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** Evidence Of Gravesend Granthi Drinking, Eating Meat**

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I am saddened by this video from every single angle possible. It has backstabbers written all over it with pretty much everybody being one including some of the people writing in this thread. I've been to the Gravesend Gurudwara a few times and am very proud that our panth has made such an achievement and I wouldn't let something like this incident spoil that for me. This paathi is disgraceful and I'm glad to know he has been booted out. But what he did isn't something unheard of. But I don't beleive he has much of a conscience being able to do beadbi in such a way. You can also judge his confused conscience by the way he hates, swears at and then appreciates and praises the same people he mentions. But I think a lot of people do that in general conversation with their 'mates' (who in this case also are backstabbers and are blatantly egging him on, well at least they brought out the truth for everybody). I don't think its fair to blame the committee people or Seva Singh Lalli for this guy's actions either as the proof has only come out now. Anybody would side with a paathi they see as a respectful person (or who has a respectful facade in this case) when somebody comes and beats him up in the gurudwara and alleges something. It could have been a personal grudge and then a story to cover it all. How would Seva Singh Lalli or anybody else know?

And from my little knowledge of gravesend gurudwara, I feel that some of the people are being ungrateful over this incident towards some of the people who have worked hard to help achieve what not many others have. I have always only heard praise about the Gravesend committee compared to other towns where people get stabbed and beaten in gurudwara politics/elections. You guys should be proud and releived you haven't had to go through elections for the last 9 years and even next 2 years. My understanding is that the same pardhaan has again been unanimously chosen by the sangat just a couple of weeks ago despite some people raising minor objections due to some committee members not sharing the same opinions with some of the other members. But that's natural when you try to bring both/all the groups in the town together and work as a collective unit. I've been told that there are 2 or more groups in the town and they were only willing to back this pardhaan (Dhesi) unanimously to avoid an election. Apparently he offered to step down being unable to devote much time, but then the groups were not willing to go for an election or compromise on any other pardhaan. I think you guys should be proud of being able to keep the whole community of a town all together, especially where there is only one mainstream gurudwara in the whole town compared to 15-20 in some other towns. This gurudwara is probably only so grand because it has the backing of the whole town. Gravesend Gurudwara is an example and we shouldn't let anybody taint it like this. So I would appeal to everybody in this thread to avoid namecalling, mudslinging or expressing any personal grievances to certain members of the committee and move on like ks55 is now saying.

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The Gravesend Gurdwara does not look that grand.

The shape of the building does look good, however the grey marble looks crap.

The grey marble looks like concrete. What twat (on LSD trip) decided to blow £8million on that grey marble needs to be hung, drawn and quartered at the Gravesend Clocktower.

We all known they won't be able to repay their loans in full, let alone keep up with the monthly maintenance costs. No consideration was put on the energy efficiency on the building, which is graded at a G.

We all known that in 30 years time the Gurdwara will be repossed by the UK banks and turned into flats....(thankfully at least the local pigeons will be without a home).

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Please clear some facts please. After such indisputable video evidence of the Granthi pouring "pegs", is this Granthi still allowed to do sewa at Gravesend Gurdwara? If so, then this is absolutely disgraceful.

It's obvious that the video of him openly drinking in his kachera was taken after he had already been confronted in the Gurdwara by the Sangat for smelling of alcohol (as he states himself in the video). Yet if he had any remorse, the content of his discussion about what happened would show some regrets but NO, the pathetic person is getting drunk again! So not only was he caught drunk, the joker carries on drinking.

What kind of ludicrous state are we in where a Granthi drinks, does sermons in our Gurdwara and there are people coming on this forum saying that the way in which this fraudster was confronted was "unethical"! Come on guys, start seeing things in black and white.

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I bet that Sony vaio laptop didn't come cheap and probably brought with the sangats money, which even wasn't gathered by honest means, as this guy is showing double standards. why are committee members turning a blind eye to situations like this? Why oh because some of them are in on the money too. Most gurdware are now almost like a business rather than doing good for humanity. These type of people should be named and shamed on various media such as Sikh channel so the whole world can see and ex communicate from the path those who do wrong and never be allowed to do seva for the panth again, but what goes around comes around it's only a matter of time...

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I bet that Sony vaio laptop didn't come cheap and probably brought with the sangats money, which even wasn't gathered by honest means, as this guy is showing double standards. why are committee members turning a blind eye to situations like this? Why oh because some of them are in on the money too. Most gurdware are now almost like a business rather than doing good for humanity. These type of people should be named and shamed on various media such as Sikh channel so the whole world can see and ex communicate from the path those who do wrong and never be allowed to do seva for the panth again, but what goes around comes around it's only a matter of time...

No he shouldn't be "named and shamed" you fool. He made a mistake yes, and he has been punished accordingly . You tell me what naming and shaming or "exposing" someone who made a mistake achieves. Hes made a mistake that he will live with, you are not God, unless you are perfect you have no right to "expose" him.

People that think like this really piss me off, focus on your own jeevan before you judge other.

EVERYBODY MAKES MISTAKES, there are SENSIBLE ways you deal with them before you just jump to the solution of "oh let's embarrass him even more."

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The fact that he's talking about this without any remorse shows he is still guilty from a Gurmat perspective. Until he goes Pesh, is truly sorry for his Bujjar Kurehit and changes his ways, Sikh Sangat have every right to make an example of him, because he shamed the institution of "Granthi" sevadaar, a duty Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaaj gave to Brahmgyani Baba Buddha Jee!

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@ xtremesingh- oi don't call me a fool you don't even know me emi! You can't judge me on those standards you ain't god either! I have a opinion which is why I posted doesn't make me a saint who said I was? A mistake are you having a laugh that's no mistake LOL it's there before your eyes watch the video unless you are some sort of body guard of his.. Mistake that's funny it's a joke the guy why would a granthi chat a load of crap and drink eat meat you call that a mistake that's no mistake that's his intentions if noone can face the truth don't voice your opinions based upon lies!!!!!

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Mandy Mandy Mandy!! My good friend mandyyyy!!! firstly please could you use punctuation properly, I'm not trying to be a prick or anything by saying that, I just genuinely found it hard to understand exactly what you were saying.

Regardless of whether he intended to do it or not ( and obviously he knew exactly what he was doing- I'm not denying that), it is still classified as a mistake right? If you do something you shouldn't, the general name given to such an action is a "mistake".

Im also finding it hard to find exactly where I lied, or shared my opinion based upon a lie as you said. If you could tell me that would be great as I can work on being a more honest person. :rolleyes2:

You are not a fool, I take it back, on the contrary you seem to be very wise. I apologise for that particular part of my message... I made a MISTAKE. :-)

I love you really, please don't hate me :unsure2:

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