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1 hour ago, puzzled said:

We feed birds in our garden lol! because we have been doing it for such a long time sometimes the birds are waiting in our garden in the morning haha 

gets quite noisy when things get going in the morning - what the little uns throw aside the wood pigeons and starlings hoover up . We have a robin family who have been coming for some generations now , even their youngster comes back to see us . Want to re-establish my pond we had frogs, newts and some fish ...It made me happy to feel nature so close and calm and safe , even the bumblebees are hanging around a lot , they come in and out of our house sometimes in their drunken way ....

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On 9/13/2018 at 4:22 AM, Guest Guest said:

I ate tofu sabji made by my pua, thinking that it is panner just had one bite then realising it was tofu, I'm just unsure whether the today she used had egg in it which is slightly bothering me because I know my pua ji is very careless when it comes to buying stuff and reading the ingredients, do I have to pesh for this I'm unsure whether the particular tofu she used is eggless.


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1 hour ago, jkvlondon said:

gets quite noisy when things get going in the morning - what the little uns throw aside the wood pigeons and starlings hoover up . We have a robin family who have been coming for some generations now , even their youngster comes back to see us . Want to re-establish my pond we had frogs, newts and some fish ...It made me happy to feel nature so close and calm and safe , even the bumblebees are hanging around a lot , they come in and out of our house sometimes in their drunken way ....

haha yes   my bedroom faces the garden so first thing in the morning i can hear is chirping/tweeting and their feet tapping on this plastic/glass veranda thing we have in our garden. Recently we have this pair maybe a couple? visiting our garden, they look like pigeons but are smaller and prettier lol! they are a greyish brownish colour and have a black ring pattern around their necks.    We don't get robins i guess its because we live in a old run down town lol   but we do get a squirrel running around on the roofs, once it came down to our garden plucked a flower and ran off with it  lol! 

Im actually happy that i don't eat meat/eggs regardless of what anyone says

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1 hour ago, puzzled said:

haha yes   my bedroom faces the garden so first thing in the morning i can hear is chirping/tweeting and their feet tapping on this plastic/glass veranda thing we have in our garden. Recently we have this pair maybe a couple? visiting our garden, they look like pigeons but are smaller and prettier lol! they are a greyish brownish colour and have a black ring pattern around their necks.    We don't get robins i guess its because we live in a old run down town lol   but we do get a squirrel running around on the roofs, once it came down to our garden plucked a flower and ran off with it  lol! 

ringed doves  that's whta they are -I have a couple who visit too , a blackbird couple, and song thrush couple....and wood pigeon couple  when they land you know about it - massive

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1 minute ago, jkvlondon said:

ringed doves  that's whta they are -I have a couple who visit too , a blackbird couple, and song thrush couple....and wood pigeon couple  when they land you know about it - massive

yes your right! i just googled ringed doves lol   yeah we have a couple that recently started visiting. wow i really didn't think we would get doves visiting. We don't get much apart from the usual little black birds, pigeons, magpies, crows, sometimes seagulls, basically the usual stuff you would find in a run down town lol.  we also have had some unwelcome visitors too! not far from my house is a old dirty canal which is infested with these "unwelcome visitors" lol         

at night iv seen things like foxes and hedgehogs, not in my garden though obviously. we have A LOT of stray cats on our street, iv fed them a few times but my mum doesn't like them haha!  we once had a stray cat give kittens in the back room in our garden.

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Guest Amit Singh
10 hours ago, jkvlondon said:

try reading again BTW I do not do dairy

haha okay 

what about water ? Science accepts that its living thing, Guru Nanak accepts that its JEEV...... 

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On 9/14/2018 at 10:42 AM, MrDoaba said:

You generally are allowed. Many Sikhs do eat eggs even if they are vegetarian. Nihangs, who are well known for consuming Jhatka, do not even classify eggs in the same category as meat.

Obviously this is all subjective, and a matter of opinion. I personally believe there is nothing wrong with eating them.

A lot of the justifications for and against are absolutely ridiculous. You'll be extremely hard pressed to find a Sikh who can make a decent argument on dietary rulings without being biased, having an agenda, or misusing Gurbani etc.

True. But i think as long as we sikhs believe in reincarnation and karm, then we should limit eating animals. Who knows how long we will believe in that tho. 

Ofc eggs r animal products like honey and milk. But some sikhs also believe that wat u eat determines ur mood and budhi...so as eggs contain a chicken basically so meat....

Tho in this day and age, the less u eat the better. But our ppl eat too much refined carbs and get diabetes

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The biggest culprit  (the elephant in the room) is sugar. 

That white powder is the biggest drug out there, more potent than the other white powder that comes from certain South American countries. 

For all you guys talking about the virtues of not eating x,y and z, the biggest virtue is cut back on that darn sugar. 

That alone would have the biggest impact on diabetes. Think about that the next time you have guests around and you serve them that high sugar juice and the box of Ladoos from the sweet shop.

Think about the level of sugar your eggless cake has.


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