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Why Are These Sikhs Wearing Tiliks?


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Taboo again he speaks for no one but his close minded self.

"To be faithful to one religion and yet have the humanity to appreciate someone elses religion is a wonderful thing.

I find it hard that the gurus will not bless my fiance when he prays for their blessings just because hes been attending hindu rituals."

I love the way you put that. I hope you just remember that you will come across alot of Ignorant people, just dont let that one bitter person spoil the rest for you. I hope you and your fiance are happy in life, and I can see you are on a good start with such open minds.

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The quote from Baba Nanak 'The Hindu is blind, the Muslim has one eye' has been totally misinterpreted.

Guru Nanak did not cuss other peoples religions. He did not cuss Hindus and he did not cuss Muslims. He criticised those Hindus and Muslims who did not see beyond their rituals and get to the heart and essence of their religion. He was speaking about how religion had decayed - how generally speaking the Hindus and Muslims around him were not being faithful and true to the essence of their religion.

To misunderstand this, and to twist it around, to make it look as though Baba Nanak was inspired by hatred of Hindus or Muslims, is so offensive to me, it makes me angry.

When he said this, he used it as an example for his new panth to emulate his idea - a religion in which the adherents can live with both eyes open - to see the essence and not the ritual, to not become like the Hindu or Muslim who forgets the essence of their faith. It is him urging Sikhs to show in their faith that you can be an example to others. It is him saying to his panth, do not decay like some people from other religions have decayed. Guru Nanak loved Hindus and Muslims and all of humanity. He was not cussing their religions - he was saying as their brother that they were not living up to the best and beautiful things of their religions.

To use this quotation as an example by which to hate Hindus is so far wrong, that it makes me think that the example applies to whoever stated it - that this Sikh has gone blind for not being able to differentiate and understand Baba Nanak's words - and for imputing a message of intolerance to my beautiful Guru Nanak Dev Ji which was as far from what he was saying as it is possible to be.

If you are unable to separate the personal from the political, if you are unable to see why individuals should not be judged on the basis of politics or the struggle for Sikh identity, if you wish to promote a vision of intolerance and hatred then fine, do so.


Do you understand?

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I would like to make a suggestion to the moderators of this site that if anybody makes a statement advocating murder, like militant singh did, you immediately remove the post. militant singh is perfectly entitled to express his views without calling for murder and violence. Failure to do so will I am afraid allow this forum to deteriorate.

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Many things arouse passion amongst Sikhs these days - but it seems that Baba Nanak's words being twisted to fit into hatred and intolerance is a thing that some people tolerate - I cannot think of a more twisted and shameful thing to do than to traduce the name and message of Baba Nanakji than that.

If you want to express hatred do it without quoting Guru Nanak DevJi!

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Satsriakal to all!

All those, who have shown hatred against Tilak, are not true Sikhs.

I could not find one instance in Gurbani where our Gurus have criticized Tilak and suggested us to reject it.

Rather, there is only praise for Tilak.

It is high time to recognize preachers who instigate hatred in Sikh Youths. They should abdicate.

Balbir Singh

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Dear Balbir Singh

I am not pro-tilak. Personally, I do not think the tilak should be incorporated into the Sikh ways. I think we should develop our own practices.

However, I am against those people who use this as an opportunity to spout disgusting bigotry of Hindu practices, and also twist the words of Baba NanakJi to explain their disgusting bigotry, trying to make out that Baba NanakJi was a man who expressed intolerance. That is disgraceful.

If is also disgraceful that someone can say that because these men are wearing tilaks that they should be shot dead. This is disgusting, and for anyone to claim to be a Sikh and say such things, they should be ashamed of themselves.

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Satsriakal to all and ms514 Ji!

Here is one example.

"har bhaa-i-aa satgur boli-aa har mili-aa purakh sujaan jee-o."

Lord pleased, the True Guroo spoke. Hari met Purakh Sujaan jee-o.

"raamdaas sodhee tilak dee-aa gur sabad sach neesaan jee-o." SGGS page 923

The Guru then blessed the Sodhi Ram Das with the ceremonial Tilak mark and Gur Shabad as true sign jee-o.

Another great Vaak from Guru Nanak Ji is "naavhu Dhovahu tilak charhaavahu such vin soch na ho-ee." SGGS page 903

Bathe, wash and put on Tilak, without purity there is no cleaning.

Guru Ji is praising here bathing, washing and putting on Tilaks. But He is warning us in the next sentence that without the purity (reached by Simran) outer purity does not help.

It is strange that we have not rejected bathing and washing but putting on Tilaks.

We have not reached the inner purity. But in frustration we have started rejecting outer good things like Tilak, washing and bathing one by one.

I hope that some of us do not reject washing and bathing also one day because Hindus are doing it since ages.

God knows what is happening to Sikhi.

I am only watching His Leelaa.


Balbir Singh

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Sat Sri Akal:

Your reading is quite different from mine...per my read, the first verse is talking of giving of the "Tilak" of the Shabad Guru, not a physical Tilak made of some concoction. Hence the statement "sabad sach neesan jeeo" - the Nishan was the "Tilak" of Shabad, not a physical Tilak. Of course, others can feel free to state their views.

Second verse is being misconstrued...it was and is common practice amongst the Hindus. The verse clearly aims squarely at those who would bathe and apply the Tilak and consider themselves pure but true purity is from within. Rather than praising the Tilak, the Gurus are commenting that the Tilak was an outer show, a fraud, of people to show their purity. Similar to how many fake Babae today are putting on Cholas and people believe that this is a sign of purity.

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Satsriakal to all and ms514 Ji!

According to the Gurbani's Vaak those who receive the Shabad Guru as true 'neesan' should also feel to get Tilak.

But reading comments from some Sikhs it looks like they have started hating Tilak after receiving the Gur Shabad.

I do not know why we are so careful to receive Gur Shabad that should not give us the feeling of Tilak.

About the second verse I would say that purity from within is of prime importance. But the inner purity does not lead to the outer impurity. Which Godly being has given up the outer purity after getting inner purity?

Balbir Singh

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