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Everything posted by Not2Cool2Argue

  1. Can't the police use your phone to track down this person? I know phone companies can use location to detect any phone as long as it is not turned off. 1. First use samsung account or apple ID account to remotely erase everything on that phone. Or get your phone company to do it. I think if you report it lost or stolen, they can do it for you. 2. Tell the police he stole your phone and that it was worth a lot of money and has your bank account and your identity documents. And that he is threatening you and you are receiving death threats . Then I think the police have a duty to find him 3. Try not to contact that guy. But if no other options, let him know about point #1. That you have let the police know and as soon as he accesses your phone, he will be able to be tracked. Also that the police has been looking for any clues to human trafficking gangs. And so the police are secretly watching you so that if he comes near you, they will capture him to gain more info about this gang thing. 4. Try another country besides Canada. Maybe Dubai or Australia or Malaysia for work reasons. Or get married in America. Or even better get a job in India's tech centers. Like Bangalore or Mumbai or Calcutta. The fact that you have experience in the west will help. In india, salaries and lifestyle is really good. 5. Please warn other girls not to play with fire, especially those going 'bahar/West for the first time. Not to get involved with guys. It will backfire. That there are many predators in our community who will befriend you to steal your identity etc. Maybe the good karma of that will help you in God's court. 6. Be brave. Go back to Canada. And learn Street smarts. Google how to make your self safe online, how to hide your location online. (Mostly will involve not using any social media, using tor or VPN or duck go websites). Only have a flip phone with 911 on speed dial so if anyone follows you. You can call police right away. Walk with a weapon pepper spray etc. Always stay with a group of people. Lots of ppl learn to live safely in crime ridden neighborhoods. Call your parents everyday at 7pm. If they don't hear from you, tell them to report you missing to embassy and police.
  2. We are accepting the English meaning. The real meaning of Nanak name chardo Kala tere bane sarbat da bhala. Actually means In your hukam, everyone is well off. It means whatever you do is good for everyone. It's another way of saying Tera bhana Mitha laage. That with naam I am in chardi Kala and I accept that your hukam is best for everyone. So I don't need to ask for anything or try to change your hukam. Just accept it as all is well. It does not mean I ask for the welfare for all. It's the exact opposite. It means I don't need to ask or do anything as you already do the best and take care of all.
  3. She spoke bhai veer singh type of panjabi. Hosi. Etc. It is a sad letter. Both her and her son came to a bad end.
  4. There were always sects. The beauty was we could still be united and respect each other yet be different. Just look at dasam pitas time. He told bhai nand lal ji not to fight, supported bhai khaniya ji's anti-violence agenda. Had hindus and muslims and mercenaries in his army. Send most women away from the fight (including mata jis) but allowed mai bhago to fight. Contradictions and opposing views everywhere. And also had a vaishnav and meat langar at the same time. Then later there were the sikhs who lived in jangals and fought. Then city sikhs like subheg singh and shabaaz singh. Then farmers like bhai taaru singh. Village dwellers like the singhaniya in mir mannus jail. No time was there when all sikhs were shastardhari, living in jangals. In fact there were udasees, seva panthis, bedis, nirmale, tarna dal vs budha dal division, then misls, followed by sikh rajas vs akalis. Then naamdhari showed up. The arguments in the 1900s were numerous. If sachkhand is an actual place vs avastha. If meat is allowed. If padshed is allowed. Dasam granth. If dakhani onkaar is actually called Onkaar Bani (pamphlet on that by Bhagat puran singh) And dont just blame the akjs. Many other sects dont believe in brahm kavach as part of dasam etc. I think the vaaja should have an important nostalgic place in our gurudwaras. It is a symbol of how sikhi spread to the masses, how it triumphed under colonial rule. How when the british were busying destroying our culture, taking away kaide/books and shastar away from our ppl. Sikhs co-opted their instrument and spread sikhi. Like the miniature saroops of SGGS used in the world wars. Part of our history of how Sikhs kept sikhi alive in hard times. And should be revered. Puratan is important so we don't lose any of our magnificent history and culture and skills. But it shouldn't stop us from adding more skills to our repertoire. Like maharaja ranjit adding cannons to his army and learning from the European soldiers about military training. (BTW most of those Europeans were french/Italian who having lost the napoleonic wars fled east and their hatred of the English is what attracted them to ranjit singh)
  5. Yeah a family member had it shipped from UK. Yes there is a Tegh Kaur in the works. But someone was saying that we should have Sikh figures as nurses, doctors, fire fighters...but I don't know if that's a good idea. We don't want Sikh ppl to identify only with worldly success and consider some jobs as better...it just deeply cements the panjabi sociopathic capitalism...but it is hard for kids to relate to these warrior types when all Sikhs they know aren't ones. Then again superheroes aren't relatable either...
  6. Why? I used to think most amritdharis are from there.
  7. Have you heard of the organization atam pargas? They are trying to bring back the preclinical method of education back based on Leitnwrs work. Also I would say Leitner is right. My Nani can read panjabi because she learned at the local gurdwara. They would use sticks to right oora aira in the dirt when learning. So even women were allowed to learn before 1947. And another Bibi learned at a church. But she quit to make money from her embroidery on the Pakistan side of panjab. So I would say even the most rural and poor people were literate.
  8. Wasn't it Guru Nanak Dev ji himself who changed doing lavan around havan to around ptothi sahib? I think it's mentioned in janam sakhis maybe? Also lots of our ancestors were not strictly Sikhs so we shouldn't go by what they did. They just followed the local Brahmans and what their ancestors had done. And did not want to change to the new way of sikhi. Any even if the modern anand karaj is not puratan, is there any reason to go back? The modern anand karaj was made during 1900s when the Sikhs were going thru a literary revolution similar to Europe's great enlightenment when lots of lost and hidden manuscripts were brought to light and the Sikhs had khalsa diwaans where Sikhs reached a consensus on maryada ardaas etc. Why would you want to bring back practices that tie us closer to Hindus or sonatas dharam? Then what's the use of sikhi? We might as well become sanatan if we think there's nothing wrong with sanantan dharam. And all the updates and changes the Gurus and Sikhs did were not needed.
  9. I think Jewish ppl are 1000 years ahead of us in history. Sikhs are only at the part where Jewish tribes were being exiled from Isreal at the time of the Egyptian empire. If we want to continue following their path and finally have success (ie Khalistan) then we have to do what they did: keep a distinct identity, a growing population, and a millennial long strategy of enmeshing ourselves into powerful positions in economic and scie tific centers of those countries we immigrated to. Although, I don't really buy the Jewish ppl are the mastermind behind the whole world economics etc that others above believe. I think if ppl remain smart and alert to their surroundings, and get rich enough without falling prey to vices, most ppl can have similar success to Jewish ppl. I remember reading the life of the father of Zionism. He was an intellectual growing up in 1900s Europewho supported communism like any other educated person in the 1900s. (Like most educated ppl support liberalism/social justice now esp sikhs) Life was good until the depression hit, and anti-semitism swept up Europe. Then like any other person, he felt hurt and stated we need our own country where we aren't pushed out after 100 years at the whims of governments and he thought the best place for this country was their origin: Isreal. Ofc it was just an idea but it spread in jews circles (yes they always had a religious idea of Iimportance of isreal before but it had never been articulated so clearly for political wellbeing of jews). And when the jews had the chance, they made that idea a reality. Yes there were Jewish families bank rolling kings and wars. But that'slike the Indian govt getting paranoid because the Canadian minister of defense is a Sikh. Has nothing to do with Sikh interests or khalistan. Currently there might be jews among the elite monopolies controlling the world. But the fact of monopolies is more dangerous than them being jews..
  10. The concept of being sehajdhari and nanakpanthi was big. Religion back in the day was more about allegiance than following it to the letter. Amrit shako, kes rakho wasn't a big rally cry. Think about it a century before ranjit singh, it would be ridiculous to begging ppl to take amrit when they could be killed tortured for it. It was imperative that you do it of your own free will. And because ranjit Singh was from a Sikh family, maybe that was enough to be Sikh.
  11. Wow. You've grown up! I would never have expected such a deep insight esp a controversial one from you. I had pegged you as a really black and white, this is the one correct way poster. The credit goes to @dallysingh101 and Sikh awareness forum ofc. Showcasing of the puritan ithihaas thru olden granths, historical/contemporary accounts was a major wake up call to Sikhs. Ofc it might also be due to nihangs. Their bringing back all the things we had successfully repressed...time will tell if it's a good thing..
  12. While you are right, you are also too idealistic. Economic reasons will always be the most important. A starving person or even a person at poverty level just surviving cannot enact any change or even any respect, neither from their own community nor from another community. So yes being a soldier was for economic reasons. But it made sense. Maharaja ranjit had employed a huge number of Sikhs as soldiers. Once British ppl took over, all of these soldiers' were let go after confistication of their weapons including kirpaans. Some of these soldiers turned into daaku(bandits) rather than give up weapons. But most were turned loose. What were they supposed to do? You would probably say organize into their own army but remember they had no weapons and it was outlawed to have any. Or you would say industrialize and learn new skills. If they did that, first they would be taking jobs of people of other castes and have to compete with them. Secondly, when one is thirsty, it is already too late to dig a well. Thirdly like one of the posters said before, they had many brothers so they were expendable. If they went home and tamely farmed, they would decrease land ownership (typical lot of second sons). So they did what they were best at: join army. It made financial, tactical sense. Also some used army to travel to other countries and settle their or join factories. And their offspring fared better. So they did make the smart decisions. Which we are still copying to this day, moving to the west. Ofc you would want them to have carved a economically independent homeland in that time. But be realistic. Even with all our knowledge and know how, who is willing to go back to panjab? We have a chance to save it before it js engulfed by gujjars, Christians and immigrants from UP? We have a chance to fix the teaching of sikhi and make a difference there in terms of economics more than we can in the west. Once panjab becomes the Palestine of Sikhs, completely engulfed and settled by non Sikhs. When Sikh diaspora need a homeland to return to in 100 or 150 years, in hindsight it will be easy to blame our generation. But in reality, after losing a war to indian government, what choice did our generation have? Even in 1984, the anandpur sahib resolution had economic reasons in it. And the recent farmer protests were so well attended because of economic reasons. No other panthic protest had garnered so much support. From bargarhi to protests against beadbi to sarbat khalsa. All was beat by farmer protests. Economics moves the world. And to expect our ancestors who had just lost a war and seen their enemies who collaborated with the British ( like dogras) in power over them, to be better than we are now is just idealism. I think joining any army is a just occupation. As long as you yourself refuse to participate in any rape or pillage. Working for Apple and Nike who support sweat shops etc is also exploitation of the poor. It's a job. Also it keeps the Sikh youth militarily ready. Now look at the state of Sikh youth. In 1984, sant ji needed the help of subheg singh, a military trained guy. The ghadar party singhs tried to recruit faujis in British army because they had the arms and fighting know how. As long as we train loyalty to panth first. A Sikh should do almost any job. Like satwant singh/Beant singh and the faujis during 1984 who left their posts to try to join akal takhat. As long as loyalty to panth is there, a Sikh will leave their job when it becomes anti panthic or oppressive. So it's not the job or where they fight that matters. Even in modern Indian history, Sikhs were employed by Indian govt to put down rebellions in sri Lanka and the fight between east and west Pakistan. Sikhs still acted honorably. Sikhs protected the women who were being raped by the east Pakistani army. And in sri Lanka, the Sikh officer got a phone call to assassinate the peaceful leader of the communist rebellion. Sikh army officer did not act on it. So in any occupation. You can be honorable. Yes it's terrible about the 1947 genocide. Where were the Sikh soldiers at that time? WwII had already ended?
  13. In your answer, u only mentioned what people think i.e. coworkers/boss or other Sikhs. But for Sikhs, it's most important what the Guru says. Yes what you mention is important. At least Sikhs should respect Sikhs. But a Sikh quickly has a downfall if he/she forgets to keep focus on guru and sikhi. Other people will always try to belittle those who try to be better or try to be good. Even the Gurus own brothers tried to hurt them. Also you can tell.the moneh, I keep my hair cuz the Guru says to. Not to be a good or better human. And my hair shows I put sikhi first esp before fashion unlike you guys.
  14. I was referring to Sikh extremism. Even across the pond we hear of the infighting, the different sects, like Niddar Singh, the chatke being done by the nihangs. Any sect in sikhi has a hard-core following in the UK, and has no tolerance for any other. They are able to whip up youngsters to follow them and to be intolerant towards others. Also the incident you were referring to is not the only one. There was one about a couple claiming to be Mai bhago etc and punishing people. So it's important all Sikhs learn not to take the law and punishments into their own hands. This gives an opportunity for fringe elements in the panth to start their own cult. We need to emphasize the panthic way. And not to have any <banned word filter activated> and Harry create their own interpretation and implementation of sikhi.
  15. As a Sikh, u have no authority to punish anyone. Unless ur part of the panj pyare and someone comes to you to confess or get help. There have been cases esp in that extremist haven UK, where individual Sikhs have taken the law into their own hands and thought they had the authority to punish other Sikhs. Some even got together 5 of there own gang and deemed themselves panj pyare and beat up a person for a transgression. Stop this nonsense. Stop trying to bring back puratan sikhi and stop trying to be arbitrators. Just go be pesh at an amrit sinchaar and get tankhaah of 21 japji sahib or something. If it's too tame of a punishment, do simran 24 hours if u have to. There's no call to give physical punishments.
  16. There's lots in california... esp stockton... If u can't find any. Perhaps get a flight and fly out for a weekend. If can't afford flight or hotel. Many Sikhs will be willing to pay for it or host you.
  17. If you are not wearing a dastaar or Bana, and can't be identified as a singh then I think you can think abt being a bouncer. Our environment has a huge influence on us. So if u think that u r so unique and strong that you can be in a bar surrounded by drugs alcohol, frivolity and bad music and have no effect on you, then also think abt being a bouncer. We do kirtan simran so that our mind becomes calm and clean. Don't you think being at a bar, does the opposite? Makes our mind chanchal: restless, seeking excitement, aggression, drama, lust? Also you can ask gurusahib and take a hukamnama. Also can't you find a job that allows you to attend amritvela? Like a 9 to 5? So you can attend simran from 12 to 4. Sleep from 6pm to 12 or something.
  18. Hey brother. I want to tell you don't worry about it, don't give up. But I went thru something similar so I know how you feel. Years ago, when guru sahib first came to stay in our house. I was really excited about talking to gurusahib and had learned that hukamnamas were.the way to have conversations. So I asked one day, Guru Sahib do you think im a good Sikh? And I got the hukamnama Bhanda att maleen dhota accha na hoisi. The dish is very dirty, it can't be cleaned with washing. Then the shabad went on to say, do not think you will be saved in the end, I was so disappointed and angry. I didn't try to talk to guru sahib again. But fluctuating path in sikhi continued. I needed gurujis help in my career and he helped me which built my trust again. So anyway recently I went back to read that hukamnama and I realized that while there was harsh statements, there was also kind things that I missed. Like it says do not think you will be saved in the end without putting in any effort. I have realized that every shabad no matter how negative will always have positive in it. Either a happy ending or instruction. In your case it says then why not meditate on the lord? At the end of both sorath mahala 9 shabads on ang 631. So don't be disappointed and angry like I was. First of all, the fact that our guru talks to us and answers our questions is amazing. No other religion has this. Secondly, actually have a conversation with guruji. Which means after 1 hukamnama, if you have doubt you say or think, gurusahib ji what am I doing wrong? Why aren't you happy with the simran and paath I do? And then to another ang. As long as the questions are follow-ups to the same question, you can keep asking whike sitting there. But if you want to ask 2 different/unrelated questions then for the second question you have to stand up and do ardaas again. But GurjantGnostic is right, to really have a conversation/ learn something, do sehaj paath. It's better than a therapy session. Guruji will wring you out, then console you and fix you right up. You can start a sehaj paath or just read any random 5 angs continuously. Also u waking up at amrit vela for a month and nitnem daily in addition to simran and katha and extra bani is really blessed. But brother are you doing it with the right mindset? Guru sahib hates pakhand, dislikes badha chatti ( doing it out of duty and not love) and loathes pride. Where's your gratitude? You really think you did it with your own power? I have not been able to do it and yearn for amritvela. And you have it and are willing to give up on it. Also after millions of live forms what of this is the first time your were human or first time a Sikh? Ur just gonna give up that chance? Some people are born with talents like drawing good or good kirtaniye. There are remnants of their past lives, these skills they worked hard and mastered and now they have them naturally. So work hard for sikhi in this janam, so that if there's a next time, you will be a natural gursikh
  19. That actually happened to me. Lol. I was with my Pakistani friend. And the taxi driver was like Salam alaikum, would you like some freshly butchered cow meat? I was like Salam but I'm vegetarian. My friend who looks normal was like I'm the Muslim, that's a Sikh. This was in Dominica, a small country next to Jamaica. So it's not just Americans who are ignorant. I think it's anybody not living in a multicultural city.
  20. If you are not amritdhari, you can wear jewelry. But Sikh females generally avoid the nose things and crazy piercings. Also nihangs had a tradition that women weren't allowed to take amrit. So I wouldn't use their wives as role model for amritdhari women.
  21. Good to hear from you. It's wonderful the difference gurbani makes. About your fear about falling off the path. Thats actually a good thing. It's a hard lesson to learn. That sikhi is not to be taken for granted. That it is not in our hands. Its the first step on the path to letting go of ego. Turn fear into gratitude. For now ur into sikhi, Thank mahraj, because to get out of mental issues and avoid maya is not easy. He helped you out. And if you fall off again, remember it's bhana. God's will. Each time you fall, you will learn something new. Just make sure to rise again. For now enjoy the high. It's amazing how life can be blissful Chardi Kala!
  22. These questions will not be satisfactorily answered on a forum. We are not good Sikhs much less saints. I have heard that now all real Sants will be gupt. So anyone you hear of as a sant will not be the real deal. Also there's multiple sakhis about sants doing ardaas for rain and to help people. the sants are doing ardaas vs saying I will stop this. Doing ardaas still leaves it in hukam. And the pangti ur looking for is. MERi bandhi Bhagat shadaave etc
  23. One of the doctors who had a clinic in the farmer protests was Dr Sarwan singh an American cardiologist. He has an instagram. Contacting him about the need for medical facilities in haryana could yield results
  24. Another approach could be to have really good panjabi media. Many girls even Sikh girls are able to understand Korean from watching Korean dramas.
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