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Images Of Shiva


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bhul chuck maafi but i find the pics a tad bit on the scary side......... :lol:

especially the one with the snake around Shivji's neck blink.gif

erm..........why is that? me just an illiterate murakh but what is shivji known for? wot did he do like?

but me got nuffing against faith.................all religions are beautiful as they bring us closer to God in their own way...........which is the ultimate goal of any faith

He was bitten by a snake and turned blue and someone told me he then took on the poison of the whole world or something...

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Shiv Ji isnt drawn with a beard because it is a sign of everlasting youth, in the same way that Baba Sri Chand is never depicted with a beard.

Gurbar Akaal Bhai Sahib you are a fount of knowledge as always.

With this reply I have got the answer to my original question. I would like to thank all the members who posted pictures.

I request the mods to now close the thread as it has become something which I did not originally envisage.

I do not have any 'hidden' agenda , just a love for art and imagery.

I believe the two bronzes I posted are masterpieces - exquisite examples of the art of metallurgy.

Surely Sarpanch Sahib you can see that ? I understand and share your passion for the Punjab - The fact the second bronze was made in the Punjab in the 5th century must have some impact on you ?

Can you show me any other Punjabi artefact - that has a date and full provenance from the 5th century - that is as beautiful ?

The bronzes are fifth century Punjabi devotion wrought in metal - it is that which makes them outstanding not just that they are of Lord Shiva.

I sincerely apologise if I have hurt or upset any member of SikhSangat

Bhul Chuk Maaf

Pyaar Bhari Sat Sri Akaal

Ranjit Singh 'Freed'

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Gyani Sant Singh Jee Maskeen explained Shivji's appearance amazingly in one of his kathas. He says its hard to verbally spread the message of truth to everyone, so Shivji smeared ashes all over his body, and wore a snake in his neck, which was a message that o people of the world, you are going to be ashes ultimately, as kaal (death) is a noose around your neck 24/7. Thus his mere appearance would pass the message. And yes he is also called neel kanth, i.e. blue throat, because he drank the poison to save the entire world, thats according to Hindu mythology.

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mhWdyau AauDUq hoie qwms AMdr jog n jwxY]

mehaandhaeo aoudhhooth hoe thaamas andhar jog n jaanai||

Though Mahadev was an ascetic of high order but being full of ignorance he could not even identify yoga.

Line 1

BYroN BUq n sUq ivc Kyqr pwl bYqwl iD|wxY]

bhairon bhooth n sooth vich khaethar paal baithaal dhhin(g)aanai||

He merely subordinated Bhairav, ghosts, Ksetrapals, and baitals (all malignant spirits).

Line 2

Ak FDqUrw Kwvxw rwqIN vwsw mVHI mswxY]

ak dtadhhathooraa khaavanaa raatheen vaasaa marrhee masaanai||

He would eat akk ( a wild plant of sandy region – calotropis procera) and datura and lived in cemetery at night.

Line 3

pYnY hwQI SINh Kl faurU vwie krY hrwxY]

painai haathhee sheeneh khal ddouroo vaae karai haraanai||

He would wear the lion or elephant skin and would make people restive by playing on damaru (tabor).

Line 4

nwQW nwQ sdwieMdw hoie AnwQ n hr rMg mwxY]

naathhaan naathh sadhaaeindhaa hoe anaathh n har rang maanai||

He was known as the nath (yogi) of the naths but never becoming masterless (anath) or humble did he remember God.

Line 5

isrT sMGwrY qwmsI jog n Bog n jugiq pCwxY]

sirath sanghaarai thaamasee jog n bhog n jugath pashhaanai||

His main task was to destroy world malignantly. He would not understand the technique of enjoyment and repudiation (yoga).

Line 6

gurmiuK suK Pl swD sMgwxY ]Ă¹]

guramaiukh sukh fal saadhh sangaanai ||a||

One attains the fruits of pleasure be becoming a gurmukh a gurmukh and being in the holy congregation.

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