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Anand karaj


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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

In the Sikh life there are some customs. The naam-karan (giving the worldly first Name), the amrit-sanchar, the anand-karaj, the antam-sanskar.

Some people include dastar-bandi (for men AND women) and other events.

These events are stages of a Sikh life evolution.

Amrit SAnchar and Anand Karaj, are two divine reminders for the union of the bride soul with the husband God. This does not make the husband higher or wife lower - there must be equality in Sikh marriage. However, participating in the laavaa(n) is an exercise of faith. You (I don't have experience... I'm guessing here) are thinking about your commitments to Guru jee and you do parkarma (walk around Guru jee) and show that your life is CENTERED AROUND GURU JEE.

If this is not the truth, and if you are not now or planning to take amrit and join on GUru jee's path, then not only are you cheating yourself by having an Anand Karaj, you are cheating your future spouse, and your wedding is a facade - a show - a fraud.

People who can't even say the first five akhars of the Gurmukhi alphabet or tell you what the first word of Guru Granth SAhib is .. or who the first Guru is... they participate in the Anand karaj and walk around Guru Jee as a ritual.

For those people, maybe you can say they are not well-versed in Sikhi but they have love... That is hardly ever the case.

Many people who drink alcohol, cut their hair, don't believe in God, and may even practice illegal activities tie big red

turbans, wear big long achkin suits and hold big swords. The men and women decorate themselves and spend thousands of dollars on decorations, but fail to decorate themselves in the love for Guru jee.

Nobody should be forced to take amrit. However Sikhi is a practical lifestyle - it is not a "Sunday school" - it is a lifestyle, a way of life, Amrit is one step and Anand Karaj is another - they are both related.

So I tend to agree with the above posts by "Gurmukh" and "MKhalsa"

bhul chuk maaf karnaa jee

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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Sat Sri Akal:

The lavan explain the responsibilities of the couple, which focus on the four stages of meeting the Almighty (a task the bride and groom are to embark upon together). Circling the Guru Granth Sahib signifies acceptance of this responsibility.

Now the question arises...why should those who have not made meeting the Almighty at least a goal in their life even bother to participate in this acceptance? For a Sikh, this is not a hollow ritual, but rather a sacred rite. Why should those who hold no regard for this committment be allowed to participate in it?

Forgive daas for offensive words.

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Guest balwinderkaur
Sat Sri Akal:

The lavan explain the responsibilities of the couple, which focus on the four stages of meeting the Almighty (a task the bride and groom are to embark upon together). Circling the Guru Granth Sahib signifies acceptance of this responsibility.

Now the question arises...why should those who have not made meeting the Almighty at least a goal in their life even bother to participate in this acceptance? For a Sikh, this is not a hollow ritual, but rather a sacred rite. Why should those who hold no regard for this committment be allowed to participate in it?

Forgive daas for offensive words.

it does sound right though...points are valid but i guess they allow monays in to do viah cuz they get money(committee i mean tongue.gif )

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waheguru jee ka khalsa! waheguru jee kee fateh!!

i'll have to agree with those who are saying that anandh karaj is NOT for everyone...

i think some of us fail to remember, or just don't realise that anadh karaj is not a ceremony where two ppl marry eachother...in sikhi...a marriage is about two souls joining together to marry the Guru...

now how can one marry the Guru...if he or she has not even given their head to the Guru and commited their life to Him??

it doesn't really make sense if u think about it...

Going to the Gurudwara is a whole different thing...anyone can go to the Gurudwara. Goray Cheenay..kalay...everyone. but when it comes to certain things in sikhi...u really need to think about what we are doing and how we are changing what sikhi really is.

if u are going to get an anadh karaj...we should at least know why everything is done the way it is..and what it means...

bhul chuck maaf karna jee

sandeep kaur

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

Although I agree that anand karaj is something that is sacred to proper amritdhari sikhs, it doesn't really have any other purpose than to provide a blessing on the couple to live happily.

Personally, I think that anand karaj is thus open to everyone... people before guru gobind singh were married in this fashion in front of the adi granth, so it is not for poora sikhs only. However one thing does bother me. Since it is so obvious that the Guru means so little to those who think that they are bright enough to shave their beard right after the ceremony, why do it? You don't need a ceremony to get married, only a card. ;)

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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I beleive this was one of the other changes of gurmukh singh musafir but I may be mistaken. I know in the early part of last century only amritdharis were allowed to do anand karaj as it had been since the time of the first anand karaj.

Why dont you read the meaning of the lava? Why do we walk around guru sahib doing parkarma? why dont we have vows like every other religion?

We do have vows, except the husband and wife arent making vows to each other, no siree.. they are making a vow that they will revolve their lives AROUND guru granth sahib (thus going around guru granth sahib) and in each of the lava they commit to lead a gursikh life and work together towards mukhti and being better sikhs and human beings.

How can a mona/non amritdhari ever do this in good conscience? they are making a fake promise to guru sahib which they have no intention of keeping, if anythign this makes them worse in my eyes than they were before because now they just made a promise which they wont keep and they dont even have any idea they did!

ignorance is bliss isnt it?

Waheguru ji ka khalsa,

waheguru ji ki fatehh!

Mkhalsa ji, jio when ever u post somethin i seriously learn somethin from it rolleyes.gif<


I agree wit everyone u said and it totally makes sense... when i look back at all the weddings i went to (keeping in mind i have not ever in my life seen a proper gursikh wedding, eventhough i have been an amritdhari for about almost 2 years), i do see my relatives and family friends growing their beards and them same ppl in the parties the same night drinking and fighting.. its like a tradition now... ;)

bul chuk maph

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there is a fine line between sikh culture and punjabi culture....most of teh time the two clash, thus the anand karaj and then afterwards girld dancers dancing around with guys on stage, kanjaris, which is the trend now in punjab at wedding receptions.....messed up stuff as is all of punjab basically.....hey is it true that in the really really olden days there were no lawan, just man and woman sat in front of Guru Granth sahib and heard bani and were married in this fashion?

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