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Akj Stance On Sri Dasm Granth Sahib Jee

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The Statements are over 1 year old, akj india, california, america, etc fully support sri dasam granth bani 100%, this is not the case in the uk, the reason these were shown, so the uk youth may read them and think again before doing nindya of sri guru gobind singh jees banis.

There is a split, bhai madan singh uk (raagmala book) also wrote again bachitar natak and other compositions in sri dasam granth sahib jee, however the website of akj.org has books which contains compositions from sri bachitar natak.

Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh Jee supported Sri Dasm Granth Sahib Jee 100% as is shown in his books, but i believe that the uk youth wudnt even beleive bhai sahib jee now.

The willenhall program was a success, dont hate, you tried your best to disrupt but it didnt work. Parkash of both granths has happened in history and continues to happen, thee are historical references showing this, but again some dnt like puratan maryada and rehat behat, hence all these issues.

Its sad as even AKJ Germany supports Darshan Ragi, - satnam singh babbar.

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Khalistan Zindamad

No jatha disclaims the bani of Guru gobind Sahibji, and stop avoiding the point. IF u have forgotten the issue im raising is the parkash of Dasam Granth on the same level and under the same palki of sahib sri guru granth sahib. it may have been a success for the taksal peeps there but the common feeling of un biased peeps are that why was the parkash done under the same palki and at the same level.

1) if it was that good, why was there only glimpses of the parkash and not constant streaming of it? is it because it was wrong?

2) why is khalistan zindamad focusing in on akj issues, focus on ur jeevani and maybe when someone raises a point u can say that wahegurus word is absoulute.

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Khalistan Zindamad

1) if it was that good, why was there only glimpses of the parkash and not constant streaming of it? is it because it was wrong?

I wasn't even there and even I know the answer to that: The reason is the Sikh Channel cameramen were specifically instructed to do that. The organisers were complaining like crazy about that in the last few days on this forum.

2) why is khalistan zindamad focusing in on akj issues, focus on ur jeevani and maybe when someone raises a point u can say that wahegurus word is absoulute.

The reason is we are all brothers, and everyone wants to see every jatha in chardi kala. If there's a fight for the succession in DDT, non-DDT Sikhs care about it. If missionary colleges are preaching Kala Afghana, non-missionaries care about it. If a few AKJs are misguided against Dasam Patshah's bani, non-AKJ are concerned about it.

I think if you took a little less confrontational approach towards K_z, you'd get a lot farther. It's hard to even see what you two are fighting about, as kz hasn't said anything against AKJ, and Niddarsingh has clarified he does not doubt Guru Gobind Singh Ji's bani.

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bh force is right in many points, but one i dont agree on is the televised point

If the organisers put in as much effort into pushing the sikh channel, ( whether they did not or did want to show parkash) into screening constant pictures of parkash im sure they could had. Sikh channel gets most of its money out of donations, and im sure the organisers donated a considerable amount to sikh channel, so pushing there point across to the sikh channel organisers would not had been a problem if they truely believed in what they did. instead of certain peeps making cyber threats to people who raised the issue on the program they could had Forced the channel to screen the parkash and not kick in the sikh channel van.

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Phoney babbars of Germany who are from AKJ also oppose Dasam Granth sahib.

These babbars called Darshan ragi last year and honored him.They were babbars

when they read dasam bani and now they have become Gidders.

Akj derive its name from Bhai Sahib Bhai randhir singh ji. If splinter groups do not follow sikh practices they ahev no right to be called AKJ.

AKJ USA and AKJ Canada are 100 percent supporters of Dasam bani.They sing dasam bani extensively in their rehansubahis.They are doing maximum to propagate dasam bani more than anyone else.They consider whole dasam granth as mukhvak patshahi10.

We will prakash dasam granth in seminars in future.

Those who disobey bani of dasam pita they should get out of panth.

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The channel was meant to show both the saroops parkash together, but due to infulence by akj reps - kulwant singh dhesi, tarsem deol etc they didnt show it, hence why the arambh was late as they tried to cancel it. please read my other posts in other threads aswell. i made 7-8 points of how certain ppl tried cancelling and disrupting the program

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inder singh

u should not slander jathas that are not on the same level as u, whether they are right or wrong u have no reason to make theses points.

it is the same when on a certain thread people were calling the taksal, dumdummy taksal. its not nice grow up inder singh

remember when over 50 taksal peeps came to a certain meeting to confront two.yes only two represenatives regarding the willenhall program, did u vote on this too?

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So far i am remaining calm, bhai sahib, your language and tone is not appropriate, why did your jds meet with the gurdvara? - to cancel the program, why didnt they meet us direct?

They said then they agree with dasm bani and after went and preached against it at the next meeting with the youth - why?

Your Jds said they would come to the barsi and if any kick off they would stand up in support of us... why didnt they attend?

inder singh

u should not slander jathas that are not on the same level as u, whether they are right or wrong u have no reason to make theses points.

it is the same when on a certain thread people were calling the taksal, dumdummy taksal. its not nice grow up inder singh

remember when over 50 taksal peeps came to a certain meeting to confront two.yes only two represenatives regarding the willenhall program, did u vote on this too?

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OK, this thread sort of went off in the wrong direction about the willenhall program.

This thread is actually about psuedo-akjs who are really just missionaries with keskis.

As k-z has demonstrated the AKJ is rooted in traditional Sikh views, which means that it has not questioned the Bani of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

I think maybe the reason the so-called Babbars of Germany went off onto the wrong path is perhaps that they don't have a large Sikh community in Germany, and don't have a lot of Sikh literature in German. As such, an isolated community is vulnerable to manipulation by a few dedicated troublemakers. The same happened in Finland with the Ardas thing.

Anybody have any more information on anti-Dasam bani sentiment within the AKJ and what can be done about it to assist panthic AKJs?

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again khalistan zindamad,

wot makes a certain person a member of a jathebandi. dhesi and deol are members of bsc. just because they agree and disagree of certain people does not or does make them a member.

if u had the backing of the majority and addressed the problem in a appropiate manner then it would had been screened constanly




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