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Many Wives In Sikhism

Guest Dilkaraja

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A husband has the right to call his wife affectionately by any name, don't you think ?

physical beauty attracted Guru Ji? you really think so Singh Ji? Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Gurbani are the same. and you do know who Gurbani calls "beautiful ones". no doubt Mata Ji was beautiful but Guru Ji does not look at physical beauty and call someone "Sundar". and what was wrong with the first name? please enlighten me. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Gurujee can name anyone whatever He wants. He called His horse Jaan Bhai. Why not question that as well now? blush.gif . All I said was that a husband can call his wife anything, by any name affectionately. Yes I don't know the reason why Gurujee called Mataji by that name, only He knows best. Again, I read that He called Mataji Sundari and I don't know why. It seemed to me that it was out of affection. Now please don't tell me that its wrong to love your own wife? p

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joga singh Posted on Sep 10 2004, 11:33 PM

what is this yaar he is our guru yaar , ur talking such things about him.

read my above post.

our guruji's are above, kaam , krodh , lobh , moh , ahankaar.

Who is talking about these 5 vikaars? :lol: . You totally misunderstood my point yaar. I have already said that Gurujee had only one wife, so the question of lust is out of question!
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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

First of all i beg an apology if i offended anyone. I myself don't know the truth. All I wrote was what I have heard and read. Baba Hardev Singh Ji said that Guru Ji had 4 Sahibzade from two wives. It is not my point, but his. And I don't know how Raagmala Gurbani came into this topic. I think Bhai Randhir Singh Ji had only the doubt about Raagmala, but he did not know the truth. But sadly, this doubt made divisions among the Sikh Sangat. So why would we believe someone who does not know the truth???Bhai Sahib was a great Gursikh, not the Guru. So why would anyone believe what he said what he is not even sure about. There is no mixing in Sri Guru Ganth Sahib Ji. It is the DHARAM of every Gursikh to accept Sri Guru Granth Sahib as the Guru. Baba Hardev Singh Ji also told the consequences of quetioning the authority of Raamala. Now peole are raising questions about Raagmala, tomorrow other people will start questioning about other part of Gurbani as not Gurbani.

Secondly, I don't know if anyone has heard the name of Sant Attar Singh Ji Mastuaane Wale. Sant Attar Singh Ji said that Raagmala is written by Bhai Gurdas Ji. If anyone needs the reference, such as page number, etc. let me know.

Now coming back the to the question, nobody here seems to know the truth. Everybody is shooting the arrow in the air. Does anyone know the words of any Sant Mahapurush who actually had said that Guru Gobind Singh Ji had only one wife??? If so, that would be a great help. And secondly, if Guru Ji did have 3 wifes, di

d they all exist at the same time, I mean did he marry the 2nd and 3rd wife while he still had the first wife, or he remarried after Guru Ji's first Joti Jot Sama gaye?

bhul chuk di khima....

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

guru je had 2 wives

the third is mata sahib kaur who is spiritually not phsically

but guru hargobind singh je allso had 2 wives

it was against the law for non muslims to have more than wife

and guru je did everything they did to challenge them

they kept a kalgi for that reason

an army


they hunted

kept birds like hawks for hunting and rajas kept them too

stuff like that

both guru hargobind sahib je and guru gobind singh did this

the reason u know

only they did cause they were the 2 gurus that fought the gov. the most

there are also 2 gurughars for each wife guru je had, and there historic

also, the sahibzada thing were the were born from both ive also heard

and didnt guruje call his horse neela??

bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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He called His horse Jaan Bhai.
was there any other name before that? my point was guru ji would never look at physical beauty and call someone "sundar"
All I said was that a husband can call his wife anything

wife can do the same too? i disagree with calling wife "anything".

Yes I don't know the reason why Gurujee called Mataji by that name, only He knows best.
yes and He knows the best why He had three wives. just because we don't know the reason does not mean it is wrong.
I think Bhai Randhir Singh Ji had only the doubt about Raagmala, but he did not know the truth. But sadly, this doubt made divisions among the Sikh Sangat. So why would we believe someone who does not know the truth???Bhai Sahib was a gre

at Gursikh, not the Guru. So why would anyone believe what he said what he is not even sure about.

Singh Ji, no one here questioned Bhai Randhir Singh Ji and no one here questioned raag maala. this is not related to the topic.

if Guru Ji did have 3 wifes, did they all exist at the same time, I mean did he marry the 2nd and 3rd wife while he still had the first wife, or he remarried after Guru Ji's first Joti Jot Sama gaye?
yes all existed at the same time. Mata Ajeet Kaur Ji passed away at Anandpur Sahib and other two passed away in Delhi. Mata Sahib Kaur Ji passed away when Guru Ji was in south and Mata Sundar Kaur Ji passed away after shaheedi of Baba Banda Singh Ji. I will have names of the authors by tomorrow.
the third is mata sahib kaur who is spiritually not phsically

no physical relationship, i agree but She became wife after Anand Karaj. hence, three wives.

Guru Ji did not need to marry anyone. He taught us to live "gristhi jeevan". It is not about 1, 2 or 3 wives but Guru Ji lived grithi jeevan because He taught Sikhs to live gristi jeevan and not leave the house to go live in jungles.

Waheguru Ji setup a way for creation to continue and for people to be born. Gurbani supports it. "maa kee rakath pithaa bidh dhhaaraa, moorath soorath kar aapaaraa ".

I don't know why it is so hard for people to accept Guru Ji had three wives. Sikhs have One Guru. Same Guru had

more than one wife in sixth form then what's wrong when it comes to tenth form? Guru is the same.

If anyone here has a solid proof of Guru Gobind SIngh Ji having only one wife then please post. why not solve this problem now on this forum and when someone else starts topic on this he/she could be given this reference to read. otherwise, this will go on again and again. or will the admins put this under "rules and guidelines" as "controversial topic"? Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Singh Ji, no one here questioned Bhai Randhir Singh Ji and no one here questioned raag maala. this is not related to the topic.
Then what "Bhai Sahib Ji" are you referring to in your post earlier, where you wrote:
Yes you are right and I say that because Bhai Sahib Ji clearly wrote that he has no idea who wrote raag maala and when it was written. and also he says he does not know why guru ji wrote it if this is work of Guru Ji. So Bhai Sahib had no clear idea on what he was talking about. first he says, Guru Ji did not write it and then he says he has no idea.

man, if it is not Bhai Randhir Singh Ji, shame on me, cuz thats what I have been thinking after reading your post lol.. ohmy.gif

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vaaheguru ji ka khalsa vaaheguru ji ki fateh

JSingh, the only reason why I brought up Bhai Santokh Singh Ji's views was because Bijla Singh had earlier written a big article which explained why Bh. Santokh Singh Ji's view on Raag Maala cannot be accepted and you if you think Bhai Randhir Singh Ji DID NOT know then think again. Read about his jeevni and then make your decision on what kind of Sikh he was. From next time I advice that you do not start bashing any Gursikhs like this and moreover, any discussions on Raag Maala on this forum are NOT allowed.

And why is everyone stating that Mata Sahib Kaur Ji was spiritual wife of Guru Gobind Singh Ji? All I have read or heard is that she is spiritual mother of Khalsa.

I will get the names and other details of the books on sunday. Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji's source is reliable for me. He studied Sikhi for many years and was a great scholar.
I also respect Baba Ji's views and everything he's done BUT his views do contradict views of other Maha Purakhs, this is NOT to prove that Baba Gurbhachan Singh Ji was ANY LOWER than other Sikhs but just to point out that even Gursikhs can have different point of views, because after all they are Sikhs, not Guru Sahib. Right? "Bhullan Andar Sab Ko Abhull Guru Kartar" Remember this?
there is milavat but it includes many sakhis that are very common and acceptable in SIkhi.

Thanks for understanding my point. So when we might talk about Bhai Santokh Singh Ji's opinion or research about Guru Sahib having more than one wife, I think we would need to think if that has milavat aswell or not.

He never sent any SIkh to go out and kill animals. Guru Ji specifically pointed out the birds and animals and gave hukam to kill them.
And I hope you cannot prove that Guru Sahib went and killed or hunted animals at random?
1) why are there three angeethas?

Could someone might have built these angeethaas after wards? What proof is there that there that there angeethas were actually of Guru Sahib's ji's mehals?

2) How can Mata Sahib Kaur Ji be only spiritual wife of Guru Ji? how is that possible in Sikhi? "he lived practical life so his sikhs could follow it"------how can one have spiritual wife without going thru anand karaj.
I never said that Mata Sahib Kaur Ji was spiritual wife of Guru Sahib. She was made the spiritual wife of Khalsa, and thi

s not apply that she automatically also became spiritual wife of Guru Sahib. Just like we do not call Guru Tegh Bahadar Sahib Ji our grand father and Mata Gujar Kaur Ji our grand mother and so on. Do we?

3) any puratan sources that talk about only ONE wife of Guru Ji? or anything written by naami gursikhs on this? Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji wrote three wives, any other naami gursikh wrote differently? in which book?

Which other Maha Purakhs have stated the same views as Sant Gurbhachan Singh Ji? If there are any that you know of, please let us know.

Now from Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji's post:

Again, I read that He called Mataji Sundari and I don't know why.

Mata Gujar Kaur Ji might have given her this name?

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Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji ke Fateh

My first and hopefully last post on this topic

"Gur Ki karneee kaheee thavoooo" SGGS "Why question Guru Ji's actions?"

Just skimmed through the this thread, time after time decade after decade we just revolve about the same wheel, same old issues, meat, raagmala, one wife or two....ivory tower discussions, which are useless. Why you may ask? Because some noble prize winner once said " In a debate there should always be progress, otherwise it's a waste of time""

waste of time this is what is happeing here , ask your selves are we progressing, the admins of this forum , tell me directly here have these points ever progressed the Khalsa since the day they have arisen...if the answer is "no" then I have a humble request to close this debate as such debates have been closed in the past on other forums as they are complete waste of time. Time could well be spent on how we are to deal with challanges facing the sikh youth and sikh no.gif community in the present day. no.gif

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji ke Fateh

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