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Serious Allegations against Sukha UK and others


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On 8/28/2023 at 10:50 AM, Gulzar Singh said:


He's making great videos. These 'panthic' orgs in UK are shambles. NYSF, Sikhyouthuk, dal khalsa uk ..... 

@dallysingh101 check his videos out on 'grooming deepa from sikhyouuthuk'.... thoughts

This is a INTELLECTUAL way of thinking and ideas and he's called out those neo-k'ns 


^ Do check it out

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1 hour ago, Kau89r8 said:

He's making great videos. These 'panthic' orgs in UK are shambles. NYSF, Sikhyouthuk, dal khalsa uk ..... 

@dallysingh101 check his videos out on 'grooming deepa from sikhyouuthuk'.... thoughts

This is a INTELLECTUAL way of thinking and ideas and he's called out those neo-k'ns 


^ Do check it out

I've seen them. I know apnay, and a lot of these guys mentioned are juts. They get extremely jealous with each other, and as Mal Singh says, they frequently fall out and then start tearing into each other.

Probably no one group is perfect. And I do seriously disagree with a lot of what Mal Singh says about grooming being exaggerated. That's not remotely been the case from what I've seen over decades. I think awareness of it is at the highest it's ever been though so this should help - but you know some apneean - they aren't the sharpest tools in the box, so some may still fall for the old lover boy tricks. 

There are a lot of things that happen at street level that influences what people come out with - like say someone could be actively 'panthic' for a while and then because they have some close relative or friends involved in lucrative criminal activities (like class A drug dealing) with partners who are paks, they get convinced/pressured to start playing down the grooming thing because the beefing hurts the 'business'. Someone closeted like you will never get these subtle things. So you should be careful of what you think you know, and what you hear. 

I think the way you constantly whine about every last thing is dangerous. You just don't stop putting the boot into everyone, but you've probably done f**k all in your own life to help anyone else. It's really pathetic.  It's like you need someone to put the boot into out of your frustrations. Sometimes it's valid like that alledged gay Sukha guy. Other times it's seem like b1tching like that KA guy, and now SYUK and others are in your scope. If you don't like what they do that's fine, and who knows, some allegations may have some substance - but instead of constantly whining - get off your own ar5e and do what you think needs to be done which you think these guys aren't doing. 

I should add, I agree that those Sikhs who are most vocal about K'stan whilst living really comfortable lives in the diaspora, but would never in a million years go back to actually fight and sacrifice are a joke. I know as well, many are just born into families with a history of a pro-K'stan stance, and just go along with it more from familial influence than any deeply felt internal conviction - which I don't think lasts when things get serious. If the movement has been reduced to publicity stunts of intimidation and flag burning etc. that says a lot (more so when the other side now have the capacity to covertly knock off these people in various ways in retaliation). 


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2 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:


Probably no one group is perfect. And I do seriously disagree with a lot of what Mal Singh says about grooming being exaggerated. 



who makes the initial move? Why agree to dating being their gf if you know what's going to happen... ?

3 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:


I think the way you constantly whine about every last thing is dangerous. You just don't stop putting the boot into everyone, but you've probably done f**k all in your own life to help anyone else. It's really pathetic. 

Angry GIFs | Tenor

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who makes the initial move? Why agree to dating being their gf if you know what's going to happen... ?

It's not a simple as that in every case. Back in the day plenty of girls were coerced and intimidated into relationships. A typical situation might be an isolated apnee in a job, a uni or college course or something where there were sullay crews in numbers. They'd pester the girl constantly over a prolonged period of time until they just wore her down to agree. Subtle physical (and not so subtle) intimidation was also used. 
And we have some seriously stupid, gullible broads in our quom, many of them probably thought they found 'true love' with their abusers. That's very common. Especially when the abuser is a few years (or more!) older than the broad. Remember the 'cultures' or religions we are dealing with often have long standing traditions of grooming women for sexual slavery - I mean really old ones like many many centuries old - so they have the psychological aspect of breaking someone down - down to an art. 
Some of girls might be what we call 'special needs' today - i.e. have cognitive impairments. Some of them have troubled family situations - but yes some are just plain stupid and jumped up - we have more than our fair share of this type. 
Plus, even if a broad is retarded and has made a bad choice - do you think it's okay to just leave them to be gang raped and abused and put into sexual slavery? I mean I can be cold hearted myself but boy........
Are you really this clueless about the world? 
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There was a time when it was 70 80 90s early 2000's .. out their way to TARGET our community 

But lets not kid ourselves with all the awareness , it matter of choice stay away or make your on path and dont cry later

but now could be handful but as much. Like you said just look over social media/tiktok/ig ..we got ours dancing with Kara half naked with them. OFs apniya ..its jaloose. Including men too

We got abusers in our own community. Endless gandh esp in Canada/US with the JATTT culture... Sikhyouthuk never talk about abusers in our own community /deepa guy been known for being shady.

I trust Bhai Mohan Singh SAS . So much respect for him



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