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The Sikh awareness effect

>Bikramjit Singh<

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that is what he wrote on the website..basically they're taunting the people who have called him enemy of the khalsa..with enemy of the salsa..and using music/musicians as symbols..sigh..

they said for his punishment in bad taste of music..send him to an akj raensabhai :@

what is happening to the world :@

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!


I've got no problems with them trying to spoof our threads and trying to make remarks such as 'enemy of salsa', it just shows how deeply disturbed these people are. What I take issue with the way he makes up words such as 'Bjorkbani' to imitate Gurbani. Then he copies the way Gurbani is written by using 'Kahi Bjork' similar to the way Gurbani uses 'Kahi Nanak'.

And this from the guy who wrote that AKJ were modern Ram Raiayas for not accepting the Ragmala.

This is how Gurbani teaches us what happens to such paapis

Paapi Karam kamavde kardeh hai haie

Nanak Jeo Mathan Maadhaaniya

Teo Mathay Dharam Rai

SGGS page 1425

The sinners sin and in the end they shout 'hai hai'

Just as the churning stick churns butter so does Dharam Rai churn them.



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lol neo shut the f* up mate!


you guys are ridiculous, you throw your rules and regulations about, and yet you abuse them freely yourselves!!! you claim freedom of speech, yet when someone speaks their mind, u ban them then cont to discuss them behind their back!

from my understanding, PM ie private messages are meant to be private... so what is truthsingh doing posting up peoples private mesaages on the forum?!?!

its nice acting nice and high and mighty and claim that you are just spectators, but thats a load of rubbish!!

out of the 3 people you have banned from your website.. how many where 'anti-nang' and how many supported the nang/nihang mentality?! is it just a coincidence that all 3 argued against the issues raised by them fools? all three got banned, and yet the other parties involved in the arguements still stay as they were!!! lol

if someone speaks against them, its slander, if they cus anyone, its intelligent discussion!

shut up, pull you head out of your bum and smell the bhang which their cooking right under your nose!

you talk about hate mongering?!?!

let me ask you, b4 those websites were released how much hate was their amongst 'nihang' youth and the rest of uk youth?? have the webs increased it or decreased it?

are you happy being called brianwashed? are you happy with shaheeds being cussed? if that isnt hate mongering then what is?!

snap out of it.

by the way, iv emailed you and the other mods

there once b4, with no suprise you failed to reply, or even recognise acceptance of the email, which was genuinly sent to help you guys.

so ill write you another one soon, this time talking direct,maybe you'll reply this time round.

dnt forget to keep a tissue with you, dnt want your nose getting dirty.

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TODAY IM STUNNED BY READING THAT STUPID POST OF HIS AND NO ACTIONS TAKEN AGAINST HIM.. (I don't care if they give warning to him now or later on..) but making fun of gurbani quote is way tooo far.. :@

Though his post got deleted, but i would like to know from the sewadars DID THEY BAN HIM YET ?? (just a humble question)

I saved the whole thread just to give some proof to the mods/admins of sikhawareness that he did made the fun of gurbani... (in case they didn't get a chance to read it) Pm me.. :@

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