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Coventry Anti Gurmat Meeting - Dasam Granth, Nanakshahi Calender

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Has anyone got any audio or vids of the meeting that took place at Cross Roads Coventry Gurdwara last Saturday regarding Nanakshahi Calender, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji & Nindya of Damdami Taksal and its Mahapurkhs?

If s could you put it up or pm me

Are there any pictures from the event please, as it would be nice to see them.

Thank You


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Khalsa ji! i havent been on this for years, but since i havent noticed k_z posting hateful things! yeah he's pro-taksal but every one knows the respect and pyar bhai sahib bhai Randhir Singh ji and Sant gyani Gurbachan Singh ji had :) so if anyones a taksali they wont diss akj :) And, i find its others who always turn it into  an argument and then things get heated and people slande and so forth!! just chill a pit... he asked for audio and hes right anyone whos insulted damdami taksal, sant baba takhur singh ji, sri dasam granth wil never be panthic! no matter what jathebandi they claim to be...;okay going off on a tangent, forgive your little brother :) but Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh Ji started Akhand Kirtani jatha, they were mahapurush of great avastha who the best of my knowledge never said anything about the parkash/ aunthecity of sri dasam granth sahib and their contemporary Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji too cannot be measured for greatness. The pett politics of punjab and the psuedo-sikh jathebandis hold no relevance. Bhai Sahib ji preached theimportance naam simran and pure gurmat .. in fact So did all mahapurush of Damdami taksal. I fail to see the conflict :) those people saying bad this about Sant Takhur Singh ji and Taksal cannot be called true akj members or memebers of any other jathebandi, nor can slanders of Sri Dasam Granth be called true sikhs. Arrogance has clouded them! but this is all waheguru ji's raza (will): we will reach the highest level of haumai theen fall in the lotus feet of Guru Granth Sahib ji!! But until then Shanti rakho ji, khalsa ji if we can't mantain nimrata on a forum then how will we become nirmal in our jeevan! And its important those people do get exposed so yes we can no who we need to be wary of right? so be nice please!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji KI Fateh

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I met a Singh earlier today who said that he had recorded the broadcast of the nindiya on his sky box. I'll see if he can get a copy to you. Unfortunetly there were no recordings of the anti-baba ji/dasam granth meeting that took place behind closed doors at the sikh channel, in which the sikh channel actually TRIED to spread pyar and understanding .. but alas. But a lot of what you will hear from the cov programe speaks volumes about what certain leaders think of pyar between singhs today and the future of the panth. Maharajh kirpa karan.

Also, Matheen brother, it may just be my computer, but everytime you post there is a hugeeee empty space under what you type ... might just be me who sees it though!

AND .. because this topic will cause everyone to read this thread .. there is going to be a raag darbar this weekend in West Bromwich, Birmingham, please make sure you all attend and enjoy kirtan in the most amazing style as maharajh ordered! :)

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Bhai randhir singh was a true Gurmukh.He would never slander bani of tenth master. His writings are full of Dasam bani.

Meeting at coventry is different thing and should not be mixed with name of Bhai sahib ji. Since it was anti dasam Granth meeting organizers have no right to label it as an AKJ gathering. They are anti panthic people and should not use name of aKJ.

Please do not support anti panthic groups.They are kala afghana supporters.No group can succeed with anti panthic agenda.

If there doing nindiya of brahmgyanis, then why do you want to listen??

It may be to expose the anti panthic agents.

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The reason the topic was created was to get the audio, video or pics to actually have knowledge of who was present and what was said.

It is in no way an attack on AKJ Worldwide, the meeting was attended by the UK jathedars and was arranged by them, the UK branch dsnt follow what the rest of the jatha does, and that has been made evident several times before.

Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh Jee is a well respected Gursikh in the panth and is respected by all jathebandia, i have in no way done nindya of them, be it now or in the past, HOWEVER have openly challenged the thinking and acts of the UK jatha, that do not follow the teachings of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee and that of respected Bhai Sahib Jee.

Why Do we want to listen?

To find out what was said 100%, i think the rest of the world should know of the activities of the UK branch. Be it in closed door meetings, or openly like on the weekend, or even at their camps, rainsbais and even to the Sikh Channel and telling them to BAN Taksal Singhs from the TV.

I think this needs to be brought to the wider attention and also the previous ithaas of such things needs to be brought out into the open.

Bhull Chuck Mwaaf Karni, im just speaking my mind as the comments and nindya about baba jee, taksal, sant jarnail singh jee etc that we have been hearing over the years have just come to a high point, and im afraid i dont think there is any going back from here, it has affected a LOT of singhs and will definately effect us all in the NEAR future. We all talk about ekta and panthic unity etc, but im afraid thats a load of rubbish as we ent gursikhs, we dont follow the teachings of our gurus, we dont follow anything, so i dont see how we can possibly achieve any form of ekta, if anything, concentrate on yourself (likewise to me) and maybe achieve that ekta with Guru Jee.

Sorry for offending, and the repeated phone calls and threats dont do me or yourselfs any good. I hope the sangat has realised who actually are not panthic and who actually stir everything in the first place and then try and blame others.

Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Maharaj.

Its Different from what was shown between

Bhai Randheer Singh Jee and Sant Gurbachan Singh Jee

Sant Kartaar Singh Jee and Bhai Fauja Singh Jee

Bhai Fauja Singh Jee and Baba Harnaam Singh Jee rampur khera - Bhai Sahib asked sant jee to do ardaas for them to obtain shaheedi

Bhai Fauja Singh Jee and Sant Jarnail Singh Jee - Bhai Sahib would do kirtan at Mehta Chowk and specifically told Sant Jee not to attend in 1978 but instead send the taksal Singhs and they went, many were shaheed and many were injured.

Sant Jarnail Singh Jee and Bhai Anokh Singh Babbar, Bhai Talwinder Singh Babbar, Bhai Kulwant Singh Nagoke, and above all the khalsa panth

Baba Thakur Singh Jee and Bhai Rajinder Singh Jee, Bhai Sukhdev Singh Babbars singhnee, Bhai Jagtaar Singh Hawara - Several times and only listened to baba jees advice. Baba Thakur Singh Jee and Bhai Rama Singh Jee - Bhai Sahib used to take baba jee and the jatha every time to there house in southall to have langar every time baba jee was in england. Bhai Tarlochan Singh when going to drop off bhai jeevan singh at the airport even went to matha tekh to baba thakur singh jee. When the current Babbars in india and abroad used to have meetings they would do bentia to baba jee to bless them.

Now its the UK branch that are trying to distrupt this up most pyaar and respect. Baba Jee openly challenged everyone, they said whoever dsnt beleive them to come and ask them and they will show sant jee, none of these so called leaders had the b.a.l.l.s to go then, and now they chat on stage.

Sorry, i have been stopped from posting but its a total mockery what these guys are doing.

They challenge the lineage of taksal, but when they needed help they were begging from the same lineage that they are now cussing.

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AKJ in India are firm beliver in bani of tenth master.It is even sin to think that AKJ can ever doubt Dasam bani.

It is a fact that so called AKj , UK has no contacts with India especially after passing away of Bhai rama singh ji.

Once they have no belief in dasam Bani they automatically lose contact with Sarabloh, kirpan, khanda/other sikh weapons and khalsa salutation.

By disassociating form this heritage they become fake AKJ. Some one should bring this to notice of AKj, India.

This is why audio and video recording of the event is very necessary.


Has anyone got any audio or vids of the meeting that took place at Cross Roads Coventry Gurdwara last Saturday regarding Nanakshahi Calender, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji & Nindya of Damdami Taksal and its Mahapurkhs?

If s could you put it up or pm me

Are there any pictures from the event please, as it would be nice to see them.

Thank You


The owner of the following site from germany is a fake Babbar.You can see the photos of this event on his site. He was also invited for thsi event and was one of the speakers.See how he is crying for his mentor ragi darshan singh.


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