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Wearing a Sari

Guest Guest Kaur

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Guest Guest Kaur

Before I took Amrit I used to love to wear Saris to family and work functions. As an Amritdhari now I still wear them, I can’t get enough of them. I attended a friends wedding and wore a sari. A Singh came up to me randomly and said Sikh women shouldn’t wear saris. I asked him why and he said it’s not equipped for battle.This is the first time I’ve heard of this. I told him to mind his own business and told him where to go. I’m not going to battle at a wedding but even so a sari is equipped and easy to manoeuvre in. 

As an Amritdhari I am comfortable wearing a sari and must say they’re comfortable. Before anyone says your lower back and stomach is exposed-that’s not always the case, there’s more than one way to tie a sari. 

I would like a females perspective on this rather than a male one because I think it would interesting to see what Sikh women think. 

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JUST ADDING am a male... Congrats on telling the guy off! We need more strong minded Gursikhs as such.

This don't mean tell off people that criticise you. NO! But when they thaup their baseless ideology on you FIREY AA! Bhenji here asked "Why" heard the baseless comment n told him how it is.

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Guest GuestSingh
13 hours ago, Singh1989 said:

JUST ADDING am a male... Congrats on telling the guy off! We need more strong minded Gursikhs as such.

This don't mean tell off people that criticise you. NO! But when they thaup their baseless ideology on you FIREY AA! Bhenji here asked "Why" heard the baseless comment n told him how it is.

bruv how can it be baseless wen guru ji says wear bana? its a valid point.

imo any amritdhari sikh of the guru shud always wear it wen able to since its confirmation of who u r but it seems sum still want the 'best of both worlds'.

anyway if a bibi is attacked on the street then wudnt the chunni be in her face n sari wrapped around her legs n ankles etc?

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Saree is an element of Hindu Brahminical culture  . It's male equivalent is dhoti. 

Hindus have already destroyed our sovereignty in 1947 , infact long before that, and destroying Sikh identity is large part of their plan. You're helping them succeed in this.

Why don't you go ahead and also wear a mangal sutr, sindhoor, do Sati when your husband dies. In high probability you're a Hindu nationalist here with ur agenda of subsuming sikhi into hinduism

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9 hours ago, GuestSingh said:

bruv how can it be baseless wen guru ji says wear bana? its a valid point.

Bana doesn't always necesarily include a Chola if that's what you're alluding to.

Bana is essentially Panj Kakkar, Dastaar, Kamarkassa, Shastar.

9 hours ago, GuestSingh said:

imo any amritdhari sikh of the guru shud always wear it wen able to since its confirmation of who u r but it seems sum still want the 'best of both worlds'. 

anyway if a bibi is attacked on the street then wudnt the chunni be in her face n sari wrapped around her legs n ankles etc?

By some I think you mean the majority. Most Amritdharis don't wear Bana on every single occasion they're able. Although I agree perhaps more of an effort should be made ideally speaking.

And most Amritdhari Sikh women also wear a chunni including many of those who wear a Keski/Dastaar. Many millions of women seem to do plenty of demanding physically laborious tasks just fine in saris too.

9 hours ago, AjeetSingh2019 said:

Saree is an element of Hindu Brahminical culture  . It's male equivalent is dhoti. 

Hindus have already destroyed our sovereignty in 1947 , infact long before that, and destroying Sikh identity is large part of their plan. You're helping them succeed in this.

Why don't you go ahead and also wear a mangal sutr, sindhoor, do Sati when your husband dies. In high probability you're a Hindu nationalist here with ur agenda of subsuming sikhi into hinduism 

Exaggeration as usual. If a sari is part of Brahminical culture then why do non-Brahmin women wear saris? Why would Brahmins want, or, even let non-Brahmin women to wear their clothes?

Saris are nothing more than the predominant garment for females in a geographical region. Same way a Chola is not exclusively a Sikh garment. And also the same as how thobe/jubba isn't actually an Islamic garment.

If you recall in the ridiculous 'coconuts are Brahminvaad' thread, the many instances of overlap were pointed out. But let's conveniently forget that shall we and instead make overly-dramatised, sarcastic (and lame) suggestions.

Krishan Bhagwan is known as the one who wears a pagdi so should we stop wearing them?! In Islam a turban is considered Sunnah so should we stop wearing them?!

Get a grip.

13 hours ago, puzzled said:

Im a guy but iv seen women wearing sarees and Kirpan at hazoor sahib. 

And so they should; given that most Amritdhari females don't wear a chola*, that leaves the option of a Punjabi suit and there's absolute no reason Hazoori women should be expected to wear clothing of another cultural group. As long as it's modest, there should be no issue.

*There's some differences in belief on whether women even wore a chola/are even supposed to wear one. And before someone breaks out with the modern day picture of Mai Bhago...that's not evidence lol. Either way I have no opinion on this particular matter itself.


Gurbar Akaal!

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Frankly speaking, what makes you stand out from the crowd if you dress like Draupadi ? We all know how quick it was for her to be unable to fight because her covering was being ripped from her body. A sikh woman should be able to be identifiable as Guru Gobind Singh ji's DAUGHTER in a crowd of millions . Dressing like the masses will not achieve that, we are not meant to wear the clothing of the brahmins , no dhoti or sareeas theseare dictated by their scriptures.

Asfor preet's dodgy assertion that women wore their sari like someone going down rhe market on the battlefield she is wrong ,(such a bogus picture she wouldn't be able ride a horse wearing a sarilike that it wouldhave to be hoistedup) many wore men's attire or their sari like dhoti style try looking at depiction of durga/kali . Running around in skirts on the battlefield is cumbersome. Our history shows our women dressed differently from muslim and hindu women because of our need to be able to defend our own honour. and to Not do display of our bodies to entice kaam in others. We are not expected to be the playthings of men butvalued as people in our own right , with responsibility forourown lives and actiins , Do you honestly think Guru ki maatavan and bhaina were dressed like hindus in solaan shingar? Our job is to dress well but not to keep our focus on our bodies but our souls.

most sarees rely on tight revealing blouses, with plunging necklines , A sikh woman would not be comfortable with skmilar cuts on their kameez for a reason becauseit is not the type of modesty level required to go in front of Guru Sahiban . BTW I'm a woman too .

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