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I ate tofu sabji made by my pua, thinking that it is panner just had one bite then realising it was tofu, I'm just unsure whether the today she used had egg in it which is slightly bothering me because I know my pua ji is very careless when it comes to buying stuff and reading the ingredients, do I have to pesh for this I'm unsure whether the particular tofu she used is eggless.

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On 9/13/2018 at 3:22 AM, Guest Guest said:

I ate tofu sabji made by my pua, thinking that it is panner just had one bite then realising it was tofu, I'm just unsure whether the today she used had egg in it which is slightly bothering me because I know my pua ji is very careless when it comes to buying stuff and reading the ingredients, do I have to pesh for this I'm unsure whether the particular tofu she used is eggless.

tofu is just paneer made of soya milk no eggs involved in any brand

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Why don't we eat egg? When I'm in a situation where I need to tell someone I can't eat a cake or biscuits etc because they have egg in them and that I don't eat meat they usually turn around and say egg isn't meat!   So why don't we eat egg? From my experience apart from Hindus no one else understands and get confused about me not  being allowed to eat egg  

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12 minutes ago, puzzled said:

Why don't we eat egg? When I'm in a situation where I need to tell someone I can't eat a cake or biscuits etc because they have egg in them and that I don't eat meat they usually turn around and say egg isn't meat!   So why don't we eat egg? From my experience apart from Hindus no one else understands and get confused about me not  being allowed to eat egg  

You generally are allowed. Many Sikhs do eat eggs even if they are vegetarian. Nihangs, who are well known for consuming Jhatka, do not even classify eggs in the same category as meat.

Obviously this is all subjective, and a matter of opinion. I personally believe there is nothing wrong with eating them.

A lot of the justifications for and against are absolutely ridiculous. You'll be extremely hard pressed to find a Sikh who can make a decent argument on dietary rulings without being biased, having an agenda, or misusing Gurbani etc.

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eggs are forbidden since they reproductive organs. Would you take out your mother's or sister's ovaries and consume the eggs????

A little common sense goes a long way. 

Thank you and goodbye. 

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40 minutes ago, S4NGH said:

Beere you habing tooo much corex!!

Firstly, eggs are basically chicken periods. Yum. Chakho chakho ji.

Secondly, the conditions in which chickens are kept. Free range caged organic whatever is pure marketing bs. Chickens in the egg industry live 1-2years. Chickens in nature live an average lifespan of 5-11years. Not to mention all the crap they're fed including minced chicken. 

Thirdly, male chicks are of no use for egg or meat production, and are killed almost immediately after hatching; either thrown into a grinder (‘macerator’) while still alive or gassed to death- the preferred method in the UK. All with in hours of being born. More than 100 million male chicks are killed by the egg industry every year in the states alone. Male chicks are no good for the meat industry since chickens in the egg industry are bred to produce high quality eggs; the focus is not the quality of the meat.

Fourthly, female chicks have the tips of their beaks sliced off with a hot blade without being sedated. This is done so the chickens don't hurt each other out of sheer frustration of their intense confinement. The beak is more sensitive than our finger tips loaded with pain receptors, nerve endings and blood vessels.

Fifthly, eggs are pure shet. Slight exaggeration but whatever. Extremely high in cholesterol containing over 180mg. Recommended daily intake is 100-300mg. An egg contains about 6g of protein. 2 tablespoons of peanut butter contains 8g. A handful of brocoli/beans/couliflower/seeds/nuts/oats contains more protein. So what's the actual benefit of eating egg?

Sixthly, chickens are smart, social, sensitive and blummin cute animals who deserve a better life. Animals are friends, not food.

No bias. No agenda. No gurbani. Just facts. I'm not for or against the consumption of meat/eggs but consumers should at the very least not be so willfully ignorant. Unfortunately we're all so far removed from our food and it's journey. Anyone with the knowledge and an ounce of compassion wouldn't go near mass produced eggs. If you own your own chickens and keep them in decent conditions, love and care for them, you may just get away with justifying consuming their periods.

In conclusion, don't be a d*ck. Eat a gajjar.

How did you learn all this? 

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Guest Amit Singh

Hope this PDF answers all your questions,


This PDF does not follow any SANT's BABA's Maryada and only follows what guru Sahib Describes in Bani, 

GurBani is attached with evry Line to prove that it is actually SGGS's Philosophy


Admin note - sorry brother to delete as missionary material from Sikh Marg aren’t as per gurmat principles.

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