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Isreal attacks -The changing face of the world


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18 minutes ago, Kau89r8 said:

I'm just jealous lol

obvs i don't agree with Islam teachings but I wish we had something like those Gulf states / growing population/ the alphaness etc 





The Gulf states are run by the kaffirs. They are ones who keep everything running. If it was 100 percent momins,  it would not run.

There is no real alpha-ness with muslims. It is just bravado and cockiness. The moment they get stood up to, you see how quickly they back down 

Those orthodox jews are only against the state of Israel because they are waiting for the messiah. They will be waiting forever to happen.

Yet at the sametime they go and live/visit Israel anyway.

Watch what they do, not what they say.

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There is no alphaness to arabs when you look at their ground work. They will moan and groan about a tiny sliver of a nation that has rag-dolled them multiple times, but tippy toe around when real action is needed. There are multilple muslim ethnicities that are under repression yet the ummah can't muster up a response. Look at the condition of groups like  rohingya, uygher, palistinian, alabanian, indian muslims, kashmiris. Where have they shown their brave alpha muscle apart from flexing in liberal democracies where they know they can ride the coattails of the extreme loony left. The pakis will shake hands with the chineses knowing full well that their co-religionists are getting  lobotomized. The gulf states will embrace modi knowing full well what plans hindutva has rolled out. 


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25 minutes ago, Jai Tegang! said:

There is no alphaness to arabs when you look at their ground work.  The gulf states will embrace modi knowing full well what plans hindutva has rolled out. 


Fair point BUT if given horses and swords...Isla mists will do well. If given power Islamistes will without doubt free those countries. Look at those Russian  African Muslims etc. 

Let not forget can say the same about our kaum full gaddars (kps gill brar etc)


4 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

You said in a previous if this was period of swords and houses and I showed you an example that this was not always the case.

Thats when Khalsa was ruling AND we had actual KHALSA Misl Singhs...now its history.. 

We can learn from Jews about importance of economic power and islam growing population and the attraction way they preach attracts everyone to islam 

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5 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

No they won't

In an era of horses and swords, our ancestors beat their a$$.

"Jo Bole So Nihal" is a far more frightening battle cry than "Allah hu Akbar"

Even in that era, people less in numbers can defeat people of larger numbers.


When Khlasa was in rule...

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48 minutes ago, Kau89r8 said:

Fair point BUT if given horses and swords...Isla mists will do well. If given power Islamistes will without doubt free those countries. Look at those Russian  African Muslims etc. 

Let not forget can say the same about our kaum full gaddars (kps gill brar etc)


Thats when Khalsa was ruling AND we had actual KHALSA Misl Singhs...now its history.. 

We can learn from Jews about importance of economic power and islam growing population and the attraction way they preach attracts everyone to islam 

Having 50+ countries with sizeable populations in absolute majorities and still being relatively powerless compared to the western powers doesn't exude confidence. And don't conflate regional ethnic tendencies with 'power of islam'. Some ethnicities are fighters no matter the religion. It adds an extra layer, but it's not always the deciding factor. Islam like xians have hundreds of ethnicities that bring their positives and negatives to the table. We have one, and we do pretty well given cards we are dealt.

For your second point, I wouldn't exaggerate our gaddhar ratio. I don't think the kaum is full of them. You will always find a handful that will  fill in the role the oppressor state demands. If a kps gill or brar or a swarn ghotna didn't step forward, the state can use a non sikh face to its bidding. They just prefer to put a sikh face to their genocide. The power is behind the mask. The mask is powerless in itself.


Commenting on your last point. I think you've fallen into some social media rabbit hole regarding the 'rise of islam'. There aren't that many converts in sum total. Most are just going through the isalmic  jungle fever and fizzle out eventually. There are more muslims leaving than coming in. Iranians have covertly abandoned islam in large numbers and are feeling a pull backwards to their old parsi roots. Pre-islamic ethnic cultures are tugging many muslim ethnicities backwards to their roots. It's not quite out in the open, but you have to give these things a few centuries to play out. Their growth lies in birthrate, that I will concede is their strength.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/23/2023 at 3:25 PM, Jai Tegang! said:

If a kps gill or brar or a swarn ghotna didn't step forward, the state can use a non sikh face to its bidding. They just prefer to put a sikh face to their genocide. The power is behind the mask. The mask is powerless in itself.

Interesting. Putting your faith first in todays world is not the easiest thing to do. Scary sometimes when you look what our own people did in the 80's (i.e. torture, kidnappings).

But me personally I don't think our own people are capable of seeing their own kind get tortured. We are bigger than that.

$h*T got out of control when other communities got involved during the 80's. That's all I'm going to say. 

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16 hours ago, realist17 said:

Interesting. Putting your faith first in todays world is not the easiest thing to do. Scary sometimes when you look what our own people did in the 80's (i.e. torture, kidnappings).

But me personally I don't think our own people are capable of seeing their own kind get tortured. We are bigger than that.

$h*T got out of control when other communities got involved during the 80's. That's all I'm going to say. 

think you mistaken ... have you seen raja warring lately ...guys next beant

one thing i think what we can learn from with this whole conflict is looking at the power of Islamic countries and helpless/anger Palestine's/Muslims feelings at their leaders/ gulf states..

We are not investible having our 'own' sell-outs i guess 

@Jai Tegang! @Ranjeet01

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