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World Cup - (Football REALLY is coming home)

Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh

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1 hour ago, Premi5 said:

You mean England flag? 

I guess you don’t live in England? Well, those of us that live here are loyal to the country we live in 

Us? Loyal? To england? You obviously didn't learn your lesson. What did our loyalty get us in 1947? Or in 1984? Or right now with Jaggi?

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3 minutes ago, lostconfussedsingh said:

Exactly Thank You that's a really a good and valid point to all the Sikhs that support this vile piece of crap land called england and call it their country.

Insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.

Challo, this is just a mere sport. You can be forgiven for supporting a crappy team, but loyalty to country?? C'mon. What sorta BS is that. Next we'll be rallying for EDL and britain First because urrm loyalty init. 

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh
9 hours ago, lostconfussedsingh said:

Bro that is so true the way that i have seen apne people holding the uk flag exactly reminds of the rallying for edl and britain first.


You are 100% right as this pure insanity as the viewers will not got a single penny from this madness. And its like a loop circle made for idiots done for idiots.


These goras will never expect our lot no matter if you have been a 1000 years in this wasteland and they always call our apne the p word. 


So i am proud to be a Sikh first then a Punjabi.

Very sad you feel like that :/.  In many ways I think it demonstrates how you have given up so easily and admitted defeat to the extreme right wing and that, I'm afraid, may articulate a deeper habit of consistently giving up rather than taking ownership of things. There are large Sikh diasporas in the UK, Canada, America and Australia. The Canadian ones are so proud of being born in Canada they fly their flag wherever they go and ensure the word Canada is even plastered all over their houses and vehicles back in Punjab. The American ones are extremely proud of being American. The Australian ones are extremely proud of being Australian. And then.....there is you. You, the UK Sikh who says he "hates" his country and "wants to burn his flag".

This, my brother is YOUR country. This, my brother, is a land whose inhabitants were brown just like you thousands of years before the first white man (immigrants) appeared on it (see cheddar man). This, my brother, is a land whose wealth was built by the blood, sweat and tears of all men and women of all races. This land is your land. Take ownership of your birthright....Don't hide from it.

Here, on the streets of west London, Pakistanis and other Muslims have not been flying the flag for England at the world cup because their loyalty and heart lies with Pakistan. Hindus have not been flying the flag for England because their love and heart sits with India. The Sikh, on the other hand, is a proud and loyal citizen of wherever he is. You see, this is the main problem with some UK Sikhs.....even after 70-80 years a great proportion are still insular in their outlook. Canadian and American Sikhs stopped being insular and started growing mentally outwards a generation ago and that's why they occupy positions of great political and economic power within their nations. This outlook is what sets us apart from Pakistanis and Muslims and makes us a great success in life wherever we go. I know, deep in your heart, you know that it is corrosive and mentally damaging for you to be 2nd generation England born and yet still want to "hate" your country and want to "burn your flag".


Anyway, back to the football: I would have preferred Belgium in the final (and Yes...England will reach the final) only because I have this horrible little feeling inside that Hugo Lloris knows a little too much about where Harry Kane will plant his shots. That's only a little worry though because the cheese eating surrender monkeys that are France will fold when faced with the English onslaught. They're sh$t, and they know they are. One nil to the Inger-Land.


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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh

Has anyone else noticed how watching France play is so much like watching England play under Sven back in the bad old days?  It's just like watching Barnsley. Defensive anti-football that reflects the water carrier character of Deschamps as a player. In a way then, I'm relieved it's not Belgium. This is a France that's there for the taking.  As for Sunday: I'm not scheduled to work anyway but if I was I'd definately be phoning my manager and asking for as day off because I have to go to the airport and pick up football as 'it's coming home'. 

Some great feelgood 'Sikh' stories in the media this week too. It started with that Sikh owned business in west London putting up England fans but receiving hate mail for it from Pakistanis. Because of that, social media have been full of stories about how the Sikhs are the greatest and most loved ethnic minority in the UK.  Then, a few days ago, there was the story and video of the Sikh wedding where everyone was singing and dancing to 'It's coming home'. Again, social media and news print were full of praise of the Sikhs and how we are so much better than other ethnic minorities. 






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Guest Empathy
On 7/10/2018 at 9:26 AM, Ranjeet01 said:

Ranjeetoslav Singhovic 

Why can’t you feel any empathy for our brother with forum Id ‘lostconfusedsingh’ for crying out loud? Can’t you see he is feeling very down because of his life experiences in the UK? Can’t you tell from what he is feeling that he is thoroughly unhappy with the way things are?  Do you realize that what he or she is feeling is an actual reality for many Asians living in the white west? They feel racism on daily basis but are unable to vocalise it because there are shoddy people like you who make a mockery of truth. Lostconfusedsingh is telling the truth, there are people of Indian or Asian backgrounds that don’t feel foreign countries are their home. They feel left out to the extent that they feel excluded or even marginalized! How many times have you ever heard anything broadcast on main stream media where sikhs ever get any attention or mention? Their needs are never treated or expressed  as important or worth mentioning anywhere in the  media. Have you ever asked yourself what happens when sikhs apply for jobs, visit their physicians, ask for any public services such as social care to provide them with a social care package and if the service providers are racists, biased or prejudiced?  Lostconfusedsingh I am very sorry how you feel, I honestly wish I could be of some help. If your life experiences are making you feel this way, there must be many more like you who feel the same way but are too ashamed or have no confidence to come out in the open to share it with others.  If every single Sikh were like you, unselfish, confident and brave like yourself, we won’t be in the dumps we are now, we would be somewhere in a higher place. Sikhs are very selfish people, they only care for themselves.

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Guest Genda
4 hours ago, lostconfussedsingh said:

Lol but i will as i hate england. Unless you like this flith wasteland where the goras hate us.

Why don't you move then?

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On 7/9/2018 at 9:01 PM, jkvlondon said:

funnyily enough it originated with lopped off heads being kicked around in China but yes the regulated game is from England ..in-laws Brasilian so it's first choice but then we also support England since the majority of us were born here...

Wat?? We americans have been taught soccer was aztec so mexican. They played it at their new year festival after all the tribes had made tributes and the volcano had its obligatory sacrifice of 50 virgins. And which ever team lost was killed to symbolize death of defeat of something

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1 hour ago, Not2Cool2Argue said:

Wat?? We americans have been taught soccer was aztec so mexican. They played it at their new year festival after all the tribes had made tributes and the volcano had its obligatory sacrifice of 50 virgins. And which ever team lost was killed to symbolize death of defeat of something

nahh your Americans are having a laugh , also Field Polo was the extension of the chinese game played by Mongolians by playing with heads from horseback

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