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Criminal Amitabh Bachan

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Ajmer Singh Randhawa has been making these allegations for years. To date he has never produced any evidence, if there was evidence then Bachan could be barred from entry into the UK (as Tytler was a few years ago). So its time Ajmer Singh Randhawa put up the evidence so an alleged criminal can have some legal sanctions put in place against him.

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Ajmer Singh Randhawa has been making these allegations for years. To date he has never produced any evidence, if there was evidence then Bachan could be barred from entry into the UK (as Tytler was a few years ago). So its time Ajmer Singh Randhawa put up the evidence so an alleged criminal can have some legal sanctions put in place against him.

in 1984 all of indias eyes were glued to the only tv channel they had at that time, doordarshan tv. on this tv channel, many - not just ajmer singh randhawa, but others across india heard amitabh's comments - they were said live. now, in 1984 televisions in homes was a luxary for many, and even fewer would have had vcr recorders. now, out of the minority that would have had vcr recorders, how many of them would have been recording amitabs comments? none because no one knew he was going to say them. so yes its virtually impossible to have solid proof because 1984 was no where near as advanced with technology as we are today. It is not only Ajmer who has made these allegations. The common elders in delhi know the truth.

if we look at the facts:

- amitabh was a close friend to rajeev

- amitabhs mum was a close friend to indira

- there are many who have said that amitabh made these comments, but the comments at that time would have seemed trivial given the prime minister had just been assassinated. Also at this time was anti sikh propaganda running throughout Indian media, genocides taking place in several parts of the country - predominantly in the countries capital... even the army had given poisoned food with to the sikhs after the genocide. There was so much huge news, and cover ups going on ofcourse amitabs "khoon ka badla khoon" comment will go unreported whilst all this is going on.

-during the 1984 genocide, doordarshan did not report that sikhs were being killed AT ALL even though crowds were heard at indiras funeral on tv saying "khoon ka badla khoon" etc. so if thousands of Sikhs getting hacked / burnt is not going to make headlines, how can we expect amitabs inciting crowds to kill to reach headlines? just because its in the past now that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

-in 2007 amitabh told ndtv that he does not believe operation bluestar was a mistake... i find this interesting because most indians i have spoken to believe it was a mistake. Anyway, even if this was amitabs belief, he could have went on to say "sikhs have suffered aloit" or "the situation could have been handled better by the indian government" but he did not. Interestingly he boasts "my mother is a sikh"....

with all this in mind... it is extremely probable that amitabh was promoting the killing of sikhs... we already know his close friend rajeev did.

im going alittle offtopic here...

in this video sonia ghandi confirms indira gave instructions to rajeev of what she wanted to happen after she would die. she says indira knew she would die.

sant ji said many times in their speeches that indira use to threaten Sikhs by saying "remember there are Sikhs in delhi"... and "remember there are Sikhs out side of Punjab"... even indira's messenger swami vishnudevananda threatened santji with exactly the same thing.

the sikh genocide was planned. before sikhs were being burnt alive hospitals in delhi were told to close their burns units. there was large quantities of highly flammable white powder mysteriously available all across delhi to burn Sikhs with. Sikh homes were specifically marked and targetted by the government. it was all planned. indira knew she would die, in fact the whole indian nation did. she signed her own death certificate with op bluestar. she knew she was going to die and she made preparations for the genocide before hand.

indira knew she would die. she planned the sikh genocide with rajeev. and amitabh was rajeevs bumchum.

It is on the basis of what i have written above, i believe elders when they say they have witnessed amitabh live in nov 84 on doordarshan tv inciting mobs to kill Sikhs.

re: ajmer singhs video evidence:

could someone please provide a source of where ajmer singh has claimed to have video evidence?... i will personally write to him and request it... such evidence should be made public as some sangat has already suggested.

another thing we often forget to mention is that indira was by no means a democratic leader. she was a criminal. she was found guilty of election fraud, at this she illigitimatly declared a state of emergency to re-write the constition and legalise her criminal activity.

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Amitabh Bachchan's mum was a Sikh.

yh so was jagdish tytler LOL..and yet he organised the killing of supposedly his own people...dont use that <banned word filter activated> on us..amitabh bachan is a hindu..he goes mandir..he prays to idols...he obeys the word of the bhramin pandit...he is not a sikh...why are there so many india a** lickers on this forum?!

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yh so was jagdish tytler LOL..and yet he organised the killing of supposedly his own people...dont use that <banned word filter activated> on us..amitabh bachan is a hindu..he goes mandir..he prays to idols...he obeys the word of the bhramin pandit...he is not a sikh...why are there so many india a** lickers on this forum?!

If you read what i wrote... I said his mum was a Sikh - I did not say he was a Sikh.

You forget that our Gurus fought for the rights of these 'idol worshippers' to go to their mandir and worship.

I suggest you study our history.

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People asking for proof:

Babu Singh Dukhia, a resident of Tirlok Puri in Delhi, claimed there were eyewitnesses that saw Amitabh Bachchan inciting mobs to avenge the death of Indira Gandhi. The documentary says Amitabh Bachchan was clearly involved in inciting mobs and was heard saying “khoon ka badla khoon” at the funeral of late Indira Gandhi.

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Sikhs don't hate Hindus and Hindus don't hate Sikhs. Its people who hate.

Niether religion enforces hate upon the other nor does either religion ask to hate in the name of their religion. Our Gurus taught us to fight oppression not the faith of the oppresor.

Obviously you get nut jobs who blame it upon the WHOLE religion which is wrong. Theres fundamentalist on all sides who say stuff in the name of religion, use your brians and think does the religion itself say that. The answer is no people twist things to get people on board to hate others on religious grounds. Classic divide and rule tactics.

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