and values and coping in a world where low class standards of behavior and thinking is acceptable and encouraged by their non-sikh peers and media (grime/hip hop / black music, shows/documentaries/films depicting loose moral behavior, proliferation of porn, etc) .

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12 minutes ago, genie said:

Its basically called adharm (atheism/irreligious) when liberal atheist lifestyle, ideology and culture gets brainwashed in the minds of easily impressionable and influenced excitable young girls. They start to think and behave in ways cause them long term harm. Short term it maybe all good and fun times but as they get older the sins they are committing start to weigh up on their shoulders.

A rather recent and frankly staggering trend I'm beginning to observe amongst white people I know and from other various accounts around the world, is how the once atheist / agnostic guys belonging to Generation Y are turning to Christianity in response to the tumultuous events of the world they're observing. The penny is starting to drop.

The smart ones are realising what lies ahead; they're watching the complete yet piecemeal destruction of their society; aggressive and voluminous masses of foreign men belonging to a hyper-masculine and confrontational religion flocking to their country; an utterly corrupt establishment that cares nothing for the vast majority; a contemptible and compromised media that's a plaything of the aforementioned establishment; a general subversion of thousands of years of progress that's on the verge of being squandered, and these guys who feel abandoned and powerless are turning to God as a last resort. Whatever we may think of their choice of religion to adhere to, I really never thought such a thing would happen in my lifetime. It's not a mass flailing of limbs at the altar of Christ, but it's quiet search for some sort of reconnection with the Judeo-Christian values their lands were built upon, after years of complete ambivalence and, let's be honest, outright hostility towards the idea of a God. We are living in truly fascinating times.

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2 hours ago, genie said:

I'm not a fan of holding the Dasam Granth on equal par to SGGS Ji however there is alot of wisdom we can draw from it. in the Dasam Granth Guru Gobind Singh Ji allegedly describes what happens to society when moral decline happens.

Its basically called adharm (atheism/irreligious) when liberal atheist lifestyle, ideology and culture gets brainwashed in the minds of easily impressionable and influenced excitable young girls. They start to think and behave in ways cause them long term harm. Short term it maybe all good and fun times but as they get older the sins they are committing start to weigh up on their shoulders.

A deep analysis and then action is required in context of Sikh theology and western liberal society today. How does a youth born in a Sikh family reconcile the two maintaining their religious Sikh identity and values and coping in a world where low class standards of behavior and thinking is acceptable and encouraged by their non-sikh peers and media (grime/hip hop / black music, shows/documentaries/films depicting loose moral behavior, proliferation of porn, etc) .

it's dangerous to translate dharm as religion, this is what was done in colonial times. First we need to understand the real meaning of dharm. The fact that many sikhs follow sikhi like a religion like a gora or arab would, instead of being dharmik, is something that is destroying us.

The fact that Dasam Granth is not available or visible in post Singh Sabha gurdwaras is also bring down our izzat, annakh and dharam as well as the martial side of what is meant to be the Khalsa dharm. The fact that instead harmonium is instead put next to Adi Guru Granth Sahib is a bit shocking (yet we criticise Dasam Granth being near Adi Guru Granth), especially after what Akali Phoola Singh said when people tried to bring harmonium into Harmandir Sahib, even though now that is what is used!

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Here's another trashy punjabi girl of Sikh heritage. From what I gather from her convo shes actually talking to an afghan muslim guy and both are mocking and belittling indian / sikh guys.

Shes actually giving us an insight how the mind of a non-muslim girl easy to groom and convert to islam is. ...

1. The guys good looks is important

2. The impression the guy is  are part of the hardest tribe on the block. Willing to indulge in violence to prove it and get respect and authority. Alpha male mentality and submissive female.

3. Then the continually pushing of islamic ideology and its alleged superiority by the muslim guy which eventually convinces the lame non-muslim and punjabi slags that yes it is superior. Stockholm syndrome.


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8 hours ago, Hammertime007 said:

Oh Is that right?  That's funny cos the only physical resistant to pakistani grooming gangs came from a birmingham sikh group. The first Gurdwara made by sikhs themselves was in birmingham, the first sikh tv channel came from Birmingham.       The Birmingham accent is working class, brummies are inherently proud of their working class roots,  at the same time sikhs and Punjabis are inherently proud of their working class tribal roots.  Sikhs/Punjabis have more in common with the birmingham and the black Country than middle class librial London.

i thought the first gurdwara was shepards bush .... 

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4 minutes ago, jkvlondon said:

why is it every girl is called priya amrita or simran  is there some kind of limited clique entrance requirement

I dont know about the names but what i noticed more is the liberal and jatt culture. Caste and punjabi culture is more important in these girls families lives than their religion is.... which is a complete disgrace.

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