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Eggs ?

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Here are some reasons

Milk is a food product.  The cow produces it with the intention that it will be consumed for food.  Herbivores like cows, goats, etc. drink milk.  The fact that cows are mistreated now by the milk industry has lead many Gursikhs to go to organic milk, but our own Guru Sahibs drank milk.

Eggs are produced as a form of life.  They are not meant to be food.  The only things that eat the eggs are carnivores who steal them, like wolves, dogs, etc.  No herbivore eats eggs.  Hens do regularly give eggs that aren't fertilized.  So do human women.  You are eating the equivalent of a period (sorry to be so graphic). 

Does that sound yummy?


cow produce milk for its calf not for humans.for centuries hindus befooled people

that cow is a mother and it is producing milk for humans.strange that some sikhs still beleive in it


Under no circumstances( fertilised/unfertilised) is milk intended to grow into a new lifeform, whereas egg can. sikhs have been doing lot of things hindus do, so should we do opposite of whatever hindus say or do?

hindus remove their shoes before entring a temple.. sikhs do same..... now do you want sikhs to do opposite? dont compare apples with oranges and dont be misguided by utter hate for other religions.


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cow produce milk for its calf not for humans.for centuries hindus befooled people

that cow is a mother and it is producing milk for humans.strange that some sikhs still beleive in it


If that's the case, then it seems you think our Guru Sahibs were fooled as well?

Guru Sahib drank milk. There is no doubt about it.

If you think our Guru Sahibs can be fooled, then I don't think you can even be a Sikh.

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According to tria chariter, Guru Ji got fooled, therfore, those believing in tria chhariter aren't Sikh. Safe! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


lol- was waiting for your input on this one. Was sure you'd tell us milk is like egg without the shell as science tells us etc ( although I argue something else is more similar to egg without the shell), didn't see the Treh Charriter angle coming lol. Nice touch!

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cow produce milk for its calf not for humans.for centuries hindus befooled people

that cow is a mother and it is producing milk for humans.strange that some sikhs still beleive in it


If that's the case, then it seems you think our Guru Sahibs were fooled as well? 

Guru Sahib drank milk.  There is no doubt about it. 

If you think our Guru Sahibs can be fooled, then I don't think you can even be a Sikh.




our guru s drank milk because diet was never an issue in sikhism.

it is only some brahmin type sikhs that have bring this issue in sikhism

i have a suraj prakash in which it is written that guru nanak ate meat at kurukshetra.meat was distribuited in langar at the time of guru angad.but the replies of the vegetarians is that we are no where near the awastha of guruji

we can't eat it.

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haha First of all a Human females period produces blood, and also other things that release with the egg. A human womens egg is not enclosed in a shell, and is very very small, a human womens egg cannot be harvested for food for those reasons. Also not every egg will be fertilized by the rooster, hence the unfertilized eggs are shipped to consumers. As for why dont we eat rooster sperm? Is that really considered a counter argument or did a 12 year old just say that? When you get to the sixth grade youll learn what the differences are between eggs, and semen, we dont need to tell you that now. Also I dont think that cows actually produce milk for the intention of human consumption. Did you know our bodies have a very diffucult time digesting milk? Milk actually slows down the digestion process after a certain age. Please lets think before we post!!!

Also to the post saying our Gurus ate meat, I really think thats inaccurate, and diet should be an issue, I think enlightened men would not eat meat....

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cow produce milk for its calf not for humans.for centuries hindus befooled people

that cow is a mother and it is producing milk for humans.strange that some sikhs still beleive in it


If that's the case, then it seems you think our Guru Sahibs were fooled as well? 

Guru Sahib drank milk.  There is no doubt about it. 

If you think our Guru Sahibs can be fooled, then I don't think you can even be a Sikh.




our guru s drank milk because diet was never an issue in sikhism.

it is only some brahmin type sikhs that have bring this issue in sikhism

i have a suraj prakash in which it is written that guru nanak ate meat at kurukshetra.meat was distribuited in langar at the time of guru angad.but the replies of the vegetarians is that we are no where near the awastha of guruji

we can't eat it.


Can you please elaborate on sri guru hargobinds hukumnama telling sikhs "maas machi de nere nahi javna"..... Or would you call it fake?


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whether the cow produces the milk for human consumption is besides the point. It is produced as a food product. Our Gurus drank milk. Milk is a non-issue.

Eggs are never produced to be a food product. Only predatory carnivores eat eggs.

As for the kurukushetra story, maybe you should read it a bit further. When Guru Sahib cooks the meat, what comes out? It's not meat. I believe its either kheer or karah. Can't remember. If you want to use a story, tell the the whole thing.

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Also I dont think that cows actually produce milk for the intention of human consumption.  Please lets think before we post!!!

Also to the post saying our Gurus ate meat, I really think thats inaccurate, and diet should be an issue, I think enlightened men would not eat meat....


I also think than hens dont produce eggs for human consumption and cows/poultry dont giver birth to offsprings so that they can be butchered and fed to satisfy someones taste bud. Would you like your offsprings to be fed to other carnivore animals?

Please lets think before we post!!!


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Also I dont think that cows actually produce milk for the intention of human consumption.  Please lets think before we post!!!

Also to the post saying our Gurus ate meat, I really think thats inaccurate, and diet should be an issue, I think enlightened men would not eat meat....


I also think than hens dont produce eggs for human consumption and cows/poultry dont giver birth to offsprings so that they can be butchered and fed to satisfy someones taste bud. Would you like your offsprings to be fed to other carnivore animals?

Please lets think before we post!!!



Thats the thing, I am thinking!!! before you get worked up and use these!!!!! which by the way doesnt make your statement any more right THINK! Please show me where I said anything about butchering animals? Where did I ever say that? Im talking about EGGS, UNFERTILIZED EGGS. And Brother Singh, what is the purpose of those eggs then? Throw them away? Eggs are edible raw or cooked, so therefore it is produced for consumption. Carnivores drink milk to whats the point? I could use that same reference as well...it still doesnt explain why eggs are a no no.

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