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** Evidence Of Gravesend Granthi Drinking, Eating Meat**

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what kind of proof is that "ask anyone in gravesend" what a fool this person is. having spoken to sewa singh about this, he is totally against the giani's and there misdeeds. The information on this forum about sewa singh is misleading and an indirect attack on the AKJ UK. He has stood for many like issues in the past and the sangat is aware of that. I keep on hearing that sewa singh is not supporting the singhs, WHAT singhs . one of them is a mona guy that beat the giani up, they have a history of all sorts of wrong doings. These so called singhs are NOT following the panthic maryada, they are followers of nabh kamal raja sahib, calling him satguru. Well known fact, ask anyone in gravesend or search google. This granthi problem could have been easily resolved, but It was an deliberate attempt to discredit the biggest gurdwara outside of india. Who the hell is Sanghera ? so called babbar supporting these people. I am also asking Avtar Singh Sanghera to explain where he stands i.e , is he with these people for personal gains or the panth. Sewa singh lalli is currently the assistant jathedar of AKJ UK. The AKJ do not tolerate this kind of misdeeds by giani's or anyone else in our gurdwara's . If you are not completely satisfied you can contact him directly.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

I wrote seva singh lallie is supporting the granthis, proof is - ask anyone in gravesend.

Avtar Singh Sanghera of AKJ even phoned laallie and told him to stop supporting the granthis and stick with the singhs.

Too many issues there. I didnt write the comment without proof.

s50 i didnt say akj are supporting, i mentioned a singhs name, akj are against this and have phoned the singh to stop supporting the granthis

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LOLLL yh thats why they are sending their armies around the world behind america...the truth is this couttry has strong millitary allies to back their word up which is why the world listens...

why do you thiink that is than THICK head - it's because they have a brain behind the army - not senseless jatt boot pindo actions which have happened in this case. If you don't have anything good to say don't say it.

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Lol people like throwing around abuse these days hey! Is calling someone a thick head (lol!!) helping the thread or a good thing to say? N the gunman is 100% correct. This country got to where it is by being incredibly violent, cut throat, devious and manipulative. Yeh they used their brains but having navies, mercenaires, and nuclear bombs has all helped. :)

Guy on the video best have been deported back to india by now. Can anyone confirm whether this lowlife fake is still at the Gurdwara? Most of the guys I know would have done the same, bust the lights out of them. We all talk of heroes and saint soldiers etc, but when a Patti been caught in a Gurdwara having been drinking suddenly we turn into pappus! Look at the singhs you all admire and posters on your Walls and kavitas and varaan you listen to, what would they have done? Call the committee?!

Well done for giving juthia to these besharams.

I'd post what sant jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale said about this scenario, but I might get accused of trying to take over the Gurdwara as well or something.

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why do you thiink that is than THICK head - it's because they have a brain behind the army - not senseless jatt boot pindo actions which have happened in this case. If you don't have anything good to say don't say it.

Thick head??...OOOO im soo scared...your such a powerful fearless warrior throwing insults like THICK head on a internet forrum...BRAVO BRAVE MAN!!!..BRAVO!!

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whatever the issue but those videos are really disgusting !!! Sangat should help officials to deport him back to india asap and gurdwara managements should establish a rule that wherever that sharabi/kababi fake granthi got his small gurbani education; that particular institution should be kept under watch..

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MR Singh

you have seen the video and it is there in black and white gurdwara gianis drinking and if my lalli wants to support these people so be it , but remember on one hand you want khalistan the other you want gianis drinking doing path is this right mr lalli was told and he defended the giani all the way that was his choice..

if you have any other statements about the babbars and who the are reveal you identity and lets do this the proper way stop being a big man hiding behind a computer , MRSINGHS SUPPORTS DRUNK GIANIS



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As Ekpanth has mentioned its there in black and white. the gravesend giani beating incedent i believe took place on the 4th june 2011 and the videos i believe where made public on the 20th july 2011. In the video the giani is clearly stating that when some committe members smelt the breath of the giani that got beaten up they could not smell any alcohol, so between 4th june & 20th july 2011 there was no proof. The proof only came out when these videos were made public. In video part 2 at around 4:15 mark , it is clearly visible that the person who made this video and asking all the questions is a amritdhari sikh wearing a blue dumalla, open beard and wearing a simrana on his wrist and is clearly stating to the giani that if they needed to drink they should have come to his place and he is also the son of a giani from a london gurdwara. My question to Ekpanth and all those trying to exploit the gravesend gurdwara issue is , where do you stand NOW. Are you supporting those people who made those videos. the giani issue in gravesend is being dealt with by the gurdwara and the sangat and to ensure it does not happen again. As for your comment on khalistan and giani's drinking are clearly childish. As for the Babbars, they are one of the most inportant part of the panth and have sacrificed so much in our struggle, but a real Babbar does not go around boasting that he or she is a Babber, and as for doing it the proper way , i would not waste my time on you fake. My only concern is to stop malicious propaganda against the gravesend gurdwara and our sangat. Also i still need to know where Mr sanghera stands

MR Singh

you have seen the video and it is there in black and white gurdwara gianis drinking and if my lalli wants to support these people so be it , but remember on one hand you want khalistan the other you want gianis drinking doing path is this right mr lalli was told and he defended the giani all the way that was his choice..

if you have any other statements about the babbars and who the are reveal you identity and lets do this the proper way stop being a big man hiding behind a computer , MRSINGHS SUPPORTS DRUNK GIANIS



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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!

I am from Gravesend and it is shocking to see this all happening in my own town. Where you go to for peace and happiness these disgusting events are taking place. What is going on? The granthi or whatever you want to call him is meant to be there to educate you and teach you from right from wrong but if he is the one who is committing these wrongdoings. Who are we meant to look up to? It is very upsetting to see this "granthi" drinking alcohol, eating meat and in such a state that you would not believe that he is a religious man. From the video he seems to have been drinking for such a long time as he explains when he goes to Bexley to drink. Throughout his "interview" he mentions Swaran Singh, Swaran knew the whole time, along with other committee members that this so called pathi drinks. Why did he not get some guts and throw him out then instead of waiting for someone to find out from this video. It is shocking to see the pardaan is still the pardaan now, why? The committee has also been changed and the ones who actually do something are not even part of it. The new members are just useless as they do not have the guts to even stand up for themselves or others. Who would we go to if something happens? The pardaan and the committee should be changed and the Sikh community should be able to elect who should be the new pardaan. I urge you all to do something about it, as a whole we can stop this from happening in the future. As a panth we can stand up for this disrespect happening at the Gurdwara. It seems as they are only interested to be part of the committee as it boosts their ego.

If this keeps on happening what will the younger generation grow up to be like?

The new Gurdwara is amazing and beautiful, we need someone honest and trustworthy who stands up for their rights and listens to everyone's views (unlike the present pardaan).

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Firstly I would like to say that this is a great shame for the Sikh community that this issue has been raised in this particular way.

Just to make things clear the granthi that was beaten up in the Gravesend Gurdwara was not employed by the Gurdwara at all. This Granthi respected everyone. People have mentioned that this Granthi was being paid £500-600 a week, where is the proof of this? He was not being paid any wages by the Gurdwara, compared to the other granthi currently at the Gurdwara who get paid £200-250 a week, and then get more on top of this from the money that the sangat give them.

Nobody ever witnessed this particular granthi coming into the Gurdwara drunk. The only problem that he faced was that he was paying the price of a disorganised management team from the top level down. A majority of these management team only turn up for the big occasions to boost their own publicity within the community or within the media.

The night that the Paathi was beaten up by two so called Singh’s that were carrying out sewa for an Akhaand Paath. These individuals were purposefully misinformed by certain committee members and were encouraged to carry out this act. After beating the Granthi up the individuals decided to call committee members to discuss what to do next. If they were really that concerned why did they not call the committee members before hand? When the committee members did turn up the area where he was beaten up in was completely cleaned and no one would could smell any alcohol. Considering one of the Singh’s has a brother who is a Sergeant in the Kent Police, surely he should know what the law is, and the fact that he can not take it into his own hands. The Granthi was taken to the hospital by ambulance with some committee members, in hospital there was no mention of him having any alcohol in his body, after he was discharged from hospital after several hours he returned to the Gurdwara.

If these individuals felt they were doing the right thing by beating this person up, then why did someone try to ruin the CCTV footage, not only by taking the footage but by also taking the main hard drives, which is kept in a locked area, where only two individuals are key holders, how did this happen??? Even if the Granthi was drunk on that night what right did they have to beat him up in a place of worship?

With regards to the you tube video, why were the guys in the background putting words into his mouth? I personally believe that it is disgraceful for any human being to enter the Gurdwara under the influence of alcohol. It has been known that in the previous Gurdwara in Clarence Place the gyani were drinking alcohol within their quarters upstairs, names were: Gurdwara Granthi, and Jay Singh and Darshan Singh Pathara, these people were drinking regularly and this was a known fact.

For general information for everyone Mr Sewa Singh Lalli has nothing to do with the Gurdwara committee, and is also the Leader of Khalistan. He has nothing to do with the Gurdwara management committee.

Ram :happybouncer:

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Kirpa Kaur jee you're 100% correct. -- and as for Ramram jeeo i agree with you too sir, however you say mr lalli has nothing to do with the committee then why does he not keep his nose out of it and concentrate on khalistan matters?? why did he speak at the ijlass couple of weeks ago like a puppet to jaspal dhesi pardan.???

the new committee include the baksees singh sodhi the old nirankari - follower hand in glove with indian goverment - -- sodhi and his crew were elected out of gravesend gudwara more than decade ago due to them showing the gurdwara at a loss every year - year after year till people got sick and tired of it. Then after they got voted out - Mr Gill was elected - who in the first year managed to save £90000 in one year --!!! - now the sodhiee who never comes to the gurdwara for any other reason apart from politics is back in power -- very very sad state of affairs -- 100% certain this indian governmet guy as there are a few others in gravesend. the bigger power man behind him IS NARINDERJIT thandee -- who is the quite one - you know what they say about quite ones being the worse ones.-- he has not said a single word either against the alchol abuse and he is MR SIKH STUDENT FEDERATION MAN -- IF SEWA SINGH LALLEE IS TO BLAME THEN IS SO IS THIS CHARACTER TOO - ask anyone what did he say about the alchol incident in gravesend.,

enough said about these committeee BOAKS - NO NEED TO WASTE ANY MORE TIME ON THEM - instead focus on the future -- what future is there where the youth generation gap is so large -- there is no youth committed to the gurdwara - therefore this sad state of affairs we see in this thread.

and ramram jeeo if as you say all these boyz are playing a political game for power with giani and pathhess as PAWNS then their TRUTH has come about in the OPEN for GOOD.

What solution do we have - for a 13 million pound building with a 500000 over draft - whose accounts if you look on the wall NO TRANSPERENCY WHATSOEVER. - -IF ANYONE comes to the Gurdwara please reaD THE accounts on the BOARD INSIDE - SEEMS A 10 YEAR OLD COULD DO A better job -- no BREAKDOWN of COSTS - JUST LARGE SUMS OF MONEY PAID HERE AND THERE - SANGAT IS BEING FOOLED -


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