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How Should Sikhs View Homosexuality?

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Homosexuality is biological... there are homosexuals in different animal species too.. so it's not a cultural or social influence. It's just the way their brains work. The brain of a homosexual man resembles that of a heterosexual woman (and vice versa for lesbian women), which is why they are attracted to men instead of women. Also there are many people who are born as something "between", or have both female and male reproductive organs. How should these people be classified? Whom are they allowed to love and marry with? And generally, masculinity and femininity manifest themselves in so many different ways in the average heterosexual people too...

Anyway, it's a serious issue.. Denying gay Sikhs the right to marry, is basically to deny them of gristhi jeevan. Either they have to live alone for all their lives, be untruthful and marry a woman (or man in case of lesbians), or break the rehat. What should they do? If anand kaaraj is a union between two souls, why should it matter what the two bodies are like?

Bhen ji, I believe you don't understand even though the soul does not have a gender, Guru Sahib blessed us with gender names, like Singh and Kaur. Otherwise one last name for woman and man would have been good. Guru Sahib recongized man and woman are different and a gristhi jeevan happens between man and woman joined with Anand Karaj.

Inter-gendered people existed in Guru Sahib time, do you really think it's just a new thing and Guru Sahib lacked the knowledge, like what name should they be given if they are not Singh or Kaur, they are bit of both. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji is all knowing and addressed the issue by telling us control your kaam and get into a union of man with woman. Some people are physically attracted to both genders, so which way do they go? Again Guru Sahib knew his Sikhs will rise aboves these foolish arguements and understand man and woman are to be joined together.

A person that is devoted to Waheguru just looks at marriage and eating and sleeping as non-important (just on list as things to do), and just accepts the way of life Guru Sahib lived and accepts it as the path.

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edit- You can't really say a homosexual can or can't be a saint, what grounds do you have for this?

The reason why I say that a homosexual cannot become a saint is because we as humans and as Sikhs need to fight the 5 vices. I dont think anyone has the right to judge anyone else, but one of the 5 vices is Lust. When a homosexual decides to have a relationship with another homosexual then its all Lust/Kaam. If someone who is a homosexual but concentrates on Waheguru and the teachings of the Guru and doesnt let Lustful forces take him/her over then yes they can become Saints. Since I dont really know a lot in depth about this topic, this is what I think from the basics.

Yeah, that's pretty much it, but it applies to straight and nonstraight people as well.

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The Akal Takhat has given a Hukamnama banning Gay marriages or relationships



Thank you for posting this up !!!!

How can someone classify it as an unatural relationship if the person's body is different from the soul. Also I don't think people should have blind faith in what someone else tells you this is something the Gurus have told us to think about as Sikhs.

In my opinion someone could be just as saintly and be gay, gender doesn't matter, differences we find in each other in terms of gender, race, ect.. ect.. are all illusions of separation. We're all one, people fear and instantly try to demonize what they don't understand.

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again sikh sangat does my head in sometimes

brothers asked a simple question and everyone is giving long answers about biology etc??

ok ima be blunt n str8 to the point

waheguru has given us male and female organs for a reason because its natural way of reproducing

when 2 members of the same sex go at it its not for reproduction its for lust and we all know what sikhis stance is on lust

but true we shudnt look down on a gay if they want to be a batty man thats their personal choice but it aint a sikh way of lyf because it goes against the laws of nature its common sense really so cmon lets cum back to planet earth ppl

wjkk wjkf

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again sikh sangat does my head in sometimes

brothers asked a simple question and everyone is giving long answers about biology etc??

ok ima be blunt n str8 to the point

waheguru has given us male and female organs for a reason because its natural way of reproducing

when 2 members of the same sex go at it its not for reproduction its for lust and we all know what sikhis stance is on lust

but true we shudnt look down on a gay if they want to be a batty man thats their personal choice but it aint a sikh way of lyf because it goes against the laws of nature its common sense really so cmon lets cum back to planet earth ppl

wjkk wjkf

Your lack of wanting to understand the biology, let alone our posts regarding the subject tells it all, you disregard it before any discussion. No way to see it differently if you do that.

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homosexuality in this life is due to Karma from a previous life, just as being third gender is, or as they are known: Khusra. Akali Baba Trilok Singh Ji said this is due to paap of previous life which they have to fulfil in this life. So whereas Khusre are unable to bear or sire offspring, homosexuals are similarly aflicted with this same gender attraction. Under no circumstances shold any1 call them stupid things like b-boys. YOu may be one in you next life to atone for it!

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homosexuality in this life is due to Karma from a previous life, just as being third gender is, or as they are known: Khusra. Akali Baba Trilok Singh Ji said this is due to paap of previous life which they have to fulfil in this life. So whereas Khusre are unable to bear or sire offspring, homosexuals are similarly aflicted with this same gender attraction. Under no circumstances shold any1 call them stupid things like b-boys. YOu may be one in you next life to atone for it!


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again sikh sangat does my head in sometimes

brothers asked a simple question and everyone is giving long answers about biology etc??

ok ima be blunt n str8 to the point

waheguru has given us male and female organs for a reason because its natural way of reproducing

when 2 members of the same sex go at it its not for reproduction its for lust and we all know what sikhis stance is on lust

but true we shudnt look down on a gay if they want to be a batty man thats their personal choice but it aint a sikh way of lyf because it goes against the laws of nature its common sense really so cmon lets cum back to planet earth ppl

wjkk wjkf

Your lack of wanting to understand the biology, let alone our posts regarding the subject tells it all, you disregard it before any discussion. No way to see it differently if you do that.

Gay marriages are not Gurmat. Bisexually people are biologicaly attracted to both genders, so to satisfiy them, they get to have two marriage partners of opposite sex. Now do we bend over backwards, which means leave Gurmat of one marriage partner and let these type of people have two? Are you willing to robb them of their so called natural ways. Where is the fairness, I thought Sikhi was all about equality. Your heading down a manmat rollercoaster.

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