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wahegurujikakhalsa,wahegurujikifateh "TeraRoop11 bibi" :)

You still visit the forum looking for contibutions made by them "gems". I stay here to watch stones convert to gems.

Man, I used to talk funny tongue.gif But you seem happy about me leaving, with the ':D' after number 3 tongue.gif

So much has changed.. I can't see myself ever posting anything like this ever again hahaha ;)

I am sure you still talk funny and am not happy with you leaving but i wonder why can't you see yourself making similar posts. I know you want to tongue.gif

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Hey! I think I sound {or read} okay! What are you trying to say, huh?

Not happy with me leaving? ohmy.gif There must be something wrong with you, Veerji!

The point isn't that I want to tongue.gif hehehe.. well, now that I'm 'back', we'll see :)

Ah, I think you misunderstood me - I didn't mean gems in reference to people. I meant posts. So among all the bakwaas, there are definitely beautiful and inspirational posts. Seeing 'stones' convert to gems is definitely part of the forum process.. wouldn't miss it for the world. Sometimes when I'd browse the forums, I'd read an exceptional post, and later on I'd find an older post by the same user and it was just.. amazing. The growth, the gain of knowledge, everything.. it's really wonderful to see. It's proof that the forums are worthwhile no matter what anyone does, thinks, or says. ;)

By the way, I've always enjoyed reading your posts. You tend to crack me up a lot :cool:

sunny_love_kirtan Jeeo - I received your PM on this matter, as well. To be honest, I'm not sure it's the smartest idea to send that image to anyone. Surely this thread speaks volumes on how dangerous a picture it really was! Besides, I don't even think I have it anymore hahah

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btw, i don't know whose right or wrong, but who cares. stop wasting time up here arguing about what happened, neither of u were there. jss stop trying to polong the argument by talking down about namastang.

Fareeda, Bure Da Bhala Kar(i). Gusa Man(i) Na Hundaa(i)|| Dehee Rog(u) N Lageyee. Pal(ai) Sabh(u) Kich(u) Paa(i)

do it with pyaar, they teach that at Dodra and I know the sangat there is one of most loving sangats I've ever been blessed with. Show some of that Nanak love. Maybe Namastang is two face and is saying stuff on another forum, bu then again if somenoe has a lot of giaan they always end up contradicting themself (or so it seems by moorakhs like me or ungianis) cuz we just don't understand the whole story and if a giani were to do katha or do veechar about something with every specific point and detail then kathas would be 5 hours long and the giani would lose breath before he could explain every single thing in complete detail...

Iunno what the case is for namastang, all im saying is lets nah judge. veechar is good but when it comes down to IM RIGHT, U DONT KNOW WHAT UR TALKING ABOUT, now thats bad and defeats the whole purpose of veechar

plz no one get offended by this post

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    • i tie punjabi but u gotta iron it unless its starched
    • how does he starch it? and how long does it work b4 he needs to tie it again
    • ik i'm late by 5 years lol but u need starch. That'll keep the larrs thick and u won't even have to tie it each time (you still can if u want to bro, but it'll keep the fold shut which is good). They look crisper aswell
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