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  1. I'll tell you my take on this, brother In Britain, the class system is still alive and kicking. By and large, the non-Asian victims of these brand of crimes are on the lowest rung of the social ladder; what use to be the white 'working classes' before they stopped working and became largely dependent on welfare (for reasons occasionally beyond their control such as government policies, I.E. loss of jobs and prosperity in areas that were hubs of industry before various social and economic upheavals) and became an almost feral underclass that the upwardly mobile (and selfish) middle class and ruling upper classes turn their noses up at. The white man belonging to these middle classes and upper classes likes to pretend their brethren in these disadvantaged areas doesn't exist, and that all problems these people encounter are of their own doing. In effect, it's basically a mentality of, "You're on your own." Once you get immigrant communities moving into these same areas, in this case Pakistanis, and observing these girls from broken homes have no protection from their families, and realising how strongly a sense of uncaring ambivalence pervades the authorities such as social services, etc, they take advantage of the situation, because they know the white man in-charge has largely given up on these people. They're easy pickings. Generally, that's how things have reached this level of bad. As much as we should never absolve the Pakistanis for their depravity, the truth is the ruling and aspirational whites have hung out to dry a significant section of their own people for decades. When a society is fractured along those lines, you will inevitably encourage vultures such as these Pakistani sex gangs to isolate and feast on the stragglers who've been betrayed by their own. And the whites have the audacity to lecture South Asians on their proclivity for the caste system! They should look closely at their own streets and realise how they've sold out entire generations of whites for their own greed and self-interest.
    6 points
  2. Well, they were trying to extinguish fires they created themselves. And it's definitely not as straightforward as "fighting Islam." If it was, the U.S. would've turned Saudi Arabia into a crater by now, the home of the extreme Wahabbi ideology that's been exported internationally. If Amreeka was serious about nullifying the Islamic threat, they'd start by telling the Saudi royals to go flip themselves. Instead, they're treating them with kid gloves. And anyone expecting a potential Trump regime to get tough with them is living in a fantasy world.
    3 points
  3. If u dont believe theirs some behind the curtain shadow politics going on in the US u r living under a rock.... USA is practically run by corporations, and the powers that be have been known to indulge in the occult. The illuminati is just stories we used to talk about in high school days however I am fully convinced there r minor truths to these things. And why are Brits still letting the pakis get away with this crap
    2 points
  4. O DEAR O DEAR, u effed up now u mug, u could have just researched on the net, to find out that, yes even a half black man like obama, is actually related to cheney and GW bush, as thie cousins, which was publicly revealed by d!ck cheneys own wife in her own book, as well as genealogical researchers. Funny u try to mock, yet u cannot give suitable/or any rebuttals to wat i state. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/mar/25/barackobama1
    2 points
  5. Habits can make or break a person. This change happens slowly without us realizing it. Then one day all of a sudden we stop to think and wonder - what went wrong there? Developing a new habit can help you keep up with things. A new habit has to be a conscious thing. That means you need to have a goal to achieve. For instance you want to loose weight. Therefore you will start to eat healthy. When you start a new habit you will automatically drop a bad or less healthier one. The purpose of this thread is to make us aware of the good habits floating around. So this thread goes like this GOAL : weight loss When I started drinking black tea then I left drinking tea with milk. GOAL: Spiritual awareness When I started reading Sikh sangat I stopped reading mumsnet GOAL: Healthy Eating When I started eating beans on toast I stopped eating paronthe. GOAL: Controlling anger When I started praying regularly I stopped shouting and negative talk Please share and lets learn what others are doing too.
    1 point
  6. Those are precisely the sorts of images I am talking about. Those aren't keskis, they are very large topknots towards the back of the head. When Sardar Baghel Singh marched into Delhi, the Mughal Shah Alam II came out to welcome him with his begams. A group of ten Singhniaan were invited to the begam's quarters, where these Sikh women fascinated the Shah's wives and courtesans with their talk of warfare, plunder and how to shoot missile weapons. Five of them were dressed like Nihang Singhs, the others wore dresses, heavy ornaments, heavy lower garments and top knots a hand-span-and-a-half in height. This description exactly fits those images you have provided. I find it strange that Bhai Manvir Singh resorts to those images in order to further his mistaken beliefs, especially since the woman on the left is clearly shown to be wearing many sets of golden bangles (Bhai Manvir Singh and most AKJ oppose the wearing of jewellry).
    1 point
  7. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/nov/10/keighley-girl-raped-by-14-men-court-told there have been complaints that only the daily mail report pakistani groomers, well here's one from a left wing paper the Gurdian
    1 point
  8. ^ Thats absolutely wrong and the irony there is that while you're attempt was to demonstrate the self-loathing, inferiority complex of other Sikhs, particularly Sikh girls, you've actually demonstrated your own inferiority complex because you've criticised your own people without showing any understanding of 'who controls your people' , i.e what happens when a people live under the unethical and immoral rule of a foreign power, in this case India. You see men with turbans dancing while smling, in colourfull clothing, on your TV screens not because that is all men with turbans do but because the nation that occupies those men with turbans wishes to relegate us to a position in society which is nothing more than 'fun-loving people that exist to provide Indians with entertainment'. The way they do this is actually quite clever because if you notice from Indian TV programmes they have a certain way of doing things, a way of ensuring the Indian narrative of 'what these people with turbans exist for' is always maintained. For example, if there is a Hindu singer, or a mona singer with hair cut, they will ensure that all the background dancers are men with turbans and full beards thus giving the singers performance a aura of legitimacy and realism as 'real Punjabi music'. On the other hand, whenever they have a turban and beared singer, for example Malkit singh or Daler Mehndi, they will always ensure the background dancers are Bombay Hindu dancers because essentially, they don't want the performance to appear on the TV screen as too Sikh. They're very clever with what they do and obviously successful in their attempt because they've managed to convince you to hate your own people rather than see what the occupiers and mental slave masters are doing. Essentially then, what you witness on your TV screen is a rape of our culture....rape of our virsa, and like with all rapes one should be looking at blaming the rapists rather than the rape victims, and common consensus is that Indians are the world's most prolific rapists.
    1 point
  9. That's some next level stuff, hehe. I'm sure those of us of a certain generation that had grandparents back home, who may not have been formally educated or trained due to various cultural, familial, or other related reasons, but did have an innate intelligence that made them formidable, would probably say there's more to "knowing" than what's found in a textbook. In many ways they were smarter and more astute than the hordes of our current lot who have a handful of degrees and qualifications. It wasn't a weasly, street-smart kind of intelligence, but a genuine understanding and appreciation of the world and human psychology based on their existence and experiences. Yet, we call them unpadh because they never set foot inside a classroom their entire lives! What I'm trying to say is that ignorance is not an excuse, and not trying to better oneself is an even bigger crime. Going through life, skimming the surface and revelling in the shallow superficialities of existence is an indictment on the individual. Clearly, people have varying abilities based on genetics and similar factors, but I don't think anyone with a fully-functioning mind has any excuse to cite extenuating circumstances.
    1 point
  10. Lack of self-critique and introspection could be more due to cultural factors.
    1 point
  11. In my relatively short life, I've observed a handful of cases where our people have obtained blessings of a child after a period of not being fortunate enough to conceive. In all of those cases, with the benefit of hindsight and the passage of time, it becomes quite clear why that particular couple or family were not destined to become parents: sometimes, it's just not written for it to happen. Yet, our people, being the stubborn and arrogant individuals they are, believe they know better than God; that somehow he's made a mistake or He's punishing them. It never crosses their minds that maybe, just maybe, He's protecting these people from a set of circumstances and a future that will prove to be impossible for them to handle with that particular coveted child in tow. And when, in the distant future, the full purpose behind the difficulty in obtaining that child is revealed through the natural progression of time, these same parents who'd have sold their own souls for a child, turn around and say, "If we knew this was going to happen, we wish he or she had never been born." Then why were you losing your mind in despair at the time?!
    1 point
  12. Please watch and listen to the the first few videos. Rinkuji:
    1 point
  13. We absolutely detest randhir ingh grewal and his jatha (and remember the Randhir Singh Jatha only changed their name to AKJ quite recently, in the 1970's', as it started to resemble a personal dera of cult followship) and yet of course my wife wears a dastar. Our reasoning is simple: How on earth can a 'Sikh' be a 'Sikh' without a dastar ? It is basic common sense. It is absolutely ludicrous and damnright fakery for an amritdhari sikh woman to claim to be amritdhari and yet not have a dastar on her head. To accept her as amritdhari with a chunni on her head rather than a dastar is the same as saying I merely need to wear a thin piece of cloth across my head rather than a dastar. As we have progressed.....we Sikhs born in the west especially, have been born free from the sexist and mysoginist culture that prevails in Punjab and also free from the reliance of reading books and gaining knowledge that was, in the past, the exclusive preserve of an elite group of urban community groups who essentially wrote Sikh history in a way that satisfies their community's view of things. That is no longer the case. I think when someone is born in an environment away from these influences one see true Sikhi and when one sees true Sikhi one can see that it would be making an absolute mockery of everything our religion stands for if we said a simple and pathetic piece of very thin cloth (chunni) is all a Sikh woman needs.
    1 point
  14. ^ Thats pretty much everything Bob Dylan says in his epic 'Pawn in their Game'. The poor white remains....a kaboose in the rich white's game. He's taught in his schools. That history's with him. To never think straight. About the true shape that he's in. He's told not to complain. You're better than the blacks. You've been born with white skin. Interesting facet about the great unwashed british working class though...who, essentially, are the true and most common face of white British people.Throughout history so many international ideas actually started off life as a way of changing things in England. i.e doing something for the benfit of the working class whites in England. Karl Marx of course wrote his communist manifesto in London for the conditions in England but it was other countries that had that revolution instead. Tom Paine etc actually wrote the blueprint for freedom from royal rule for the English but of course it was in the end the colonists in the colony of America who took Tom Paine's ideas and had a revolution instead. Meanwhile, things have stayed the same way in England, in terms of the class structure and the true sorry state of the majority of whites. But.....I have another way of looking at this.....my own theory if you like. My theory is that the white British are by nature of extremely low stock compared to whites of other european countries. I think this because essentially, wherever in the world the white English have emigrated and made their home, their nature stays with them generations later. Lets take America for example. Only a very small percentage of white Americans have English blood, by far most of them are of German and Scandanavian blood as well as some Irish etc, although German ancestory is the one that easily dominates. In contrast, the English still exist in America and they are essentially the poor white trash of the south. The hillbillys...the trailer trash. Almost all of them are of English ancestory and so you do get the impression that the English have very low quality genes in comparison with other northern Europeans. Of course wherever the English go the class system follows and thats the same in America where the most of the Engish are the very poorest of American whites while the small minority of English upper class (the episcopoleans - Anglicans) such as George Bush etc are America's very richest.
    1 point
  15. I agree with the second poster. If one cannot concieve a baby then just adopt. So many orphan kids need the love of a mom and dad but are not fortunate enough to get it. I know a couple who could not have kids so they went to India and adopted two kids from an orphanage.
    1 point
  16. In brief, most of that is self-inflicted on our part IMO. There's also an aspect of meddling on the part of the white establishment; firstly, by recruiting "agents" from within our people to sow discord and forcibly challenge and attack accepted cultural narratives and norms that are positive and are seen as attributes that makes us difficult to mold, and secondly, a gradual psychological malaise that everyone is being exposed to in the west, whereby people are being mentally broken down on many fronts. Popular culture is playing a huge part in this process. Don't get me wrong, this recruitment I've mentioned isn't some kind of insidious selection process in a darkened room, because that simply doesn't work as it's in the realms of Ian Fleming-esque fantasy, lol. Those who are working against their own are doing so because they believe it is the right thing to do, AND as a way of furthering their own lives in terms of careers, etc. The simplistic answer many will offer is: "We ain't religious any more" and whilst there is an undoubted element of that which may have contributed to this problem, the true and complete answer is much more complex. Ironically, and this is my personal thought on the issue, a pure religious and spiritual existence, devoid of excessive dogma and hollow ritual, is the only way to identify AND then reverse the deceptions being heaped upon us. But that requires an incredible amount of introspection and thought that many just aren't prepared for.
    1 point
  17. I think you're spot on here. The next question is: "How did the Sikh community somehow end up with their girls being pretty much ranked as low as these feral, underclass white girls?"
    1 point
  18. The human mind works on many levels. What may motivate you to follow Sikhi is different for the next person. As much as we should avoid being slaves to the whims of our times, it cannot be disputed that external and internal stimuli play a huge part in our decision-making, whether we're conscious of it or not.
    1 point
  19. also Sikhi was founded in the 15th century they could even get that basic fact straight , tells you what you need to know, they do not care about accuracy
    1 point
  20. Read what I posted before you get emotional. Not once did I allude to it being a fashion statement. I suggested they felt compelled to adhere to this aspect of their faith due to the growing intolerance and hostility from an increasingly prejudiced western society, in affect thumbing their nose at bigots who want religious people to assimilate and disregard all overt, external articles of faith under the pretence of societal harmony.
    1 point
  21. how about they actually love their dharam and actually read the rules about attire and follow it despite familial prejudice or external hardship pild on them for their choices i.e they pukkey sikhs ? it really is not a fashion statement
    1 point
  22. Govt sponsored interference to make it seem like somehow the girls are getting radicalised , remember that was the request before from GOI to create a bad feeling towards us . MissterSIngh how about actually reading history instead of jumping to false conclusions ? It was part of our history .
    1 point
  23. This is a powerful video with a message. Watch it and you will realise how you can actually black magic yourself with your thinking. This is the proven way to do it the Sikh way. Waheguru is a powerful name to focus and to say. Saying it with your tongue will attract into you virtues like truthfulness, satisfaction etc. When these develop then you will be able to enjoy your recitation even more. Think of Ravans life. The one negative thought he had of wanting Sita drove him blind and to nothingness. We are also nothing without Naam. Naam sustains us. Without Naam we have nothing to stand by us and we get steeped into sickness and try to look for excuses. Naam jap yourself to success everyday. It kills all your negative thoughts giving you positive energy. You will never believe how high it can lift you if you never try it. Best of luck.
    1 point
  24. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03hwl0m There r some very odd/dodgy questions asked here by nikki bedi, like "is it a myth/there proof that sikh women in history ever wore dastar?". Fitteh mooh
    1 point
  25. Are people trying to justify the British oppressing others by the sword? If so, then ISIS conquering Iraq is justified. Hitler trying to conquer the world is justified. And god forbid this happens, but when a person enters your house and takes your life is justified. These people have gone back to primal instincts....can't beat the enemy, join them as their slave. All this talk about jewels and who took it by honor is a cover up for inferiority. You glorify Maharaja Ranjit Singh as the perfect Sikh and turn around with your british accent and call him one of us, who stole a jewel wrongfully. From a Sikh perspective Maharaja Ranjit Singh is not a perfect example of a Sikh, yet he was a man with good and bad qualities. Only for you the british are the perfect example of ethical, moral, humane army and leaders. But in reality they have raped, looted, and oppressed others in lands they had no right to enter. The british were no different than Muslims like ISIS.
    1 point
  26. Of course it has relevance to the topic, the subject of which should really be obvious. The link leads to a sentimental picture capturing an uncommon moment of interfaith harmony. All that bathroom business is a appendage to this. This photo is only held to be so remarkable because it is the exception that proves the rule - that Sikh-Muslim relations are actually quite bad. If I were still a gambler I'd bet all the money in my wallet that the response of most Muslims to this picture would involve a lot of vomit.
    1 point
  27. Published: 14:29, 8 February 2016 | Updated: 19:44, 8 February 2016 [/quotehttp://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/child-rapist-flees-abroad-after-10859085
    1 point
  28. your defo proving your no sikh here, cos your logic has failed. You fail to spot the difference between an islamophobe and an actual racist. You seem like sunny hundal undercover or one of his punjabi atheist minions. Very suspicious most your posts have been far left and always arguing against sikh issues.
    1 point
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