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a couple of other actos have their head covered, maybe he could have just done that?

Veerji then they would have said hes wearing a hat or a touque... it just never ends wacko.gif

grin.gif <-- hey he kinda looks like this doesnt he??? :|


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Although Mann KAum liye Qurban defo has a point, it would be a lto easier if he wore a PAtka or sometihng and there was a scene of two with him Nanga sir - would due

but from the story it seems it's mostly underwater tongue.gif

although we should give a big hadn of pplaud to him..

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I think some people have already pointed this out, but this movie is really a blessing for Sikhs in America.

Some of the positive points :

1) Americans can see a FULL sardar….not a half sardar or partial sardar.

2) Americans can see what is actually under the turban. They will learn the reason why Sikhs wear a turban ( the practical side). Americans will see that Sikhs keep uncut hair and they need a turban to cover it.

3) We can start building knowledge currency. “What’s a Sikh dude?” answer: “Remember that movie…”

4) Hollywood will be the best way to counter Bollywood nonsense. When Americans see a Sikh…THEY WILL REMEMBER! We can break away from the stereotype that Americans have of Indians as being “ curry eating, funny talking, hindus”. Americans will see us distinct from being just Indians.

5) This will open the door for more roles with Sikhs…even if it’s just for the “exotic” factor.

We have organizations like SMART, Sikh Coalition, etc whp are engaged in educating Americans. Just think what this movie will do for exposure. It will at least make Americans curious about us.

Plus, Sikhs don’t have to wear a Turban all the time. If the situation requires, a Sikh can take it off.

Like when bathing….being in WATER.

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I agree on both sides. seeing sikh bare head is also not a good sight, but hey that will save us from lotsss of questions from ppls asking what's inside the turban and at least they will know that its HAIR and so on. But still its kinda touching topic..

But it's better step taken by hollywood of having a real sardar, maybe in future they will improve a lot. Look at English patient, a mona hindu guy did the role of Sikh, now we have a sikh doing the role of sikh :wub: I think it's good and it's wayyy better than what bollywood do in the category of sikh roles.

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i say more power to him :TH:

after decades of seeing skanky mumbai-an actors with dead rodents strapped to their faces acting like sikhs are nothing but dhol-playing drunks, terrorists & criminals that also do a bit of idol worship when they get some spare time from their dhol-playing, drinking, terrorism and crime-

this is GOOD to see

:wub: ))))

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guys drop the political correctness the guys got kesh and dhari but where is his dastar????  he looks silly in the second picture holding a video camera with his gotee on his head , what a wasted oppurtunity.

If you people slamming the guy for not wearing a turban in a couple scenes haven't noticed, this movie is about DEEP SEA DIVERS, leave it to Sikhs to immediately go after the faults of one gursikhs accomplishments even when he's not doing anything wrong, how can you go deep sea diving with a full keski?!?! ridiculous. nonono.gif

its not ridiculous... u can still wear a ramal or patka to keep your hair covered...

...also we should reserve judgement until we actually see the movie, it could be great...

...but if it has seens with him drinking, and going out with girls etc, it wont be great...

but until we see it, we shouldnt knock it

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