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The Only Way...

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do we believe that sikhi is the only way to Waheguru.

i think that we believe that other religions hold some truth.


please start with yes or no, coz i tend 2 get a bit confused.

thankyou jiiiiiiiiiii :TH:

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Waheguroo jee ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo jee kee Fateh!


To reach waheguroo, you need three things:

1. Naam japna

2. Kirth karna

3. Vandh chakna.

(Meditate, Work hard, and Help others).

That can be achieved in most faiths, but Sikhism would be the one that focuses most strongly on these aspects and eliminates other rituals, etc. that distract us from reaching Paramathma.

Waheguroo jee ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo jee kee Fateh!

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Sikhi is the only path to the ultimate destination ie. Sachkhand.

Naam is available only from Satguru. Gurbani makes it clear that no one has found or will find God without Satguru. Who is Satguru. Only Guru Nanak. Unless you want to claim Mohammed is one (slept with a 9 year old) or Jesus was one. They also don't give any naam. Naam is only Gurmat naam from Satguru Nanak, received at amrit sinchaar.

The difference between Sikhi and Islam is that while Islam throws non-believers into hell, Sikhi says the followers of other religions will get their rewards as they deserve them. They are not automatically condemned. But they just cannot reach Sachkhand without Guru Nanak.

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i'm sorry, this may sound abit harsh at first, but its the truth.  Bhai Rama Singh Ji himself has made it clear in his book that "A person must take amrit to recieve salvation"

If more proof is needed, I will be happy to provide the page number


salvation? i thin other relisgion say that to...

and lets quote Gurbani not sants/babajis blush.gif those experiences are theirs.

There are many people out their in different religions who have found the truth within!

please do not devide our selves...

Sikhi is jus love(my experince) and it conncets us to the whole universe....everythingggg seen unseen....existing non-existing

its about Humanity and soul within our selves..

not this religion and that religion

thats what the message i belive is for the Learner (Sikh)

you will not be able to hateanyone or see anything if you follwo the devine

bhul chuk muaff


(and yes being a sikh=amritdhari...youwill be able to see it as a gift ...if not yet but soon you will with Akals/univers creatorz kirpa)

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i'm sorry, this may sound abit harsh at first, but its the truth.  Bhai Rama Singh Ji himself has made it clear in his book that "A person must take amrit to recieve salvation"

If more proof is needed, I will be happy to provide the page number


salvation? i thin other relisgion say that to...

and lets quote Gurbani not sants/babajis blush.gif those experiences are theirs.

There are many people out their in different religions who have found the truth within!

please do not devide our selves...

Sikhi is jus love(my experince) and it conncets us to the whole universe....everythingggg seen unseen....existing non-existing

its about Humanity and soul within our selves..

not this religion and that religion

thats what the message i belive is for the Learner (Sikh)

you will not be able to hateanyone or see anything if you follwo the devine

bhul chuk muaff


(and yes being a sikh=amritdhari...youwill be able to see it as a gift ...if not yet but soon you will with Akals/univers creatorz kirpa)

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Waheguroo jee ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo jee kee Fateh!

Unless NO-ONE on earth reached Vaheguroo since the birth of our planet until 500 years ago, Sikhism by definition cannot be the only way.

This much is more than common sense. But like I said earlier, Sikhism combines together the bare aspects required to reach Vaheguroo, and gets rid of the "fluff".

Other faiths, partially due to their very extensive histories, are altered from their original form, and have had rituals, politics, and sometimes selfish corruption engrained into the faith (which are distractions). However, like every religion, some follow the faith with a pure heart and those that do can certainly reach Vaheguroo.

Waheguroo jee ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo jee kee Fateh!

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Truth is the only way to god.

Sikhi is a most courageous and humble path to the truth.


exactly. that is why the baani of the bhagats and sheikh farid and other great souls who discovered the truth or Satnaam, the true naam, are in Sri Guru Granth sahib ji. God is the ultimate truth. People only discover the truth with God's mercy. Read today's hukamnama, explains everything :lol:


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