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if Anyone wannt to see that crap bhaniarawala i can give him a cd free of cost where u can see what that crap syin bout him self how he is callin him self guru... i jus pray if any one kill that bhaniarawala..then plz god give this holy seva to me ....

Beadbi guran di karwayi si jihna ne

apne app nu guru dashmesh kahaya si jihna ne

main uhna nu paira cha Latad Daungaaaaa

tusi vekheo tamasha, gadi dhur di hankariya nu chadd dauga

tusi vekheo tamasha, gadi dhur di hankariya nu chadd dauga


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Bhaniarawala is a fool dusht of the Khalsaa Panth. He was on the hit-list of Babbar Jagtar Singh Jee Hawara, soon to be executed and sent to the gallows of hell. Sant Ranjit Singh Jee Khalsa Dhadrianwale often mentions him in the diwaans. This fake Guroo/Saadh Bhaniarawala would have been sorted a long time ago if the Government hadn't given him so much security.....but when the time comes and to whom ever Vaheguroo Jee gives the sewa, no amount of security can stop that Khalsa.

d_oh.gifVaheguroo Jee Kaa Khalsa, Vaheguroo Jee Kee Phateh!!! d_oh.gif

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Meria veera inha gusa nai changa hounda. :@ Mahapursh sant sipahi sant baba jarnail singh jee khalsa bhindranwale would never do that and i know that. I was tellin him about pappi paniarawala, u might have read it wrong. It happens koi nai and i am glad you have pyaar for sant jarnail singh jeee. pray.gif

I used to live in punjab with my grandfather and this paniarawala burned our guru granth sahib jee and started writing his own granth. Said some stupid stuff against our gurus by claiming guru gobind singh jee is not the 10th guru and there was more but i know he was not a good man. I hope he is dead.

I might have heard the name.. but i don't know about him... please do tell!

Khalsaforce what are you TALKING about?????.....let me ask you one simple question..have you seen this with your own two eyes or heard from some <banned word filter activated>....Sant Jarnail Singh Ji was a Sant who awakned the whole religion....who taught how to defend yourself...and NEVER NEVER NEVER burned Guru Granth Sabih Ji and NEVER started writing his own granth...all this talk is to put down the sikh relgion...if he really did this..then why were so many sikhs willing to die for him...then why was Harminder Sabih letting him stay there...think before writing such stuff.

Also when he burned the saroops people were getting mad i means sikhs were so mad in our village. I was little, i think beanta was killed also in 1996 by the babbars so they were like paniarawala nu v chak dehna babbara. I used to hear alot that singh will finish paniarawalaa off so just to make sure is he dead or is he in jail?

iam sorry i thought you were talking about Sant Jarnail Singh Jl..Iam really SORRY..plz do forgive me..its that when i read what you wrote i thought you were talking about Sant Jarnail Singh Ji and lost my control SORRYYYYY...

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no problem veera we all make mistakes koi nai. i make mistakes also mostly becasue of engreji. we are brothers and koi nai galtia houndia rehndia jindagi vich. pray.gif

Meria veera inha gusa nai changa hounda. :@ Mahapursh sant sipahi sant baba jarnail singh jee khalsa bhindranwale would never do that and i know that. I was tellin him about pappi paniarawala, u might have read it wrong. It happens koi nai and i am glad you have pyaar for sant jarnail singh jeee. pray.gif

I used to live in punjab with my grandfather and this paniarawala burned our guru granth sahib jee and started writing his own granth. Said some stupid stuff against our gurus by claiming guru gobind singh jee is not the 10th guru and there was more but i know he was not a good man. I hope he is dead.

I might have heard the name.. but i don't know about him... please do tell!

Khalsaforce what are you TALKING about?????.....let me ask you one simple question..have you seen this with your own two eyes or heard from some <banned word filter activated>....Sant Jarnail Singh Ji was a Sant who awakned the whole religion....who taught how to defend yourself...and NEVER NEVER NEVER burned Guru Granth Sabih Ji and NEVER started writing his own granth...all this talk is to put down the sikh relgion...if he really did this..then why were so many sikhs willing to die for him...then why was Harminder Sabih letting him stay there...think before writing such stuff.

Also when he burned the saroops people were getting mad i means sikhs were so mad in our village. I was little, i think beanta was killed also in 1996 by the babbars so they were like paniarawala nu v chak dehna babbara. I used to hear alot that singh will finish paniarawalaa off so just to make sure is he dead or is he in jail?

iam sorry i thought you were talking about Sant Jarnail Singh Jl..Iam really SORRY..plz do forgive me..its that when i read what you wrote i thought you were talking about Sant Jarnail Singh Ji and lost my control SORRYYYYY...

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The day the Thief of Rage is allowed to run rampant and free is the day the Khalsa of Master Gobind's image ceases to exist; it is replaced by the Army of Satan.

May the sword be used for the righteous cause of humanity, and not the selfish cause of meaningless dogmatic attachments. Only then will the true spirit of the Khalsa Panth remain alive to save humanity from its own perils.

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There has been a few attempts to eliminate Panairewala, and he was on top of Jagtar Singh Hawara's hit list along with Ashutosh, Jagdish Tytler and Sajjan Kumar.

Beadbi guran di karwayi si jihna ne

apne app nu guru dashmesh kahaya si jihna ne

main uhna nu paira cha Latad Daungaaaaa

tusi vekheo tamasha, gadi dhur di hankariya nu chadd dauga

tusi vekheo tamasha, gadi dhur di hankariya nu chadd dauga

Is that your version of the song from Shaheed Udham Singh

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