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Sandeep Kaur Samra radicalised by terrorists


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In May 2016 sixteen year old Sandeep Kaur Samra left her home in Coventry and went missing. 

Sandeep was a vulnerable young girl who lived in a predominantly Islamic area. She had many questions about spirituality and expressed a strong desire to make steps to come closer to the Sikh faith. Regrettably this interest was deterred by her family. After identifying her vulnerability, Sandeep was targeted and radicalised by Islamic groups to the point she was ready to travel to Syria.


Sikh Youth UK were contacted regarding this case four weeks ago. Unfortunately, Sandeep had already been deeply radicalised and was at extremely high risk by this point. The media articles have not and will not reflect the reality of this case. 
THIS SITUATION DID NOT NEED TO HAPPEN!. All parents need to wake up and realise that children are at risk. If you have queries, suspicions or fears - please do not hesitate to contact Sikh Youth UK immediately.
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59 minutes ago, monatosingh said:
She had many questions about spirituality and expressed a strong desire to make steps to come closer to the Sikh faith. Regrettably this interest was deterred by her family. After identifying her vulnerability, Sandeep was targeted and radicalised by Islamic groups to the point she was ready to travel to Syria.

How did the above in bold come to be known by sources outside the family?

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16 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

How did the above in bold come to be known by sources outside the family?

probably they interviewed family members and friends fairly typical journo sources ... and regrettably it is a prevelant trait in sikh homes with regards to girls/boys who show such questioning attitudes worse for girls

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Wasnt she the one that was on their page missing from home a few months ago?

The samra surname rings a bell for some reason. I noticed there was a samra girl on facebook who had married a muslim paki guy and had 2 kids with him. So there is serious issues going with the samra and sanghera surnamed families in the UK. These 2 surnames are producing girls that want to disgrace and shame their family and heritage by dating and running off with non-sikh guys. It all starts in the home when the home environment is polluted by parents you cant blame the fruit becoming spoiled and toxified.

So not suprised this 16yr old child was groomed, converted an radicalised by her muslim class friends and muslim guys.....seeing the kinda inaction sikh gurdwara committee's are doing in the uk and how laxed liberal Sikh families are with not teaching their kids to be strong in their faith and to convert others to sikhi instead.


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Also on instagram and other social media networks there is a determinated effort by dawah islamists to convert girls to their evil ideology. I see how impressionable girls are being lured by islamists with various tricks of trying to make islam look sugar coated yet their own faith is neglected because they are not being presented with peer pressure to conform to sikhi as muslims do to their friends and family.

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1 minute ago, superkaur said:

Also on instagram and other social media networks there is a determinated effort by dawah islamists to convert girls to their evil ideology. I see how impressionable girls are being lured by islamists with various tricks of trying to make islam look sugar coated yet their own faith is neglected because they are not being presented with peer pressure to conform to sikhi as muslims do to their friends and family.

we need to be proactive and EVERY gurdwara should have golak invested in learning materials , gym equipment/ weights, bowing gloves , guards, shasters such as bows and bolts/arrows , salotars and be actively training ALL kids in sikhi and being tough mentally and physically. we don't need carparks, banqueting halls or even larger diwan halls. Our ancestors had tiny dharamshaley and larger akhardey this is the proper weighting

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17 minutes ago, jkvlondon said:

she only became scum because her folks did not take her need for sikhi and appropriate role models in the faith seriously . 16 years old are still naive kids and easily impressionable , it is our sanjha responsibility to be there for such young seekers

Lets not bother. Weak people do not belong in the faith. She chose her path now lie in it. Dont complain after the you was lured or forced. 

Alot of these girls are attention seeking drama queens. Its best to just ignore them. 

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1 minute ago, jkvlondon said:

we need to be proactive and EVERY gurdwara should have golak invested in learning materials , gym equipment/ weights, bowing gloves , guards, shasters such as bows and bolts/arrows , salotars and be actively training ALL kids in sikhi and being tough mentally and physically. we don't need carparks, banqueting halls or even larger diwan halls. Our ancestors had tiny dharamshaley and larger akhardey this is the proper weighting

Rather than physical training or martial arts getting a tough body at a young age.... I think it needs the resources need to go into parchar and education like giving out free booklets that give the basics of sikhi, nitem, jaapji sahib. Giving books to borrow or for free on Sikh history would also help. My interest in Sikhi started when I went to library to learn about Sikh history for an RE project during school years before then I wasnt that much into religion and all that we was taught that it was ok to worship hindu idols and mahabharat is part of our religion as it used to be on tv so we used to watch as a family. It's only later years I realised Sikhi is distrinct from hinduism and why its a better faith than islam, Christianity and others.

If that seed and thirst for knowledge and pride of your faith is not implanted in early years by loving caring parents or self desire then its very hard to have it later on in life and by that time its too late.

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