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Ringleader Dhaliwal


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1 hour ago, mahandulai said:

you've really read wrong here, do you know why?

your second line. age? really? gurus ages take that into account. younger than me. 

stop assuming, and I wud have more to say, whenever we get somewhere, you fly away somewhere

I'm indulging you. This is too one way. You don't appear to have anything of substance to say. 

Look at you: You make some outlandish statement and then run off, and periodically return to try and churn the water again. You don't use ANY primary sources, everything you say is based on your personal opinion.

If I can't be bothered to engage with every little silly point you try and make, it's because I think it's a waste of time. 

You haven't demonstrated one bit of knowledge. You are the wikipedia generation, and you haven't even used the net to help you learn in any serious way. But you think you can teach others a thing or two. It's obvious that your mindset is more of a result of absorbing mainstream culture than any serious effort to learn about your heritage on your part.

You want to write a book with a Sikh historical background, but you can't be ar5ed to go through all the effort of background research that any capable writer would. 

Never has someone whose known so little, gone on like they know so much. 

You need to fly off yourself and start immersing yourself in studying A LOT MORE, before you come and give others lectures like some fountain of knowledge. 

Did you ever consider that I might have more interesting things to do and read than engage with your incessant ramblings?

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Mahan - there must be a reason you wind up so many people.

Look you are a fellow Sikh and I would wish no bad on you. Stop trying to be some social media popular guy. If you want to learn then great...otherwise as paji said above....stop craving attention - surely you get enough of that at Aston uni?

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3 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

I'm indulging you. This is too one way. You don't appear to have anything of substance to say. 

Look at you: You make some outlandish statement and then run off, and periodically return to try and churn the water again. You don't use ANY primary sources, everything you say is based on your personal opinion.

If I can't be bothered to engage with every little silly point you try and make, it's because I think it's a waste of time. 

You haven't demonstrated one bit of knowledge. You are the wikipedia generation, and you haven't even used the net to help you learn in any serious way. But you think you can teach others a thing or two. It's obvious that your mindset is more of a result of absorbing mainstream culture than any serious effort to learn about your heritage on your part.

You want to write a book with a Sikh historical background, but you can't be ar5ed to go through all the effort of background research that any capable writer would. 

Never has someone whose known so little, gone on like they know so much. 

You need to fly off yourself and start immersing yourself in studying A LOT MORE, before you come and give others lectures like some fountain of knowledge. 

Did you ever consider that I might have more interesting things to do and read than engage with your incessant ramblings?

no. I know you don't have anything better to do. 

 my mind works differently to yours. your knowledge that you cling onto so dearly, is available to me, at the click of a button, so I need more. I need some substance from you, that I cant find myself. please listen.


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12 minutes ago, singhunit said:

Mahan - there must be a reason you wind up so many people.

Look you are a fellow Sikh and I would wish no bad on you. Stop trying to be some social media popular guy. If you want to learn then great...otherwise as paji said above....stop craving attention - surely you get enough of that at Aston uni?

lol I am just doing me, you lot make it attention I just wanna know the truth.

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Just now, mahandulai said:

lol I am just doing me, you lot make it attention I just wanna know the truth.

hold on mate,

I don't know where you got this from. I ask great questions, and you don't give great answers. All this time, I am trying to get my point across because you think I am some young guy with no ideas. We are the future, help us or get out of the way, or well push u

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4 hours ago, mahandulai said:

no. I know you don't have anything better to do. 

 my mind works differently to yours. your knowledge that you cling onto so dearly, is available to me, at the click of a button, so I need more. I need some substance from you, that I cant find myself. please listen.


Sikhi knowledge isn't available at the click of a button. You have to study, meditate. It don't come overnight. And if it was available at the click of a button. How comes you're so damn lazy that you ain't even done that. 

Is this the state of modern undergrads today. Lord help us. 


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14 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:


Sikhi knowledge isn't available at the click of a button. You have to study, meditate. It don't come overnight. And if it was available at the click of a button. How comes you're so damn lazy that you ain't even done that. 

Is this the state of modern undergrads today. Lord help us. 


great isn't it?

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14 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:


Sikhi knowledge isn't available at the click of a button. You have to study, meditate. It don't come overnight. And if it was available at the click of a button. How comes you're so damn lazy that you ain't even done that. 

Is this the state of modern undergrads today. Lord help us. 


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16 hours ago, S1ngh said:

You may have said that given possibility that you are not aware of grooming scandals going on in uk by pakistani folks? 

Search this forum or google regarding the grooming crimes done by these type of folks. Any sympathy toward these types is just horrible so maybe do the due diligence next time.

if youre gonna sum it up, lets sum it up properly.

grooming gangs of Asian men exist, Pakistani mostly, from stats, 85 percent are Pakistani men.

if it was white people for example would it be a different story?

Is it a competition for brown people to be the most obedient and clean brown people?

Should our girls be smarter? Hell yes! If someone is dumb, are you going to protect them all, or give in to natural selection?

We can protect them. It seems our lads are only getting excited because they need someone to fight and need an enemy to fight. or only getting involved because it happened to a close friend.

I, yes I, am also asking, why are people so excited by grooming gangs, when Syria is in a state now? where people dying is less important?

Also, I was asking, what the affects of rape on a woman. a lot of these women consented, underage or not. Why does the law exist at 16 I was asking? If there was no law, would it matter?

Most rape cultures, occur in major poverty, and the effects like depression etc, would happen in those communities regardless.

Finally, if it is just a manipulation, isn't that like any other manipulation, like robbing or lying? Where is the line.

In summary.

Mahan Singh's take on grooming gangs in the UK.

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1 hour ago, mahandulai said:
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if youre gonna sum it up, lets sum it up properly.

grooming gangs of Asian men exist, Pakistani mostly, from stats, 85 percent are Pakistani men.

if it was white people for example would it be a different story?

Is it a competition for brown people to be the most obedient and clean brown people?

Should our girls be smarter? Hell yes! If someone is dumb, are you going to protect them all, or give in to natural selection?

We can protect them. It seems our lads are only getting excited because they need someone to fight and need an enemy to fight. or only getting involved because it happened to a close friend.

I, yes I, am also asking, why are people so excited by grooming gangs, when Syria is in a state now? where people dying is less important?

Also, I was asking, what the affects of rape on a woman. a lot of these women consented, underage or not. Why does the law exist at 16 I was asking? If there was no law, would it matter?

Most rape cultures, occur in major poverty, and the effects like depression etc, would happen in those communities regardless.

Finally, if it is just a manipulation, isn't that like any other manipulation, like robbing or lying? Where is the line.

In summary.

Mahan Singh's take on grooming gangs in the UK.

1. considering they are targeting kids who are primary school age onwards NO we  have a duty to protect our girls from harm not just sit on our hands and let our kids be used and abused (what kind of namard are you ?). This is NOT natural selection but selective destruction of future sikhs, wake up and see the truth . As for the mandate it is ALL girls and women we should be protecting  and we have been including muslim girls .

2. You deal with what is happening around you first then worry about further afield or do you not know that's how defense works ?

3. Hardly consent if being blackmailed and manipulated by threats of rape or murder of family members for non compliance of the child . Rape is Rape and it is devastating to the psyche of the raped . Age is irrelevant in Rape cases although liberal idiots may argue the point , I mean do you want it to be like France here where there is no minimum age protection, no protection against incest?

4. Totally wrong  rape occurs where men think they can get away with it , I mean most of the child abuse cases happens where the people committing it are rich and powerful . These people have NO RIGHTS afforded to them to commit these heinous crimes from either their religion, social standing/fame or wealth or lack thereof .

5. it is not just a manipulation it is torture , grievous Bodily harm , Blackmail, extortion even murder


Mahan's take is superficial and crass


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1 hour ago, jkvlondon said:

1. considering they are targeting kids who are primary school age onwards NO we  have a duty to protect our girls from harm not just sit on our hands and let our kids be used and abused (what kind of namard are you ?). This is NOT natural selection but selective destruction of future sikhs, wake up and see the truth . As for the mandate it is ALL girls and women we should be protecting  and we have been including muslim girls .

2. You deal with what is happening around you first then worry about further afield or do you not know that's how defense works ?

3. Hardly consent if being blackmailed and manipulated by threats of rape or murder of family members for non compliance of the child . Rape is Rape and it is devastating to the psyche of the raped . Age is irrelevant in Rape cases although liberal idiots may argue the point , I mean do you want it to be like France here where there is no minimum age protection, no protection against incest?

4. Totally wrong  rape occurs where men think they can get away with it , I mean most of the child abuse cases happens where the people committing it are rich and powerful . These people have NO RIGHTS afforded to them to commit these heinous crimes from either their religion, social standing/fame or wealth or lack thereof .

5. it is not just a manipulation it is torture , grievous Bodily harm , Blackmail, extortion even murder


Mahan's take is superficial and crass


ok good points, to summarise

but your number 2. lets you down on the whole thing.

We tackle issues globally at all times, and do not just think about just what is around us on that day. Ok, fair enough?

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