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Serious Allegations against Sukha UK and others


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21 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

PS - Plus some of those girls aren't the most attractive and groomers especially target them because they know the girl will be desperate to keep someone who is physically attractive  above their grade - and thus easier to subsequently manipulate. 

Goes back to Singh's need to buff up. Remember with Pakistani Sikh girl converted and married him he was soo unattractive but if Singhs are overweight feminise no masculinity girls get attracted to that.. 

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On 8/30/2023 at 4:24 PM, Kau89r8 said:


There was a time when it was 70 80 90s early 2000's .. out their way to TARGET our community 

But lets not kid ourselves with all the awareness , it matter of choice stay away or make your on path and dont cry later

but now could be handful but as much. Like you said just look over social media/tiktok/ig ..we got ours dancing with Kara half naked with them. OFs apniya ..its jaloose. Including men too

We can't let down those of our sisters who have some sense of decorum and honour just because we have our fair share of kunjureean and let's be frank (as you've alluded to) given what we commonly see in the jutt movie and music industry - apnay who have no problem encouraging and facilitating apneean to do a jaloose of themselves and the community (and themselves). 






We got abusers in our own community. Endless gandh esp in Canada/US with the JATTT culture... Sikhyouthuk never talk about abusers in our own community /deepa guy been known for being shady.

I trust Bhai Mohan Singh SAS . So much respect for him


Exactly. But I think  it's actually good if different groups specialise or focus on different areas. Internal AND EXTERNAL are issues. The way Mal Singh plays down external now days is shady to me. 

I've always said there is a nexus between grooming gangs, drug dealing and fundamentalism.  I've seen active anti-grooming guys be warned off being active by friends or relatives who were involved in the drug trade because it was hurting business. These people think it is okay for their pak connections to target Sikh girls, and are more concerned with their profits (and keeping their pak connections on board) than their own community being targeted. 

All of us street guys are 'shady' - you can't grow up where we have, like we have, and be exposed to what we have, and not be.  But we are also the first the see what's going on, and react to it. Deepa might be shady but the fact is that he brought the whole anti-grooming thing forward in a way not achieved previously despite decades of activism by his orgs very savvy internet use.   I think if heroic people live long enough, they inevitably become the villains in future.  I don't agree with some of how Deepa operates, but I can't deny he forced that grooming thing in the mainstream, very cleverly when the whole country (paks, blacks and whites at street level) seemed united in trying to cover it up. His activism is probably also what kept Jaggi Johal alive too.   

See the gundh we see in Canada? Right now we are on the potential verge of going down that path - that's why it's real important for us to deal with these things. Look at how many jutt men are being caught in big time deals these days, often with sullay - how long before they start killing each other over it like in canuck land - and give all our enemies a laugh. 

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On 8/30/2023 at 4:26 PM, Kau89r8 said:

Goes back to Singh's need to buff up. Remember with Pakistani Sikh girl converted and married him he was soo unattractive but if Singhs are overweight feminise no masculinity girls get attracted to that.. 

Plenty of Sikhs I know are in good shape. Plenty of pretty apneean have degraded themselves on really ugly, fat, slimy blokes of other communities. What you're saying is a point, but the greater situation is infinitely more complex than that. 

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On 10/6/2021 at 11:08 PM, MisterrSingh said:

It's strange how much of the Panthic scene away from the faux-spiritually serene act played out for the gullible sangat is full of calculating and ruthless people.

Good way of putting it, bro.

One of the ongoing themes of Gurbani is the fake saint. Whether it's fake babas in Punjab or English-speaking personalities in the West, it's an continuing problem of religion through the centuries (and it's not exclusive to us by any means, this applies to all human societies).

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