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Guest Amit Singh
9 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

The biggest culprit  (the elephant in the room) is sugar. 

That white powder is the biggest drug out there, more potent than the other white powder that comes from certain South American countries. 

For all you guys talking about the virtues of not eating x,y and z, the biggest virtue is cut back on that darn sugar. 

That alone would have the biggest impact on diabetes. Think about that the next time you have guests around and you serve them that high sugar juice and the box of Ladoos from the sweet shop.

Think about the level of sugar your eggless cake has.


Leave it man ....... Everybody is soo "Religious" here ....... "Sikhs without SGGS knowledge" like if god gonna add additional 5 points for not eating meat on your list :D..... But ill tell you that The eternal entity gonna subtract 15 points for you judging other peoples for eating meat and all 

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Soy is in loads of stuff we eat too and it is messed up cos it mimics oestrogen causing hormone disturbances and cancer. I see lots of sikhs eating at these veggie places that sell vegan meat products full of soy. I stopped eating out and only cook my own food at home . 


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8 hours ago, Guest bluetit said:

Soy is in loads of stuff we eat too and it is messed up cos it mimics oestrogen causing hormone disturbances and cancer. I see lots of sikhs eating at these veggie places that sell vegan meat products full of soy. I stopped eating out and only cook my own food at home . 


there is a difference between the whole food bean -edamame  or tofu/tempeh  which are fermented versions of the beans or the milk  and Soy isolate and textured vegetable protein  -  organic Soy  Phytoestrogens are not cancer forming they block the receptors for the more dangerous xenoestrogens in pesticides/herbicides, cosmetics, toiletries however due to the processing of Soy isolate and TVP there is no/reduced  protective role .

however  if GMO or roundup sprayed  it's different and of course phytoestrogenic foods such as hops is different again





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don't matter what form Soybean is in, all made by big conglomerates for dumb masses to get sick. No other so called bean is turned into so many things like oil, milk, sauce,tofu, meat , in bread, desserts, snacks, frozen food, cereals, protein shakes, pills, in everything. All done by design. Can't u see?

The isolate & TVP = MSG  100% poison, comes in different names on label to trick u. organic label is a scam if u look into it, so don't talk about organic soy lol

Like i say, too much estrogen causes cancer in women and emasculates men so no point arguing over semantics, fact remains. They r spraying things like atrazine, aromatase activators to get same effect 100% Estrogen overload. Ppl gonna get mad at me for telling truth, bur i aint scared. 

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Guest puzzledtoo

"However, these studies have not demonstrated that variations in dietary composition have any long-term important effects on circulating bioavailable sex hormone levels in men. This lack of effect may be partly explained by the body's negative feedback mechanism, which balances out small changes in androgen metabolism in order to maintain a constant level of circulating bioavailable androgens. It appears, therefore, that future studies should look for dietary effects on the feedback mechanism itself, or on the metabolism of androgens within the target tissues."https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19087438

There is a difference from testosterone levels and free testosterone levels in a males body.Free testosterone is the one bioavailable and is used by the body.So No,this study does not prove there is any increased T-level benefit on the male body by following a vegetarian diet.

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